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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Developmental » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • رویا موسایی، خدیجه ابوالمعالی الحسینی*، فریبرز باقری

    پژوهش حاضر با هدف تدوین بسته آموزشی رشد محور ویژه بزرگسالان 35 تا 45 سال انجام شد. 

    مواد و روش ها

    پژوهش حاضر به روش کیفی از نوع تحلیل کیفی متن به روش قراردادی صورت گرفت جامعه پژوهشی شامل کتب و مقالات تخصصی فارسی و انگلیسی در دسترس در حوزه رشد و آموزش بزرگسالان در 20 سال اخیر می باشد. جهت گردآوری اطلاعات در مرحله اول پژوهش جستجوی مقالات در پایگاه های magiran, Noormags Eric,  scopos, Elsevier، پایگاه اطلاعات علمی جهاد دانشگاهی، ایران داک، علم نت صورت گرفت.  واحد نمونه گیری در پژوهش حاضر شامل تمامی لغات و مضامینی است که در حوزه آموزش بزرگسالان، آموزش های شناختی - عاطفی و اجتماعی، آموزش رشد محور، نیازهای آموزشی بزرگسالان، و... بود. متون جمع آوری شده با روش تحلیل مضمون، کدگذاری شدند. مضامین اصلی به دست آمده شامل: کشف خود و تحقق آن در زندگی، اتخاذ جهان بینی جدید، بازسازی زندگی، معنابخشی به زندگی، مدیریت مساله ها، نقش گروه دریادگیری بزرگسال و حفظ عاملیت بزرگسال در یادگیری است. 

    یافته ها

    مضمامین به دست آمده آمده از تحلیل متون نشان می دهد که دو دسته کلی قابل توجه است: 1. مضامینی که می توانند تعیین کننده محتوای بسته آموزشی باشند، مثل: کشف خود و تحقق آن در زندگی، اتخاذ جهان بینی جدید، بازسازی زندگی، معنابخشی به زندگی، مدیریت مساله ها. و دسته دوم مضمامینی که شامل روش اجرای بسته است که شامل نقش گروه دریادگیری بزرگسال و حفظ عاملیت بزرگسال در یادگیری است. 

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به یافته ها آموزش در دوره بزرگسالی مستلزم در نظر گرفتن ویژگیهای رشدی بزرگسالان است و نقش خودتعیین گر بزرگسالان می بایست در نظر گرفته شود:

    کلید واژگان: رشدمحور, تکالیف رشدی, آموزش بزرگسالان}
    Roya Mosaei, Khadije Abolmaali Alhoseini*, Fariborz Bagheri

    The current research was conducted with the aim of developing a growth-oriented educational package for adults aged 35 to 45 years.

    Materials and Methods

    The present research was conducted using a qualitative method of qualitative analysis of the text using a conventional method. The research community includes Persian and English specialized books and articles available in the field of adult development and education in the last 20 years. In order to collect information in the first stage of the research, articles were searched in the databases of Magiran, Noormags Eric, Scopos, Elsevier, Jihad Academic Information Database, Iran Doc, Alam Net. The sampling unit in the current research includes all words and themes that were in the field of adult education, cognitive-emotional and social education, growth-oriented education, adult educational needs, etc. The collected texts were coded by thematic analysis method. The main themes obtained include: self-discovery and its realization in life, adopting a new worldview, rebuilding life, giving meaning to life, managing problems, the role of the group in adult learning, and maintaining adult agency in learning.


    The themes obtained from the analysis of the texts show that two general categories are significant: 1. Themes that can determine the content of the educational package, such as: self-discovery and its realization in life, adoption of a new worldview, Rebuilding life, giving meaning to life, managing problems. And the second category of articles that includes the method of implementing the package, which includes the role of the group in adult learning and maintaining adult agency in learning.


    According to the findings, education in adulthood requires considering the developmental characteristics of adults and the self-determining role of adults should be considered.

    Keywords: Developmental, Developmental Tasks, Adult Education}
  • Seyedeh Rezvaneh Moadabpour, Afsaneh Shokri, Farhad Mashayekhi, Mohammad Mehdi Sohani, Farzam Ajamian*

    Histone deacetylation plays an essential role in transcriptional regulation of cell cycle progression and other evolutionary processes. Several results confirm the importance of the latest found HDAC11 gene to deacetylate histone core in neurons and their supportive cells in developing the vertebrate Central Nervous System (CNS). 


    This study investigates the HDAC11 potential role in early chicken CNS development by studying its mRNA expression profile which may have unique means in studying human subjects. 

    Materials & Methods

    Chicken HDAC11 RNAs were reverse transcribed to cDNAs, and the amount of chHDAC11 transcripts was measured by ΔCT mean calculation using the real-time quantitative PCR method. One-way ANOVA and Duncan’s analysis (SigmaStat software version 4.0) were used to test the statistical significance of the results. The levels of significance were set at P≤0.05. Quantitative data are presented as Mean±SD.


    The amount of HDAC11 mRNAs gradually increases, at least 2-3 times, from as early as day 14 (E14/HH40) of prenatal cortex formation to day P0 (E20=HH45) and continue to increase to day 40 in both cortical and hippocampal regions of the postnatal chicken brain during development (*P≤0.05). HDAC11 mRNA is not only expressed in the postnatal cortex and hippocampi regions but also—for the first time—in the developing brain during the prenatal period.


    Our results show a possibly important role for the latest found HDAC11 conserved gene in the development of vertebrates’ embryonic brain, which in turn may have a significant impact on understanding human brain development.

    Keywords: Gene expression regulation, Developmental, Cerebral cortex, Brain}
  • Katayoon Razjouyan, MohammadTaghi Yasamy *, Anahita Rezaei, Rozita Davari Ashtiani, Mojgan Khademi, MohammadReza Sohrabi

     Improvement of the quality of life of people with developmental disorders and their full integration within society requires comprehensive mental, intellectual, and physical rehabilitation. To achieve a favorable outcome, rehabilitation should be delivered in a continuous manner and with small attrition. Research in this area is scarce.


     The current study aimed to determine the incidence of dropout from rehabilitation and its associated factors in children with developmental disorders.


     In this prospective study, we recruited 225 children with developmental disorders and their parent (s) seeking rehabilitation services for the first time. They attended different centers in all regions of Tehran during 2016 - 2017. We completed a checklist using semi-structured interviews. The follow-up was performed every three months for at least six months to record the dropout from rehabilitation and the associated factors. Data analysis included the chi-square test and logistic regression.


     The dropout rate was found to be 10.9% within three months and reached a total of 19.3% in six months. It was significantly associated with the following factors after eliminating confounding effects: (1) poor family satisfaction with the centers in three-month analysis (OR = 10.76; CI: 2.764 - 41.906, P = 0.001) and after six months (OR = 4.51; CI: 1.30 - 15.67, P < 0.02); (2) the type of service sectors (public and charity vs. private) (OR = 7.12; CI: 2.12 - 23.93, P = 0.002); (3) moderate severity of the developmental disorder in three-month analysis (OR = 4.55; CI: 1.24 - 16.78, P < 0.03); (4) child's perceived “lack of cooperation” in attending rehabilitation sessions in six months (OR = 6.79; CI: 1.42 - 32.53, P < 0.02); and (5) the type of developmental disability (specific learning disorder vs. others) in six months (OR = 6.68; CI: 2.85 - 15.65, P < 0.001). In the open questions, the high cost of services was stated as the most important reason for dropout.


     Our findings indicate that dropout was associated with family dissatisfaction with the low quality of services, mainly in the public and charity centers. Children with disabilities of moderate severity were most likely to drop out from rehabilitation. Specific learning disorders seem to be the most challenging type of disability that leads to the highest dropout rates. The findings provide opportunities for further research in this area and to gain more information to render rehabilitation services more efficiently.

    Keywords: Specific Learning Disorders, Rehabilitation, Intellectual Disabilities, Dropout, Developmental, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Adherence}
  • Hassan Boskabadi, Gholamali Maamouri, Maryam Zakerihamidi*, Fatemeh Bagheri, Baratali Mashkani, Shahin Mafinejad, Rahelah Faramarzi, Abbas Boskabadi, Ezzat Khodashenas, Elaheh Heidari, Forough Rakhshanizadeh

    Early diagnosis is considered as a priority for prevention and treatment of asphyxia-related complications. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the prognostic value of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy grade in prediction mortality and developmental status of neonates affected by prenatal asphyxia.

    Materials & Method

    The cohort study was conducted on 38 term asphyxiated infants at Ghaem hospital, Mashhad, Iran, during 2013-2017. The HIE grade and serum IL-6 levels were determined at the time of birth. The developmental status was determined using the Denver II test at the end of two-year follow-up.


    HIE grade 3 resulted in 83% mortality rate and developmental delay in all the survivors. The average IL-6 level was 2.7 ng/ml in the control group (not affected HIE) which increased up to 29, 175 and 136 ng/ml in those with HIE grades 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Roc curve analysis revealed the cut-off levels 24 pg/ml to predict the developmental delay with sensitivity and specificity of 96 and 92%, respectively.


    The IL-6 level and HIE grade are the potential prognostic biomarkers for determination of mortality and morbidity rate in the asphyxiated neonates

    Keywords: Perinatal Asphyxia, Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Developmental}
  • افسانه جلوه گر، علی محمد رضایی*، سیاوش طالع پسند

    با توجه به اهمیت مهارت های اجتماعی در سال های ابتدایی زندگی، هدف از پژوهش حاضر بررسی اثربخشی آموزش تنظیم هیجانی مبتنی بر مدل تحول یکپارچه انسان  (DIR) بر مهارت های اجتماعی کودکان پیش دبستانی بود.

    روش کار

    به منظور نیل به اهداف پژوهش، از طرح پیش آزمون، پس آزمون و پیگیری با گروه کنترل استفاده شد. جامعه آماری شامل 200 کودک پیش دبستانی در شهر میبد بود. ابتدا از تمامی کودکان، مقیاس مهارت های اجتماعی ماتسون به عمل آمد و تعداد 20 دختر و 20 پسر که  کمترین نمرات را  در این مقیاس کسب کرده بودند انتخاب و به طور تصادفی در دو گروه آزمایش و کنترل قرار گرفتند. گروه آزمایشی تحت آموزش مبتنی بر مدل تحول یکپارچه (DIR) در 10 جلسه دو ساعته قرار گرفته و گروه کنترل در این مدت هیچ درمانی را دریافت نکردند. برای جمع آوری داده ها از مقیاس سنجش مهارت های اجتماعی ماتسون استفاده شد که قبل از شروع مداخله، پس از پایان و 1 ماه بعد در مرحله پیگیری تکمیل شد. داده ها با آزمون کوواریانس چند متغیره و تک متغیره مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت.

    یافته ها

    نتایج آزمون کوواریانس چند متغیره و تک متغیره  نشان داد که آموزش  تنظیم هیجانی مبتنی بر مدل تحول یکپارچه انسان (DIR) موجب افزایش مهارت های اجتماعی کودکان گروه آزمایش در مقایسه با گروه کنترل شده است و این بهبود  در دو خرده مقیاس رفتارهای مناسب اجتماعی و پرخاشگری و رفتارهای تکانشی مشاهده شد (05/0 <p).

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به تاثیر آموزش تنظیم هیجانی بر رشد مهارت های اجتماعی کودکان، پیشنهاد می شود در برنامه های آموزشی کودکان به این مهم توجه ویژه ای صورت بگیرد.

    کلید واژگان: تنظیم هیجانی, مدل مبتنی بر تحول یکپارچه انسان, مهارت های اجتماعی, پرخاشگری و رفتارهای تکانشی}
    Afsane Jelvegar, Alimohammad Rezaei*, Siavash Talepasand

    Considering the importance of social skills in the early years of life, the aim of the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of DIR on social skills of preschool children.


    Present study was a semi-experimental with a pre-test, post-test and follow-up design with control. The statistical population included 200 preschool children in Meybod, including 20 girls and 20 boys who scored the lowest scores on the Matson social skills assessment scale and were randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The experimental group underwent training based on Integrated Transformation Model (DIR) in 10 two-hour sessions (2 sessions a week) and the control group received no treatment during this period. Matson's Social Skills Scale was used for data collection, which was completed before the intervention, at the end and one month after the intervention. Data were analyzed using multivariate and univariate covariance tests.


    The results of multivariate and univariate covariance test showed that training of emotional adjustment based on integrated human transformation model (DIR) increased social skills of children in experimental group compared to control group and this improvement in two skills subscales. Social fit and aggression and impulsive behaviors were observed.


    The results of the study indicate the effectiveness of emotional regulation training on social skills of preschool children; therefore, paying attention to these findings and the mechanism of effect of this educational method can be used to reduce aggressive behaviors and increase appropriate social behaviors.

    Keywords: Emotional regulation, Developmental, individual differences, relationship- based model, social skills, Impulsive, Recalcitrant}
  • لیلا سید موسوی، مهدی شریعتمداری*، فاطمه حمیدی فر، پرستو خسروی، بهارک شیرزادکبریا

    هدف اصلی این تحقیق ارائهی الگویی جهت کارآفرینی دانشگاهی برای دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی بود.

    مواد و روش ها

     برای ارائه الکو از پارادایم کیفی و افزایش تعمیم پذیری و آزمون مدل از روش های کمی استفاده شد، جامعه آماری پژوهش شامل دو گروه، گروه اول 10 نفر از خبرگان دانشگاهی و اساتید دانشگاه های آزاد اسلامی شهر تهران و روش نمونه گیری بصورت هدفمند درنظر گرفته شد. جامعه آماری گروه دوم کلیه اعضای هیات علمی دانشگاه آزاد واحد تهران مرکزی به تعداد 1070 نفر که براساس فرمول کوکران، تعداد 283 نفر با روش نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده انتخاب شدند. برای تجزیه وتحلیل داده ها در بخش کیفی، از نرم افزار MaxQda و در بخش کمی از نرم افزارهای لیزرل و SPSS استفاده شد.

    یافته ها

     نتایج نشان داد که حاصل مصاحبه های انجام شده و کدگذاری آنها، استخراج 5 بعد، 13مولفه و 104 شاخص برای کارآفرینی دانشگاهی دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی می باشد. همچنین نتایج نشان دادکه 13 مولفه شاخص های کارآفرین در وضعیت نسبتا مطلوبی قرار دارند. طبق آزمون t،گرایش پاسخ های ارائه شده متمایل به گزینه های کمتر از حدمتوسط است.

    نتیجه گیری

     باتوجه به نتایج آزمون فریدمن، بعد محیطی -زمینه ای بیشترین و بعد فرآیندی کمترین تاثیر را در توسعه دانشگاه آزاد بعنوان دانشگاه کارآفرین دارد.

    کلید واژگان: دانشگاه کارآفرین, ساختاری, محیطی زمینه ای, فرایندی, رفتاری, توسعه ای}
    Leila Seyed Mousavi, Mehdi Shariatmadari *, Fatemeh Hamidifar, Parasto Khosravi, Baharak Shirzadkebria

    The main purpose of this study was to provide a model for university entrepreneurship for Islamic Azad University.

    Materials and Methods

    Quantitative methods were used to present the qualitative paradigm and to increase the generalizability and test the model. Was considered. The statistical population of the second group was all faculty members of Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, 1070 people, based on Cochran's formula, 283 people were selected by simple random sampling method. MaxQda software was used for data analysis in qualitative part and LISREL and SPSS software were used in quantitative part.


    The results showed that the results of the interviews conducted and their coding were the extraction of 5 dimensions, 13 components and 104 indicators for university entrepreneurship in Islamic Azad University. The results also showed that 13 components of entrepreneurial indicators are in a relatively favorable situation. According to t-test, the tendency of the presented answers tends to be less than the mean options.


    According to the results of Friedman test, the environmental-contextual dimension has the most and the process dimension has the least impact on the development of the Azad University as an entrepreneurial university.

    Keywords: Entrepreneurial University, Structural, Environmental, Process, Behavioral, Developmental}
  • هدی کاظمی، آناهیتا خدابخشی کولایی*
    مرگ یک شخص مهم در زندگی هر فرد، سخت ترین حادثه ای است که می تواند تجربه کند. در این میان، کودکان داغدیده 2 تا 16 ساله یک جمعیت آسیب پذیر در معرض خطر آسیب اجتماعی و روانی هستند. این پژوهش با هدف بررسی چگونگی درک کودکان از مفهوم مرگ و مولفه های آن در دوره های تحولی- شناختی بر اساس نظریه ی پیاژه و نظریه ی نگی انجام شده است.
    در این پژوهش با استفاده از روش تحلیل محتوای کیفی جهت دار به بررسی مفاهیم مرگ در نظریه های تحولی - شناختی پیاژه و نگی پرداخته شده و با توجه به کدگذاری باز، محوری و انتخابی به صورت جزئی، مفاهیم با توجه به سن و دوره های تحولی و ویژگی های روان شناختی استخراج گردیده است.
    یافته ها
    طبق بررسی های انجام شده، از تطبیق این دو نظریه، چهار محور یا کد انتخابی از مولفه های مرگ استخراج شده که عبارتند از: ثبات، عمومیت، فقدان کنش وری و علیت. که مولفه ی ثبات و علیت در سنین 7 تا 11سالگی و مابقی مولفه ها در سنین11 تا 16 سالگی به صورت کامل درک می شوند.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج این پژوهش می تواند در جهت بهبود مطالعه ی دوره های تحول مفهوم مرگ در کودکان و شناخت عمیق نظریات موجود پیرامون این مفهوم، مفید واقع شود. هم چنین با استفاده از نتایج بدست آمده می توان به ارتقای سطح آگاهی والدین، مربیان، مشاوران و متخصصان کودک در جهت درمان علائم متعاقب از سوگ، کمک کرد.
    کلید واژگان: رشد و تحول, مرگ, تحلیل محتوای کیفی جهت دار}
    Hoda Kazemi, Anahita Khodabakhshi Koolaee*
    The death of an important person in every person's life is the hardest event that can experience. In the meantime, the bereaved children   of a vulnerable population are at risk of social and psychological harm.
    The aim of this study was to investigate how children understand the concept of death and its components in cognitive-evolutionary periods based on Piaget's theory and Nagy' theory.
    This is a review study using a qualitative Content research method, the concepts of death in the Piaget and Nagy evolutionary theories are investigated and, with regard to open, axial, and selective coding, are partially conceptualized according to age and developmental stages and psychological features have been extracted.
    According to the studies, Nagy and Piaget's theories on the concept of death have had a great deal of commonality and complementarity.
    Finally, from the implementation of these two theories, four axes or selected codes of the components of death are extracted: stability, generality, non-functionality and causation. The components of stability and causality are fully understood at the age of 7-11 and the rest of the components at the age of 11-16.
    The results of this research can be useful in improving the study of the evolution of the concept of death in children and the profound understanding of existing theories around this concept. Also, using the results can help raise the awareness of parents, educators, counselors and pediatricians in the treatment of subsequent symptoms of mourning.
    Keywords: Death, Growth, developmental, directed content Analysis}
  • Soussan Irani *, Mohsen Dalband
    The orthokeratinized odontogenic cyst (OOC) is an uncommon developmental cyst that occurs between the second to fifth decades, more commonly in males. It is a solitary lesion that mostly occurs in the mandible rather than the maxilla. Histologic features include a thin, uniform epithelial lining with orthokeratinization and a prominent granular layer below a non-corrugated onion-skin-like surface.
    Case Presentation
    A 40-year-old man presented with pain and swelling in the left mandibular canine molar area. The panoramic radiograph revealed a well-defined radiolucency extending from the left mandibular canine to the left mandibular molar, with scalloped projections between the teeth roots. Microscopic examination showed a cystic lesion lined by an orthokeratinized stratified squamous epithelium, and a prominent granular layer beneath the cornified layer was seen. The features were those of an OCC.
    From the demographic and radiographic perspectives, the features of OOCs can be similar, but more variation can be found on routine histopathological analyses.
    Keywords: Odontogenic Cyst, Jaw, Developmental}
  • *Sunira Chandra, Siva Prasad Reddy Enja, Kunal Sah, Akanksha Srivastava
    The glandular odontogenic cyst (GOC) is a rare developmental cyst that was described in 1988 by Gardner, et al. This lesion demonstrates non-specific clinical course and radiological findings. Hence, often confused with other lesions, but specific histopathlogical features help in establishing its correct diagnosis. This article presents a rare case of a maxillary glandular odontogenic cyst in a 70-year-old female patient.
    Keywords: Cyst, developmental, maxilla, mucous cell, odontogenic cyst, sialo, odontogenic cyst}
  • شهربانو عالی، ریحانه کدیور
    پژوهش حاضر با هدف تعیین میزان رابطه و قدرت پیش بینی خرده مقیاس های سلامت روان شناختی بر اساس سطوح کارکرد تحولی خانواده از منظر رویکرد نوین تحول یکپارچه ی انسان (DIR) در دانشجویان متاهل دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد انجام گرفت.
    روش کار
    جامعه ی آماری این پژوهش توصیفی-همبستگی، شامل تمام دانشجویان متاهل دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد مشغول به تحصیل در سال تحصیلی 94-1393 بودند. از این جامعه نمونه ای به حجم 220 نفر به روش نمونه گیری دردسترس انتخاب شد. ابزار گردآوری داده ها پرسش نامه های سنجش کارکرد تحولی خانواده (DFFAQ) و مقیاس سلامت روان شناختی (SCL-25) بود. برای تحلیل داده ها از شاخص های آماری ضریب همبستگی پیرسون و رگرسیون گام به گام استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    بین کارکرد تحولی خانواده و خرده مقیاس های جسمانی سازی، وسواس-اجبار، حساسیت بین فردی، اضطراب و افسردگی رابطه ی منفی معنی دار وجود دارد (01 /0>P) و تفکر منطقی و ایجاد بازنمایی ها و ایده ها از سطوح کارکرد تحولی خانواده بهترین پیش یینی کنندگان سلامت روان شناختی می باشند.
    نتیجه گیری
    در مجموع نتایج این پژوهش نقش واسطه ای سطوح کارکرد تحولی خانواده را در آسیب شناسی روانی تایید می کند. به طوری که می توان گفت با بررسی ادراک افراد ازکارکرد تحولی خانواده می توان مشکلات سلامت روان شناختی آن ها را پیش بینی نمود و این مهم به ارتقای دانش پژوهشگران در حیطه ی تبیین و درمان آسیب های روانی کمک خواهد کرد.
    کلید واژگان: تحولی, خانواده, سلامت روان شناختی, کارکرد}
    Shahrbanoo Aali, Reyhane Kadivar
    This paper aims at determining the relation and the prediction power of mental health subscales based on the developmental family function levels according to the modern procedure of human integrated developments among the married students studying at Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
    Materials And Methods
    The statistical community of this descriptive–correlative study includes all the married students in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, studying in the academic years 2014-2015, among whom 220 students were selected using the convenience sampling. The tools used for collecting the data are Developmental Family Function Assessment Questionnaire (DFFAQ) and the symptomatic mental health checklist (SCL-25). The data was analyzed by the statistical indicators, i.e. the Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise regression.
    There is a negative significant relation between the developmental family function and the subscales of somatization, obsessive-compulsive, interpersonal sensitivity, anxiety, and depression (P<0.01). They also show that the logical thinking and creating representations and ideas are the best predictors of the mental health.
    Generally, the results of this paper confirm the intermediary role of developmental family function in psychopathology. It can be said that one may predict the mental health problems through studying the people’s understanding of the developmental family function; it contributes to improve the researchers’ knowledge in explaining and treating the trauma.
    Keywords: Developmental, Family, Function, Mental Health}
  • Vasileios I. Sakellariou, Michael Christodoulou, Gregory Sasalos, George C. Babis
    Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) or congenital hip dysplasia (CDH) is the most prevalent developmental childhood hip disorder. It includes a wide spectrum of hip abnormalities ranging from dysplasia to subluxation and complete dislocation of the hip joint. The natural history of neglected DDH in adults is highly variable. The mean age of onset of symptoms is 34.5 years for dysplastic DDH, 32.5 years for low dislocation, 31.2 years for high dislocation with a false acetabulum, and 46.4 years for high dislocation without a false acetabulum. Thorough understanding of the bony and soft tissue deformities induced by dysplasia is crucial for the success of total hip arthroplasty. It is important to evaluate the existing acetabular deformity three-dimensionally, and customize the correction in accordance with the quantity and location of ace tabular deficiencies. Acetabular reconstruction in patients with DDH is hallenging. Interpretation of published data is difficult and should be done with caution because most series include patients with different types of hip disease. In general, the complication rate associated with THA is higher in patients with hip dysplasia than it is in patients with osteoarthritis. Overall, clinical and functional outcomes following THA in patients hip dysplasia (DDH) differ from those treated for primary hip osteoarthritis, possibly due to the lower age and level of activity. Although function scores decline with age, the scores for pain and range of motion presented with a statistically significant improvement in the long-term.
    Keywords: Acetabulum, Arthroplasty, Congenital, Developmental, Hip}
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