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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « First Birth Interval » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Dewaram A. Nagdeve, Manas Ranjan Pradhan *

    The first-birth interval after a marriage indicates the reproduction behavior of women and influences the population's birth rates and size. The present study assesses predictors of the interval between marriage and first childbirth in India.

    Materials and methods

    The study employed the Cox proportional hazard model and Kaplan Meier Survival plot based on the data collected from 79,787 ever-married women in the 15-49 age group from the National Family Health Survey 2019-2021.


    The median age of marriage to the first birth interval was 23 months in India. The older marriage cohort had longer birth intervals than the younger. The hazard ratios (HR) showed that the risk of first birth after marriage was much higher among women with higher education (HR= 2.05, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.98-2.11) than women without education. Women in urban areas (HR=1.22, 95% CI = 1.20-1.25) had a higher risk of first birth after marriage earlier than women from rural areas. Women from North-east (HR=1.14, 95%CI=1.10-1.18) and South (HR=1.15, 95%CI=1.12-1.19) had a higher risk of having their first birth earlier after marriage than women in the North region. The women who married within 18-24 years of age had a 69 percent higher likelihood of first birth interval than those women who were married below the age of 18. The risk of first birth after marriage increased as women delayed marriage up to age 25 years and more (HR=3.18, 95% CI=3.02-3.35) than others.


    The timing of first birth was associated with the age at the first marital union, women's educational attainment, place of residence, region, economic status, exposure to mass media, contraception use, and history of pregnancy termination.

    Keywords: First Birth Interval, Cox Proportional Hazards Model, Kaplan Meier Survival Curve, India}
  • Raheb Ghorbani, Maryam Gharibi, Fayeze Ansari-Nia, Narges Ghorbani, Habib-AllahSafari, Mehdi Kahouei, Mojtaba Soltani-Kermanshahi *

    A short pregnancy interval (long fertility acceleration (Tempo)) is associated with adverse health and perinatal outcomes, including maternal, child, and neonatal mortality.


    We aimed to investigate the duration and determining factors of first birth intervals among women of reproductive age in Semnan, Iran.


    In this cross-sectional study, the fertility history of 600 married women aged 15 to 49 in Semnan (Iran) was investigated from the list of health centers. Individuals were selected using a multistage sampling method in 2018. Finally, a married woman (15 - 49 years) was selected randomly from each household. Data were obtained by interview questionnaire, calculated tempos, and analyzed with a Cox proportional hazard model.


    The median (first – third quartile) time of first birth intervals and age of women and men at the first marriage were estimated to be 24.0 (12 - 44) months, 20 (18 - 23), and 25 (22 - 28) years, respectively. The lowest estimated tempo was for third births (68.63 months), and the highest was for the 1st (26 months). Among explanatory variables of interest, the number of children expected, the father’s age at the first marriage, the mother’s occupation, and the desire to have children were significant predictors of the first birth intervals.


    Due to the decrease in the number of births in the past several years and also the prediction of a decrease in the coming years, one of the ways to reduce the birth interval and, as a result, increase the fertility rate is to reduce the age of marriage among young people and in general to marry on time among young people, as well as to control inflation and reduce the cost of having children.

    Keywords: First Birth Interval, Tempo, Cox, Women, Child}
  • آرزو باقری، مهسا سعادتی*
    مقدمه و اهداف
    یکی از اساسی ترین تعیین کننده های سطوح باروری که نقشی موثر در تغییرات نرخ های باروری و هم چنین بهداشت و مرگ ومیر مادر و نوزاد دارد، فواصل موالید است. با توجه به اهمیت این موضوع، هدف این پژوهش ، تحلیل فاصله ازدواج تا فرزندآوری و فاصله فرزندآوری اول و دوم با استفاده از مدل شکنندگی مشترک بقا و مقایسه ی عوامل موثر بر این فواصل بود.
    روش کار
    با استفاده از روش نمونه گیری طبقه بندی شده با تخصیص متناسب 610 زن متاهل 15-49 ساله از مناطق مختلف شهر تهران در زمستان 1395 و بهار 1396 انتخاب شدند و از پرسشنامه ساختاریافته به منظور جمع آوری اطلاعات آن ها و از مدل شکنندگی مشترک بقا برای بررسی تاثیر متغیرهای مورد نظر بر فواصل موالید اول و دوم زنان استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
      میانه طول فرزندآوری اول و دوم به ترتیب برابر 38 و 55 ماه بود. متغیرهای دوره تقویمی بر فاصله اولین فرزندآوری (0/016= P-value) و وضع فعالیت (0/045= P-value) و منطقه سکونت (0/025= P-value) بر فاصله موالید اول و دوم تاثیر معنی دار آماری داشتند. مخاطره ی نسبی نخستین فرزندآوری زنان در دوره تقویمی اخیر نسبت به زنان در نخستین دوره برابر 484/0 و مخاطره های  نسبی دومین فرزندآوری زنان شاغل نسبت به غیرشاغلان و ساکن در منطقه  توسعه یافته نسبت به ساکنان منطقه های توسعه نیافته به ترتیب برابر 0/812 و 0/724 بودند.
    نتیجه گیری
     به تاخیر انداختن فرزندآوری در میان زنان جوان تر و فاصله ی طولانی تر میان فرزندآوری اول و دوم زنان شاغل می تواند ناشی از شرایط اقتصادی و اجتماعی باشد که با فراهم آوردن بستر مناسب می توان مانع از این تاخیرها شد.
    کلید واژگان: باروری, فاصله اولین فرزندآوری, فاصله موالید اول و دوم, مدل شکنندگی بقا}
    A Bagheri, M Saadati*
    Background and Objectives
    One of the most important determinants of the fertility level is the birth interval. Considering the importance of this issue, the aim of this study was to analyze the first and second birth intervals using shared frailty survival model and comparing factors affecting these intervals.
    Probability proportional to size stratified sampling was used to select 610 married women aged 15-49 years from different regions of Tehran during the winter and spring of 2017. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire. The shared frailty survival model was fitted to investigate the effect of calendar period, age at marriage, education level, education level of the spouse, job and migration status, household costs, and place of residence on first and second birth intervals.
    The median length of the first and second birth interval was 38 and 55 months, respectively. Calendar period had a significant effect on the first birth interval (p-value=0.016). Job status (p-value=0.045) and place of residence (p-value=0.025) had a significant effect on the second birth interval. The hazard rate  of the first birth interval for women in the recent calendar period compared to women in the first period was equal to 0.448, and the hazard rate of the second birth interval for employed compared to unemployed, living in developed versus undeveloped regions was 0.812, and 0.724, respectively
    Delayed childbearing among young women and longer second birth intervals in employed women may result from economic and social conditions that can be prevented by providing appropriate conditions.
    Keywords: Fertility, First birth interval, Second birth interval, Shared frailty survival model}
  • Mohammadreza Miri, Hakimeh Malaki Moghadam
    The time-interval between marriage and first childbirth (IMF) can affect fertility and pave the way for decreased fertility in future. This study aimed to determine the effective factors on the time of first childbirth in married women of Birjand, Iran.
    Materials And Methods
    This was a retrospective and prospective cohort study incorporating a total of 180 couples from Birjand who were married in 2011. The data were collected by a checklist and subsequently assessed using survival analysis in STATA13 software.
    From among the participants, 55.2% had a child and the rest were censored. The man’s age at the time of marriage, the interval between marriage contract to marriage ceremony, type of marriage, wife’s place of birth, application of modern methods of contraception, family income per month, and tendency to have a son were the determining factors affecting IMF.
    More than half of the freshmen admitted to universities across the country are women who will seek employment after they are graduated. Considerations must be made so that they can have their desired number of children, suitable education, and employment.
    Keywords: First birth interval, Childbirth, Survival analysis, Kaplan–Meier survival estimate, Cox regression}
  • زهرا شایان، سید محمدتقی آیت اللهی، نجف زارع*، فریبا مرادی
    در سال های اخیر، مطالعه فواصل تولد یکی از مهم ترین تعیین کننده های سطوح باروری در جوامع بوده که با میزان باروری و رشد جمعیت ارتباط دارد.
    هدف از انجام این مطالعه در ابتدا به کاربردن تحلیل بقاء برای مدل بندی فاصله اولین تولد و سپس تعیین فاکتورهای موثر بر این فاصله است.
    مواد و روش ها
    در یک نمونه گیری چندمرحله ای تاریخچه باروری 858 زن در نواحی روستایی شهرستان شیراز در سال 1387 جمع آوری گردید. با استفاده از مدل رگرسیونی کاکس و روش های پارامتری، فاکتورهای موثر بر فاصله اولین تولد مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. باقی مانده های کاکس- اسنل، آماره نسبت درست نمایی و معیار اطلاع آکائیک برای ارزیابی بهترین برازش مدل پارامتری به داده ها بکار گرفته شد.
    در بین متغیرهای توضیحی، سن ازدواج، سطح سواد زنان و وضعیت قاعدگی بیشترین اثرات معنی دار (0/01>p) بر طول مدت فاصله تولد بعد از ازدواج داشته است.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج نشان داد که مدل های پارامتری مناسب، ابزار سودمندی برای مدل بندی فاصله اولین تولد می باشد؛ واقعیتی که در تحقیقات کمتر به آن توجه شده است.
    کلید واژگان: فاصله اولین تولد, تحلیل بقاء, مدل های پارامتری}
    Zahra Shayan, Seyyed Mohammad Taghi Ayatollahi, Najaf Zare, Fariba Moradi
    In recent years, the study of birth intervals has been a main determinant of the levels of fertility in the populations, as it is associated with rates of fertility and population growth.
    The purpose of this study was to firstly apply survival analysis for modeling of first birth interval and secondly to explore its determinants.
    Materials And Methods
    In a cross sectional study, the fertility history of 858 women was collected in rural areas of Shiraz (southern Iran) in 2008. We used the survival analysis such as cox regression and alternative parametric models to evaluate the prognostic factors of first birth interval.
    Among the explanatory variables of interest, age at marriage, level of women''s education, and menstrual status had highly significant effects on the duration of birth interval after marriage (p<0.01).
    It is concluded that the suitable parametric models would be a useful tool for fitting to first birth interval, the fact that has been less paid attention to in researches
    Keywords: First birth interval, Survival analysis, Parametric models}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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