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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « termination » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Sedigh Alipanahpour, Naeimeh Tayebi, Mahnaz Zarshenas, Marzieh Akbarzadeh *

     Abortion is an important pregnancy complication with short-term and long-term adverse physical and psychological effects on women.


     The present study aimed to investigate the short-term physical and psychological effects of various types of medical abortion in pregnant women referring to educational and medical centers in Shiraz, Iran.


     In this cross-sectional study, among 5176 deliveries by the women referring to Shiraz Educational and Forensic Medicine Centers during a 4-month period, 437 pregnancies ended in abortion and thus were included in this study. A questionnaire was completed for each of the abortions, recording demographic characteristics and midwifery information. As well, the Mississippi Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Scale (M‑PTSD) was filled. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using appropriate statistical tests.


     The most common physical complications of induced and spontaneous abortion were fever (10.3%) and the need for transfusion of blood products (4.6%). Among the patients who received abortion therapy, 73.1% had moderate stress due to psychological complications.


     Since the most common complications after abortion are fever, the need for blood transfusion, and bleeding, it is recommended to prepare a protocol to standardize post-abortion care. Most women in both induced and spontaneous abortion groups had moderate levels of stress. Due to the lack of attention to the mental health of the women experiencing abortion, it is necessary for these women to receive adequate supportive counseling, in addition to other medical services, after abortion.

    Keywords: Induced, Spontaneous, Medical, Psychological Women, Pregnancy, Termination, Complication, Physical, Abortion}
  • Somayeh Safarzade, Isaac Rahimian Boogar, Siavash Talepasand
    Therapist related factors and also patient has many effects on phenomenon of successful termination of psychotherapy. Factor and growing a combination of these factors causes the patient to prematurely leave the psychotherapy sessions. This study aimed to investigate the role of demographic factors in predicting of successful termination of individual psychotherapy. Population study contained all of patients who referred to psychiatry and psychology clinics. Researcher made demographic questionnaire and outcome questionnaire were used to collect data. Stepwise regression analysis revealed that referral source, severity problem, income, access treatment, gender, level of education, therapist's level of education and type of therapy were predictors of successful termination and the final research model can predict 61% of the variance in the criterion for the successful termination of psychotherapy. There was no significant relationship between the cost of the treatment and the clinical diagnosis with successful termination of individual psychotherapy. The results showed that demographic factors are important predictors of successful termination of individual psychotherapy.
    Keywords: Demographic, Drop Out, Psychotherapy, Successful, Termination}
  • Ahmad Mirdamadi, Hosna Gharavi, Mohaddeseh Behjati
    Pregnancy is strongly discouraged in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Herein, we report a successful delivery in a woman with PAH using a multidisciplinary approach. A 30-year-old pregnant woman with PAH was referred to us with a chief complaint of dyspnea. She was advised to terminate her pregnancy but she refused to do so despite several recommendations by healthcare professionals. She was scheduled for treatment with iloprost (brand name: Ilomedin) and heparin infusions for 3-4 days at 20-day intervals. She spent her last month of pregnancy in a hospital under close observation and received iloprost infusion. She underwent a successful cesarean section under general anesthesia at week 36 of gestation. Iloprost administration was continued for one week after delivery and was changed to bosentan after that. Meanwhile, heparin infusion was substituted by warfarin. However, treatment with bosentan led to a temporary interruption in breastfeeding. A few days later, she presented with severe dyspnea and pulmonary artery pressure of 110 mmHg. Treatment was restarted with iloprost, followed by stabilization with bosentan. A successful delivery was achieved in this situation by meticulous observation and aggressive treatment targeting PAH, along with long-term hospital stay and multidisciplinary management. Severe PAH is regarded as a contraindication to pregnancy. While physicians strongly recommend termination of pregnancy in such patients, some of them might refuse and insist on delivery of the baby. Similar pregnant cases with potential delivery are recommended to be evaluated for effective management of this condition. Key words: Pulmonary artery hypertension, Pregnancy, Termination
    Keywords: Pulmonary artery hypertension, Pregnancy, Termination}
  • آرش ابراهیمی
    عقود اذنی عقودی هستند که اثر اصلی آن ها اذن است. در این دسته از عقود در نتیجه ایجاب و قبول، اذن حاصل می شود. از ویژگی های اذن، وابستگی آن به اراده طرفین عقد است. در نتیجه در هر مورد اراده فرد زایل شود اذن ساقط می شود. زوال اذن، انفساخ عمل حقوقی را به دنبال خواهد داشت. مطالعه آناتومی مغز نشان می دهد قسمت قشر مغز خاستگاه اراده انسان است و هرگاه فعالیت این بخش از مغز متوقف یا مختل شود، اذن ساقط خواهد شد. قانون مدنی فوت، جنون و سفه را از اسباب انفساخ عقود اذنی دانسته است اما در مورد سایر مواردی که اراده فرد را تحت تاثیر قرار می دهد و منجر به کاهش محتوای هوشیاری شخص می گردد، ساکت است. مطالعه در این زمینه نشان می دهد هرگاه فعالیت قشر مغز متوقف شود یا محتوای هوشیاری فرد در نتیجه مصرف مشروبات الکلی، مواد مخدر یا روانگردان ها در حد جنون کاهش یابد، اذن زایل و عمل حقوقی منفسخ خواهد شد.
    کلید واژگان: اذن, انفساخ, محتوای هوشیاری, زندگی نباتی, جنون, مستی, حالات ناشی از سوءمصرف مواد مخدر و روانگردان ها}
    Arash Ebrahimi
    Letting contracts are those in which, their main effect is making permission. In this type of contracts, at the result of offer and acceptance, permission is obtained. Of the features of permission, is its dependence on the will of the contracting parties. Thus, in any case, that the will of person disappears, permission is void. Permission void, causes terminating legal operation. The study of brain anatomy shows that the cortex is the source of human will and in the cases that the activity of brain, named cortex, is stopped, the will disappears, the permission is missing, and the contract is terminated. Civil law, knows death and madness, and insanity, as the tools of letting contracts termination. But in other cases, the person in whom, his will is affected, and the content of consciousness is reduced, it is silent. The study in this case show that, when the activity of bran stops, or his consciousness reduces as madness, because of alcohol, drugs, psychotropic substances, the permission is missing, and the contract is terminated.
    Keywords: permission, termination, content of consciousness, vegetative life, madness, drunkenness, drug, induced states, psychoactive}
  • محسن فکرت، مریم کاشانیان، سید محمد هاشم علوی، سامیه علی نژاد
    زمینه و هدف
    در موارد نیاز به ختم بارداری و آماده نبودن سرویکس برای القای زایمان، یافتن روشی مناسب برای مناسب نمودن آن یکی از مسایل بسیار مورد توجه در مامایی می باشد. هدف از انجام این مطالعه مقایسه تاثیر میزوپروستول واژینال و کشش بر روی گردن رحم با سوند فولی و ترکیب این دو روش با یکدیگر در مواردی است که سرویکس برای القای زایمان مناسب نیست.
    روش بررسی
    مطالعه به صورت کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی در بیمارستان شهید اکبرآبادی و در فاصله زمانی فروردین تا اسفند 1383 انجام گرفت. 300 زن باردار با سن بارداری 28 هفته و بیشتر و دارای اندیکاسیون ختم بارداری، امتیاز بیشاپ کمتر یا مساوی 5، دارای بارداری تک قلویی وارد مطالعه شده و به سه گروه تقسیم شدند. برای 100 نفر گروه اول، میزوپروستول واژینال با دوز mg25 هر 3 ساعت و حداکثر تا 6 دوز تجویز شد. در 100 نفر گروه دوم، سوند فولی شماره 16 و پرشده با ml30 مایع از طریق سرویکس عبور داده شد و با کشش در بالای مجرای داخلی سرویکس قرار گرفت. در 100 نفر گروه سوم نیز هر دو روش توام انجام شد. سپس طول مدت شروع روش القاء تا زایمان، طول مرحله فعال زایمان، زمان القاء تا شروع مرحله فعال، میزان سزارین و آپگار نوزادان در سه گروه با یکدیگر مقایسه شد. داده های حاصل با استفاده از نرم افزار آماری SPSS و تست های c2، آنالیز واریانس یک طرفه و کروسکال والیس مورد تجزیه و تحلیل آماری قرار گرفت. 05/0p< معنی دار در نظر گرفته شد.
    بیماران سه گروه از نظر سن، سن بارداری، تعداد بارداری های قبلی و امتیاز بیشاپ اولیه اختلاف معنی داری نداشتند. فاصله شروع القاء تا زایمان در گروه میزوپروستول به طور معنی داری کمتر از دو گروه دیگر بود (3±5/10 ساعت در گروه میزوپروستول، 4/2±3/12 ساعت در گروه کشش و 5/2±7/11 ساعت در گروه ترکیبی، 001/0p<)، فاصله شروع مرحله فعال تا زایمان نیز در گروه میزوپروستول کمتر از گروه سوند فولی بود (001/0p<) و طول مرحله فعال در گروه میزوپروستول 9/1±5/5 ساعت، در گروه فولی 6/1±6/6 ساعت و در گروه ترکیبی 5/1±1/6 ساعت بوده است. از نظر طول زمان القاء تا شروع مرحله فعال، آپگار نوزادان، دفع مکونیوم توسط جنین و نیز میزان سزارین بین سه گروه اختلاف معنی داری وجود نداشت.
    نتیجه گیری
    میزوپروستول و سوند فولی روش های خوبی برای القاء زایمان و آماده کردن سرویکس هستند ولی ترکیب نمودن آنها بر میزان تاثیر آنها نمی افزاید و به نظر می رسد تاثیر سینرژیک بر یکدیگر نداشته باشند. بنابراین در موارد نیاز به ختم بارداری و آماده نبودن سرویکس برای زایمان توام کردن این روش ها توصیه نمی شود.
    کلید واژگان: میزوپروستول, سوند فولی, القاء زایمان, آماده سازی سرویکس, پروستاگلاندینE1, امتیاز بیشاپ, سزارین, ختم بارداری}
    Mohsen Fekrat, Maryam Kashanian, Seyyed Mohammad Hashem, Alavi, Samieh Ali, Nezhad
    Finding the most suitable method for cervical ripening in patients with all the indications for terminating their pregnancy, is a considerable problem in obstetrics. The objective of this study was to compare intravaginal misoprostol, traction on the cervix with a Foley catheter and a combination of the two methods for the induction of labor.
    Materials and Methods
    This randomized clinical trial was performed at Shahid Akbar-Abadi teaching Hospital from March 2004 to February 2005, on 300 pregnant women with a gestational age of 28 weeks, who had the indications for terminating their pregnancy. All of the cases had a Bishop score of 5 and were singletons. In 100 patients (Group 1), misoprostol (25g every 3 hours up to a maximum dose of 6) was used intravaginally. In the next 100 patients (Group 2), a No. 16 Foley’s catheter was introduced into the intracervical canal, its bulb being filled with 30 ml of distilled water, to exert traction on the cervix. In the last 100 patients (Group 3), a combination of the two methods was used. The time interval between the start of the methods to delivery, duration of the active phase of labor, the interval between the beginning of the methods to beginning of the active phase, cesarean section rates and neonatal Apgar scores were compared in the three groups. The obtained data were statistically analyzed by SPSS software employing χ2, one-way ANOVA and Kruskal Wallis tests.
    There were no statistically significant differences between the three groups according to age, gestational age, parity and Bishop scores. The interval between the beginning of the methods and delivery was shorter in the misoprostol group (p0.001)_10.53 hours in misoprostol group, 12.32.4 hours in the Foley catheter group and 11.72.5 hours in the combination group. The duration of active phase in the misoprostol group was less than the Foley catheter group (p0.001)_ 5.51.9 hours in the misoprostol group, 6.61.6 hours in the Foley catheter group and 6.11.5 hours in the combination group. There was no statistically significant difference between the three groups regarding the interval between the beginning of the methods and the beginning of the active phase, neonatal Apgar score or cesarean section rates.
    Misoprostol and Foley catheters are good methods for cervical ripening and the induction of labor, but the combination of the two methods does not increase their effectiveness and there seems to be no synergistic effects.
    Keywords: Misoprastol, Foley catheter, Labor induction, Cervical ripening, Prostaglandin E1, Bishop score, Delivery time, Cesarean section, Termination, Pregnancy}
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