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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Hairy root » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • طاهره ابراهیمی، خسرو پیری*، اصغر عبدلی، مسعود توحیدفر
    زمینه و هدف

    گسترش صنایع آلوده کننده، ترکیبات خطرناکی نظیر فنل ها را به محیط وارد می کند. اخیرا روش های نظیر کشت ریشه های مویین جهت حذف این ترکیبات سمی مورد توجه قرار گرفته است. هدف از این مطالعه مروری، بررسی استفاده از ریشه های مویین برای جذب آلاینده های فنل و پارامترهای تاثیر گذار بر روی جذب این آلاینده ها توسط ریشه ها است.

    روش بررسی

    این مطالعه به روش مروری_توصیفی بر روی مطالعات انجام شده در مورد پالایش ترکیبات فنل توسط ریشه های مویین بر مبنای مرور مقالات موجود در پایگاه داده های Science Direct،PubMed  و Google Scholar و کلیدواژه هایی مانندPhytoremediation ، Hairy root، Phenol، Transgenic roots جمع آوری گردید.

    یافته ها

    ریشه های مویین در حذف آلاینده فنل بسیار موفق عمل کردند که علت آن وجود آنزیم های پراکسیداز است که به مقدار زیاد توسط ریشه های مویین تولید می شود. بر طبق مطالعات صورت گرفته، گیاهانی نظیر کلزا (Brassica napus) و دیگر گیاهان به دلیل داشتن مقدار زیادی آنزیم های پراکسیداز دارای کارایی بالایی در حذف آلودگی فنل تا غلظت mg/L 500  در حضور هیدروژن پراکسید (H2O2) و در محدوده وسیعی از pH (4-9) هستند.

    نتیجه گیری

    با توجه به مطالعات انجام شده در زمینه استفاده از ریشه های مویین برای حذف آلودگی فنل، می توان نتیجه گرفت که ریشه های مویین قدرت جذب قابل توجهی برای فنل دارند. با این حال، مطالعات نشان می دهد که عوامل مختلفی مانند غلظت فنل، زمان تماس، pH و دما می توانند بر عملکرد جذب ریشه های مویین تاثیر بگذارند. بنابراین نیاز به تحقیقات بیشتر در زمینه بهینه سازی شرایط برای حذف آلودگی فنل وجود دارد.

    کلید واژگان: ریشه های مویین, ترکیبات فنل, گیاه پالایی}
    Tahereh Ebrahimi, Khosro Piri*, Asghar Abdoli, Masoud Tohidfar
    Background and Objective

    The presence of toxic compounds, including phenol, due to industrial development, poses a threat to the environment. Utilizing hairy roots has emerged as a potential method to remove these toxins. This review aims to explore the efficacy of hairy roots in absorbing phenol pollutants and the influencing parameters.

    Materials and Methods

    This study was conducted using a descriptive-review method based on existing literature gathered from databases such as Science Direct, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The focus of the study was on the purification of phenol using hairy roots. Keywords such as Phytoremediation, Hairy root, Phenol, and Transgenic roots were used for data collection.


    Results show successful phenol removal by hairy roots, potentially attributed to abundant production of peroxidase enzymes. Various factors, such as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), incubation time, pH, plant species, and pollutant concentration, impact phenol removal efficiency. Notably, plants like Brassica napus, rich in peroxidase enzymes, exhibit high efficiency in removing phenol pollution up to 500 mg/L, with H2O2 and within a pH range of 4-9.


    In conclusion, hair roots possess significant adsorption capacity for phenol. However, phenol concentration, contact time, pH, and temperature influence their performance. Therefore, further research is required to explore optimal conditions for phenol removal.

    Keywords: Hairy root, Phenol compounds, Phytoremediation}
  • پریسا نادریان، نسرین مشتاقی*، عبدالرضا باقری، سعید ملک‎زاده شفارودی

    داتوره تماشایی یکی از گیاهان دارویی است که می تواند آلکالوییدهای تروپانی مانند هیوسیامین و اسکوپولامین با خاصیت ضد درد و ضد آسم تولید کند.


    در این تحقیق اثر عوامل مختلفی از جمله محیط کشت و سویه باکتری بر القای ریشه های مویین و تولید متابولیت های ثانویه در داتوره تماشایی مورد بررسی قرار گرفت.

    روش بررسی

    سویه های A4 ،A13 ،R1000 ،MSU ،15834 ،2656 و 11325 از آگروباکتریوم ریزوژنز با دو غلظت مختلف (1 ,0.5 = OD) برای همکشتی ریزنمونه های برگ و ساقه تهیه شده از گیاهچه های 3-1 ماهه و 7-5 ماهه برای بهینه سازی تولید ریشه های مویین استفاده شد و سپس رشد ریشه ها در شش محیط مختلف بررسی شد.


    نتایج تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها نشان داد که سویه A4 با تولید 86/6 درصد ریشه مویین، سویه بهتری نسبت به سایرین بود. همچنین شرایط تاریکی، ریزنمونه های جوانتر و غلظت بالاتر باکتری ها باعث بیشترین میزان القای ریشه های مویین شد. محیط کشت MS ½ به عنوان بهترین محیط برای رشد ریشه های مویین شناخته شد. نتایج آنالیز کروماتوگرافی مایع با کارآیی بالا نیز نشان داد که سطح هیوسیامین در ریشه های مویین کمتر از ریشه های معمولی بود که البته با بیشتر بودن رشد ریشه های مویین قابل جبران است.

    نتیجه گیری:

     ظهور و رشد ریشه های مویین به عوامل مختلفی از جمله سویه باکتریایی، محیط کشت، ریزنمونه و سن آن و عوامل دیگر بستگی دارد که لازم است در ابتدای هر تحقیقی بهینه شود.

    کلید واژگان: آگروباکتریوم ریزوژنز, کشت, ریشه مویین, شرایط برون‎تنی, هیوسیامین}
    Parisa Naderian, Nasrin Moshtaghi*, Abdolreza Bagheri, Saeid Malekzadeh-Shafaroudi

    Datura innoxia Mill. is one of the medicinal plant which can produce tropan alkaloids such as hyoscyamine and scopolamine with analgesic and antiasthmatic activities.


    In this research, the effect of various factors such as culture media and bacteria strain were studied on hairy roots induction and secondary metabolites production in Datura innoxia.


    Strains A4, A13, R1000, MSU, 15834, 2656 and 11325 of Agrobacterium rhizogenes with two different concentrations (OD = 0.5, 1) used for co-cultivation of leaf and stem explants prepared from 1-3-month-old and 5-7-month-old plants to optimize the production of hairy roots and then 6 different media were used for establishment and growth of hairy roots.


    The results of data analysis showed that A4 strain with 86.6 % hairy root production was the best strain than others. Also, dark conditions, younger explants and higher concentration of bacteria caused the highest amount of induction of hairy roots. ½ MS medium was recognized as the best medium for the growth of hairy roots. The results of HPLC analysis also showed that the level of hyoscyamine in hairy roots was lower than that of normal roots which, of course, can be compensated by the higher growth of hairy roots.  


    The appearance and growth of hairy roots depends on various factors such as bacterial strain, culture medium, explant and its age and other factors that need to be optimized at the beginning of any research.

    Keywords: Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Culture, Hairy root, In vitro, Hyoscyamine}
  • سمیه طایفه، ناصر مهنا*، سید کمال کاظمی تبار، ولی الله قاسمی عمران

    امروزه روش های بیوتکنولوژی مانند کشت ریشه مویین و استفاده از محرک ها، پتانسیل قابل توجهی برای تولید متابولیت های ثانویه دارند. زوفا، گیاهی با مواد موثره دارویی وآنتی اکسیدان هایی مانند ترکیبات فنلی  است که ویژگی های ضد جهشی، ضد سرطانی و همچنین کاهش قند خون را دارد.


    مطالعه اثر محرک نانوذرات نقره بر رشد و میزان ترکیبات فنلی و آنتی اکسیدانی ریشه های مویین تراریخت در دو گونه زوفای باریک برگ و دارویی، در شرایط کشت بافت می باشد.

    روش بررسی

    در این مطالعه از چهار غلظت 0، 1/0، 2/0، 3/0 میلی گرم بر لیتر نانوذرات نقره و همچنین از سویه ی ATCC15834 باکتری Agrobacterium rhizogenes  برای االقای ریشه مویین تراریخت استفاده شد. عصاره گیری از نمونه ها به روش اولتراسونیک انجام گرفت. سپس سنجش میزان فنل کل به روش اسپکتروفتومتری و در نهایت فعالیت آنتی اکسیدانی عصاره با استفاده از روش مهار رادیکال آزاد 2 و '2 - دی فنیل 1- پیکریل هیدرازیل (DPPH) اندازه گیری شد.


    اثر تحریکی نانوذرات نقره بر صفات مورد آزمایش در دو گونه زوفا در سطح یک درصد معنی دار است. بیشترین میزان وزن خشک و وزن تر ریشه مویین به ترتیب با مقدار 8/3 و 16 گرم بر لیتر در گونه باریک برگ (H. angustifolius) و 2/3 و 14 گرم بر لیتر در گونه دارویی (Hyssopus officinalis) مشاهده شد، که همگی در غلظت 1/0 میلی گرم بر لیتر نانوذرات نقره حاصل شدند. بیشترین میزان آنتی اکسیدان در زوفای باریک برگ و زوفای دارویی به ترتیب 81/90 و 84/89 درصد به دست آمد.

    نتیجه گیری

    به طور کلی نانوذرات نقره در این آزمایش اثر مطلوبی بر رشد ریشه مویین گیاه زوفا داشت و همجنین، در غلظت 1/0 میلی گرم، میزان تولید مواد فنلی و آنتی اکسیدان را افزایش داد.

    کلید واژگان: آنتی اکسیدان, ریشه مویین, زوفا, نانو ذرات نقره}
    Somaye Tayefeh, Nasser Mahna*, Seyyed Kamal Kazemitabar, Valiallah Ghasemiomran

    Nowadays, biotechnological methods such as transgenic hairy root culture and application of elicitors have become an attractive source for secondary metabolites production. Hyssop species (Hyssopus spp.) having active ingredients including antioxidants such as phenolics, in this plant have shown anti-mutagenic, anti-carcinogenic and antiglycemic effects.


    The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of silver nanoparticles on the growth and antioxidants of transgenic hairy root in two Hyssopus species including H. officinalis and H. angustifolius.


    In this experiment, we used silver nanoparticles concentrations of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 mg/l on transgenic hairy roots and Agrobacterium rhizogenes ATCC15834 strain for induction of hairy roots. Extraction of the samples were performed following ultrasonic method. Total phenolics content were determined using spectrophotometry. The antioxidant activity (AOA) of the extract were evaluated through 2, 2-dipheny l-1-picryl-hydrazy l (DPPH) method.


    The results showed that silver nanoparticles as an elicitor had significant effect on the measured traits. The highest dry weight and fresh weight of the transgenic hairy roots were observed as much as 3.8 and 16 g/l in H. angustifolius and 3.2 and 14 g/l in H. officinalis, respectively. Which were caused by silver nanoparticles at the concentration of 0.1 mg/l, The amount of total antioxidants in H. angustifolius and H. officinaliswere 90.81% and 89.84%, respectively. In this study, we could observe relationship between antioxidant activity and plant phenolic content.


    In general, we found that 0.1 mg/l silver nanoparticles could improve the growth of transgenic hairy roots and increase their phenolics and antioxidants content.

    Keywords: Antioxidants, Hairy Root, Hyssop, Silver nanoparticles}
  • رضا اشرفی پارچین، علی اصغر نصرالله نژاد قمی*، حسنعلی نقدی بادی، علی اسکندری، سعید نواب پور، علی مهرآفرین

    شنبلیله گیاه دارویی ارزشمندی است و بررسی اثرجهش های القایی در راستای افزایش ماده موثره آن ضروری می باشد.


    در این تحقیق، تغییرات فیتوشیمیایی و رشدی ریشه های مویین و نرمال گیاه شنلیله در پاسخ به پرتودهی گاما مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفته است.

    روش بررسی

    در این تحقیق پرتوتابی گاما بر روی بذور شنبلیله ایرانی در پنج دز (شامل 0، 100، 200، 300 و 400 گری) اعمال شد و سپس اثرات پرتودهی بذور در شرایط کشت ریشه مویین در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با سه تکرار مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. به منظور القای ریشه های مویین در شنبلیله از سویه ATCC15834 باکتری اگروباکتریوم رایزوژنز استفاده شد.


    نتایج نشان داد که دزهای مختلف پرتوتابی برهمه صفات مورد بررسی در ریشه های نرمال و مویین تاثیر معنی داری داشتند. مقایسه میانگین داده ها نشان داد که در همه صفات مورد مطالعه، بیشترین مقادیر صفات مربوط به دز 100 گری و کمترین مقادیر صفات مربوط به پرتوتابی بذور با دز 400 گری است. محتوای تریگونلین در ریشه های مویین در مقایسه با ریشه های نرمال به طور قابل توجهی بیشتر بود به طوری که میزان تریگونلین در ریشه های مویین تیمارهای مختلف شامل (0)، 100، 200، 300 و 400 گری به ترتیب به میزان 46/2، 67/2، 66/2، 44/2 و 64/2 برابر بیشتر از ریشه های نرمال بود.

    نتیجه گیری

     نتایج این تحقیق بیانگر افزایش تکثیر سلولی، رشد و مقدار متابولیت های ثانویه تریگونلین به دلیل اثر تحریک کنندگی دزهای پایین پرتوهای گاما است.

    کلید واژگان: شنبلیله ایرانی, پرتو گاما, تریگونلین, جهش, ریشه مویین}
    R Ashrafi Parchin, AA Nasrollah Nezhad Ghomi*, H Naghdi Badi, A Eskandari, S Navabpour, A Mehrafarin

    Fenugreek is a valuable medicinal plant and it is essential to investigate induction of mutations in order to increase its active ingredient.


    In this study, the phytochemical and growth traits in hairy and normal roots of Fenugreek in response to gamma irradiation were evaluated.


    In this study, gamma irradiation was applied to Iranian Fenugreek seeds in five doses (0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 Gy), and then the irradiation effects in root hair culture conditions in a completely randomized design (CRD) with three replications were evaluated. In order to induce hairy roots in fenugreek, ATCC15834 strain of Agrobacterium rhizogenesis was used.


    The results showed that the different irradiation doses had a significant effect on all traits in normal and hairy roots. The comparison of mean of data showed that the highest values of traits were related to 100 Gy and the lowest values of traits related to irradiation of seeds with 400 Gy doses. The trigonelline content was significantly higher in hairy roots than normal roots, so that the amount of trigonelline of hairy roots at different treatments including 0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 Gy were 2.46, 2.67, 2.66, 2.44 and 2.64 times more than normal roots, respectively.


    The results indicated that the cell proliferation, growth and amount of trigonelline were increased due to the stimulating effect of low doses of gamma irradiations.

    Keywords: Trigonella foenum-graecum L, Hairy root, Gamma irradiation, Mutation, Trigonelline content}
  • Mina Beigmohammadi, Ali Sharafi, Samineh Jafari *
    Citrullus colocynthis is considered as a precious herb due to its medicinal and nutritional values and also for its ability to produce valuable bioactive compounds such as cucurbitacin E and quercetin. The hairy root systems are valuable tools for scaling-up secondary metabolites and for introducing new beneficial traits into herbs. The present research has aimed to develop a protocol for hairy root culture of C. colocynthis using Agrobacterium rhizogenes.
    Materials and Methods
    After the establishment of the hairy root system, factors such as explant type, bacterial strain, pre-culture period, co-cultivation period, and the use of acetosyringone that affect the efficient transformation of the herb were optimized. Four A. rhizogenes strains (MSU440, A4, A13 and ATCC 15834) and three types of explant (leaf, excised shoot and hypocotyl) were tested. Furthermore, the insertion of transgene into the genome of C. colocynthis was confirmed by polymerase chain reaction analysis.
    The highest transformation frequency was obtained after the infection of excised shoots by MSU440. Co-cultivation for 48 hours resulted in enhanced transformation frequency, while the results of this research showed that the protocol is better not to include the pre-culturing step. In addition, the presence of acetosyringone in bacterial culture and co-cultivation medium significantly increased the success of C. colocynthis transformation.
    This study describes an efficient protocol for hairy roots culture of C. colocynthis which can be used for scaling-up the plant active phytochemicals or for genetic manipulations of the plant.
    Keywords: Agrobacterium, Acetosyringone, Colocynth, Hairy Root, PCR, Transformation}
  • Ali Davoodi*, Elnaz Khoshvishkaie, Mohammad Azadbakht

    Natural-based drugs are the important bioactive substances that have been used for prevention and treatment of diseases. Natural products should be prepared in commercial scale from relevant medicinal plants. Hence, large amounts of the plants have been needed for extraction and isolation of compounds of natural origin. Plant cells technology is the best strategy for the production of the plant-derived drugs, which have difficulty in high scale preparation. This study was conducted for types, frequencies and efficacies of production methods for natural-based drugs in plant cell technology as alternative method to whole herb. Pharmaceutical and biomedical databases including PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, ProQuest and Google Scholar were searched in this study. Moreover, keywords words were ''secondary metabolite production'', ''pharmaceutical natural compounds'', ''high scale production'', ''cell suspension'', ''immobilized plant cell'', “hairy root”, ''elicitor'', ''substrate'', ''plant cell'', ''callus'', ''medicinal plants'', ''isolation and purification''. The correlations have been investigated by random effect model in an Excel program. Findings of this meta-analysis study showed all production methods had high efficacies and percentages of high scale production from 90 to 100%, which were comparable with conventional direct extractions. In addition to, median efficacy values for cell suspension, callus, hairy root and immobilized plant cell methods in production of selected drugs (atropine, paclitaxel, vincristine, camptothecin and colchicine) with 1124, 257, 797 and 969 events were 92.49 (CI95%: 89.78-95.86), 91.98 (CI95%: 89.13-95.25), 95.69 (CI95%: 92.84-98.68) and 93.86% (CI95%: 91.12-96.35), respectively. The plant cell technology for production of secondary metabolites has various advantages including high accuracy, repeatability and productivity, that is a best strategy for production of natural-based drugs.

    Keywords: Plant cell, hairy root, callus, immobilized cell, meta-analysis}
  • M. Montazeri M., M. Azadbakht *, H. Najafi Zarrini, Gha Nematzadeh, A. Pakdin Parizi, A. Davoodi
    Biotechnologic methods are common for secondary metabolites production from the plants and other sources in pharmaceutical sciences. Hairy root cell lines as the biotechnologic method have been used for in vitro production of major plant metabolites.
    In this study, hairy roots of Hypericum Perforatum have been prepared using the seeds and bio transformed by bacteria. Finally, the hypericin have been producted by the hairy roots.
    First, the seeds have been incubated in the plant media to hairy roots produced. Then, the hairy roots have been dipped in Rhizobium rizogenes suspension for biotransformation of bacterial genes. Morphological and phytochemical features of hairy roots have been determined in order to select the H. perforatum genotypes with higher hypericin contents. The fresh and dry weight of ten lines clones were measured after 30 days. In addition to, methanolic extracts of final hairy roots have been prepared and hypericin has been isolated and assayed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography.
    According to the observations, one of ten hairy root lines shows 75-fold higher hypericin content (339.27 ppm) compared to non-transformed H. perforatum (4.58 ppm) in the same of body weight of roots. The clone with the most content of hypericin had significant development of biomass of hairy roots and increase the hypericin production. Transformed clones were varied in morphology, growth, and metabolite productivity.
    The mentioned methods induce the production of hairy root secondary metabolites in high scale to improve the quality and the quantity of pharmaceutical compounds.
    Keywords: Hypericum perforatum, Rhizobium rhizogenes, Hairy root, HPLC, Hypericin}
  • Mehdi Jaberi, Ali Sharafi *, Ata Allah Sharafi, Pejman Azadi, Hamidreza Kheiri-Manjili, Hossein Danafar, Alireza Ahmadnia
    Cosmos bipinnatus is an important medicinal plant with antioxidative, antigenotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative effects on several cancer cell lines. It has great potential for development as a promising cancer chemo-preventive agent. Hairy root-based culture technology is a new sustainable production platform for producing specific pharmaceutical secondary metabolites.
    The current study developed and introduced a reliable transformation system for C. bipinnatus by optimization of aspects important in transformation frequency using Agrobacterium rhizogenes.
    Five bacterial strains, including ATCC 15834, ATCC 31798, A7, MAFF-02-10266, and MSU440, 2 explant types (leaf and stem), and 2 co-cultivation media (full MS and ½ MS) were examined. Genomic DNA was extracted using a modified CTAB protocol from putative transgenic root lines and the control root. Transgenic hairy root lines were approved by means of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using specific rolB gene primers.
    The highest ratio of genetically transformed root induction was found from leaf explants using A. rhisogenes strains ATCC15834 and MSU440 (72% to 73%). When ½ MS medium was used as a co-cultivation medium, a significant increase in transformation frequency (84%) was observed.
    The MSU440 Agrobacterium strain and ½ MS co-cultivation medium could significantly improve genetic transformation efficiency for establishment of hairy root-based cultures for C. bipinnatus.
    Keywords: Hairy Root, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Cosmos bipinnatus}
  • Ali Fallah, Asal Akhavian, Rouhollah Kazemi, Mahyat Jafari, Ali, Hatef Salmanian *
    The production and purification cost of a recombinant protein in plants is lower than other conventional systems, such as bacteria. Comparing different parts of the plant, the hairy root is known to be a suitable bioreactor to produce recombinant proteins including vaccine candidate immunogens. Among the most important causes of diarrhea, E. coli and Vibrio cholerae cause the disease by producing a toxin. The B subunit of this toxin is an appropriate candidate for vaccine development because of its non-toxicity and exposure to the immune system.
    Materials and Methods
    To investigate the efficiency of transgenic hairy roots in the production of recombinant protein, two methods were considered: direct (induction of hairy root with recombinant Agrobacterium rhizogenes) and indirect (production of transgenic plant with Agrobacterium tumefaciens and then polluting it with non-transgenic A. rhizogenes). To compare the 2 methods, GUS protein expression was used as a reporter and chimeric protein LSC (consisting of ltB-stxB-ctxB) as an antigenic protein. Transformation of tobacco hairy root was confirmed by genomic Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gene expression comparison was investigated by semi-quantitative ELISA and enzymatic activity.
    The results show that the activity of GUS reporter enzyme in the indirect method is seven times more than that of the direct method. Likewise, the expression of LSC recombinant protein in the indirect transformation was 1.5 times more than in direct method.
    Comparing of these two methods indicated that the hairy roots in the indirect method yield higher protein content than in the direct method.
    Keywords: Hairy Root, Agrobacterium Rhizogenes, Direct, Indirect Transformation}
  • علیرضا زبرجدی *، معصومه صفری، کیانوش چقامیرزا
    شیرین بیان با نام علمی Glycyrrhiza glabra از خانواده لگومینوز می باشد که از مشهورترین گیاهان دارویی در جهان است و به شکل گسترده ای در پزشکی، داروسازی، صنایع قنادی و بهداشتی مصرف می شود. قسمت های مورد استفاده آن ساقه های زیرزمینی و ریشه های گیاه است که دارای ترکیبات مختلفی است، از جمله مهم ترین این مواد، ترکیبی به نام گلیسریزین است.
    پژوهش حاضر با هدف انتقال ژن ریشه زایی از طریق آگروباکتریوم رایزوژنز به روش خارج شیشه ای و به منظور تولید انبوه ریشه های مویی در شیرین بیان اجرا شد.
    روش بررسی
    آزمایش در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی با پنج تیمار در سه تکرار اجرا شد. ابتدا ریشه ی گیاهچه های جوان حاصل از کشت بذور حذف شده و گیاهچه های برش داده شده از قسمت هیپوکوتیل داخل پشم سنگ حاوی سوسپانسیون باکتری قرار گرفتند. پس از 10 تا 14 روز از تلقیح با اگروباکتریوم رایزوژنز ریشه ها از داخل مکعب خارج شدند. درصد القای ریشه توسط چهار سویه باکتری (ATCC15834، GMI 9534، A4 و A13) همراه با شاهد بررسی شد.
    نتایج تست PCR با استفاده از پرایمرهای اختصاصی بر روی ریشه های حاصل از گیاهان کامپوزیت (تراریخت احتمالی) نشان داد که سه سویه A4، A13 و GMI 9534 به میزان 100 درصد و سویه ATCC 15834 به میزان 66/66 درصد ریشه تراریخت تولید نموده اند.
    نتیجه گیری
    لذا تولید گیاه کامپوزیت شیرین بیان به دلیل کم هزینه، سریع و ساده بودن مورد توجه می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: شیرین بیان, اگروباکتریوم رایزوژنز, ریشه موئین, گیاه کامپوزیت}
    Zebarjadi Ar *, Safari M., Cheghamirza K
    Licorice, Glycyrrhiza glabra (belong to Leguminosae family) is one of the most popular medicinal plants in the world and it is widely used in many fields such as medical, pharmaceutical, confectionery and health industries. Different parts of licorice (shoots, leaves and roots) were had various components such as Glycyrrhzin that was used for some proposes.
    The current study was done with the aim of gene transfer via Agrobacterium rhizogenes by ex vitro method for hairy root production in licorice.
    The experiment was laid out as a completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments in three replications. At first, root of young plantlets was eliminated and excited plantlets were putted in the glass wool contain suspension of bacteria. After 10 to 14 days of inoculation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, the roots were appeared. The percentage of root induction by four strains of Agrobacterium (ATCC 15834, GMI 9534, A4 and A13) with check (without bacteria) was investigated.
    The results of PCR analysis with specific primers for roots of composite plants (putative transgenic) was shown that three strains of bacteria (A4, A13 and GMI 9534) and strain ATCC 15834, were produced 100% and 66.66% transgenic roots respectively.
    Thus, production of composite licorice plants was remarked due to it has low cost, fast and simple.
    Keywords: Glycyrrhiza glabra, Agrobacterium rhizogenes, Composite plant, Hairy root}
  • Z. Zeynali, B. Hosseini*, E. Rezaei
    Background and objectives

    Hyoscyamus reticulatus contains two distinguished tropane alkaloids, hyoscyamineand scopolamine and both of the compounds possesspotential acute or chronic toxicity. In the present study, a simple and efficient transformation system was established for in vitro hairy roots induction in Hyoscyamus reticulatus.


    Effect of different factors including Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains (A7, 15834, A13 and D7), various explant types (cotyledon, hypocotyl, two weeks old leaf, four weeks old leaf, two weeks old internode and four weeks old internode), two inoculation methods (immersion and injection) and four types of culture media (MS, ½ MS, ¼ MS and B5) on hairy roots induction efficiency in Hyoscyamus reticulatus were tested. In the second part of the experiments, elicitations with different concentrations of colchicine (0, 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05% w/v) and different UV-B exposure time (0, 3, 6 and 9 min) were used to analyze hyoscyamineand scopolamine production.  Transgenic status of hairy roots was confirmed by PCR using specific primers of the rolB gene. The total antioxidant activity was evaluated by DPPH) method.


    Induction of hairy roots in H. reticulatus was affected by bacterial strain and explant type. A7 strain and cotyledon explants were detected as the best strain and explants for induction of hairy root in H. reticulatus. Hairy roots growth was significantly affected by medium type. The highest fresh weight was produced in MS and B5 medium.Fresh and dry weight of hairy root reached 1.44 and 0.134 mg at 0.05 percentage of colchicine after 48 h, respectively but in UV-B treatment fresh weight was decreased. In addition, antioxidant activity of hairy root samples treated with colchicine and UV-B increased to 27% (0.05 colchicine) and 26% (UV-B 9 min), respectively compared to the antioxidant activity level in non-transgenic roots (12%) and transgenic roots (18%). The highest amount of hyoscyamine and scopolamine (0.58% and 1.9 %) found in elicited hairy root cultures was 3.2 and 5.1 folds higher than the non-transformed roots (0.18% and 0.37%), respectively. B5 and MS medium were detected as the best appropriate medium for growth of H. reticulatus hairy roots. Antioxidant activity in elicited hairy roots with elicitors increased in comparison to the antioxidant activity level in transgenic and non-transgenic hairy roots.


    Hairy root lines developed and elicited in this study can be used to investigate the production of pharmaceutically important metabolites of H. reticulatus.

    Keywords: Antioxidant activity, colchicine, Hairy Root, Hyoscyamus reticulatus, tropane alkaloids}
  • Sh. Rahimi, T. Hasanloo*
    Background and objectives

    The seed extract of Silybum marianum contains seven flavonolignans known collectively as silymarin. These metabolites can be produced in hairy root cultures of S. marianum. The effect of different physical factors can change root biomass and silymarin production which has been investigated in the present study.


    The effect of different physical factors of temperature (30 ºC/25 ºC, 25 ºC/25 ºC and 15 ºC/20 ºC in 16 h/8 h cycle) and pH (5, 5.7, 6 and 7) were evaluated with respect to the root biomass and silymarin production in hairy root cultures of the plant.


    Incubation temperature, 25 ºC /25 ºC promoted the silymarin production in 4-week old hairy roots (0.18 mg/g DW) as compared with the cultures treated with 15 ºC/20 ºC and 30 ºC/25 ºC (0.13 and 0.12 mg/g DW, respectively). Maximal increases in biomass and silymarin accumulation occurred in the root cultures grown in pH 5 and 25 ºC/25 ºC (0.45 g and 0.26 mg/g DW). The content of silybin, isosilybin, silychristin, silydianin were 0.025, 0.024, 0.061 and 0.095 mg/g DW, respectively which were higher than those grown in higher pH.


    The results of the present study suggest that 25 ºC/25 ºC and acidic environment of medium are beneficial for silymarin production using hairy root cultures. Furthermore, lipoxygenase (LOX) activity was strongly affected by pH which suggested that acidic environment may act as inducing signal for LOX activity and subsequently greater silymarin production.

    Keywords: Hairy Root, pH, Silybum marianum, Silymarin, Temperature}
  • طاهره حسنلو، معصومه احمدی، سید مجتبی خیام نکویی، غلامرضا صالحی جوزانی
    سیلی مارین، استخراج شده از دانه های گیاه خارمریم اغلب در درمان بیماری های کبدی مورد استفاده قرار می گیرد. ریشه های مویین حاصل ازگیاه خارمریم قادر به تولید سیلی مارین هستند.
    استفاده از عوامل محرک، راه مناسبی جهت افزایش تولید متابولیت ها در شرایط درون شیشه می باشد. محرک ها موجب تغییر در مسیر بیوسنتز متابولیت ها شده و بدین سبب در شناخت بهتر، از مسیر سیگنالینگ سلولی موثر می باشند.
    روش بررسی
    در این پ‍ژوهش پس از کشت ریشه های مویین گیاه خارمریم، تاثیر غلظت های مختلف عصاره قارچ های Fusarium oxysprum و Phytophtora meloni (0، 10 و 20 میلی گرم بر 50 میلی لیتر محیط کشت) بر میزان تولید فلاونولیگنان ها با استفاده از کروماتوگرافی مایع با کارایی بالا مورد بررسی قرار گرفت. نمونه برداری در 4 زمان مختلف (0، 24، 48 و 72 ساعت) انجام شد.
    نتایج نشان دادند که کشت ریشه های مویین گیاه خارمریم حاوی مقادیر بالایی از فلاونولیگنان ها شامل سیلی کریستین، سیلی دیانین، سیلی بین، ایزوسیلیبین و تاکسی فولین می باشند. در محیط های تیمار شده با عصاره F. oxysprum (10 میلی گرم بر 50 میلی لیتر محیط کشت) حداکثر میزان تولید سیلی مارین (mg g-1 DW 32/0) در پایان 72 ساعت مشاهده شد (28/2 برابر شاهد). در محیط های تیمار شده با Ph. meloni (20 میلی گرم بر 50 میلی لیتر محیط کشت)، حداکثر میزان تولید سیلی مارین (mg g-1 DW 13/0) در پایان 72 ساعت مشاهده شد (9/1 برابر شاهد).
    نتیجه گیری
    کشت ریشه های مویین گیاه خارمریم بسیار مستعد تحریک با محرک های قارچی می باشند که برای افزایش قابلیت تولید سیلی مارین از طریق کشت ریشه های مویین گیاه خارمریم در مقادیر بالا مفید می باشد.
    کلید واژگان: خارمریم, تحریک, ریشه های مویین, سیلی مارین, عصاره قارچی}
    T. Hasanloo, M. Ahmadi, Sm Khayyan Nequei, Gr Salehi Jouzani
    Silymarin، extracted from the seeds of milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn) is mostly used for liver disease treatment. Hairy root cultures derived from S. marianum are able to produce silymarin.
    Elicitation of hairy root cultures is an important strategy for improving the production of secondary metabolites. The elicitors could be changed metabolite biosynthesis pathway and are useful for study of cell signaling pathway.
    In this study after preparation of S. marianum hairy root cultures، the effects of various levels of Fusarium oxysprum and Phytophtora meloni extract (0، 10 and 20 mg 50 ml-1 culture) in 4 different exposure times (0، 24، 48 and 72 h) have been investigated on flavonolignans production. The flavonolignans were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography method.
    Our results showed that hairy root cultures of S. marianum were consisted of a large number of flavonolignans including silychristin، silydianin، silybin، isosilybin and taxifolin. The highest production of silymarin (0. 32 mg g-1 DW) was observed in F. oxysprum elicited root cultures (10 mg/50 ml culture) after 72h (2. 28- fold that of the control). In Ph. meloni treated root cultures (20 mg/50 ml culture)، the maximum silymarin production (0. 13 mg g-1 DW) was obtained after 72 h (1. 9- fold that of the control).
    In this experiment it has been concluded that hairy root cultures of S. marianum are susceptible to elicitation by fungal elicitors and is useful for efficient large-scale production of silymarin by hairy root cultures of S. marianum.
    Keywords: Silybum marianum, Elictation, Fungal extract, Hairy root, Silymarin}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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