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تنها با پرداخت 70 هزارتومان حق اشتراک سالانه به متن مقالات دسترسی داشته باشید و 100 مقاله را بدون هزینه دیگری دریافت کنید.

برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « History » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Mohammad Amrollahi-Sharifabadi*, Jamal Rezaei Orimi, Mohammad Kamalpour

    As an important threat throughout history, poisonings have plagued mankind from ancient times to today. This review intended to answer the question that whether toxicology and intoxications have been addressed in the one of the oldest medical texts of traditional Persian medicine; Al-Tabari’s Paradise of Wisdom and whether there had been a specific approach to manage poisonings. Extensive research was conducted in Al-Tabari’s book Firdausu’l-Ḥikmat also known as Paradise of Wisdom using toxicology related keywords. Moreover, current literature was searched with relevant keywords using Web of Science, Science Direct, Embase, PubMed, Google Scholar, MagIran, IranMedex, and SID to adapt the data with modern toxicological knowledge. Our result revealed that Al-Tabari described the toxicity and pertinent treatments for Nerium oleander L, Papaver somniferum L, Aconitum ferox Wall, Euphorbia serrata, Anamirta paniculata, Semecarpus Anacardium, Brassica oleracea, Coriandrum sativum, Hyoscyamus albus, and Colchicum autumnale L. He indicated the toxicity of the winds that blowing from areas with toxic pollen and scent of plants. Also, he mentioned the toxicity of snakes, scorpions, spiders, bees, and rabid animals as well as the hazardous creatures including Mus musculus and Lytta vesicatoria along with some descriptions for related treatments. At the end, Al-Tabari reckoned the toxicology and treatments of some toxic minerals including mercury, iron, and lead. Conclusively, Al-Tabari contributed to toxicological sciences though dedicating a proportion of his book Paradise of Wisdom to the subject of toxicants and poisoning therapeutics. Further studies are recommenced to divulge toxicological science in historical sources including traditional medical works.

    Keywords: Toxicology, History, Persian Traditional Medicine, Medieval, Poisoning}
  • Maryam Taghavi Shirazi, Zahra Aghabeiglooei, Roshanak Ghods, Fataneh Hashem Dabaghian

    Since the Old Testament era, medicine has drawn scientists from around the world. Persian physicians have played an undeniable role in the advancement of medicine worldwide and their books have been taught as medical textbooks in the East and the West for years. In the Islamic Golden Age (9th to 12th century AD), Abu-Sahl al-Masihi (960-1010 AD), was one of the great Persian scholars contemporary to Avicenna and Al-Biruni. He wrote several valuable works on medicine, philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy in Arabic. The two books titled Al-Mia fil-Tibb (Book of the Hundred [on Medicine]) and Ezhar al-Hekmat Allah Ta’ala fi Khalgh al-Ensan (Manifestations of God’s Wisdom in the Creation of Mankind) also known as Tashrih Badan al-Ensan (Human Anatomy) are among his important works in medicine. Particularly, in Tashrih Badan al-Ensan, Abu-Sahl detailed the structure and function of each organ within the human body. On heart anatomy, he presented interesting, and even innovative views. Despite the significance of his views on medicine among physicians of the Islamic era, his works have failed to be translated into Latin or other languages for unknown reasons, leaving him veiled in academic spheres. This paper aims to describe Abu-Sahl al-Masihi's opinions on heart anatomy.

    Keywords: Persian Medicine, History, Anatomy, Heart}
  • Zahra Aghabeiglooei, Jamal Rezaei Orimi, Mohammad Kazem Koohi, Mohammad Amrollahi-Sharifabadi *

    Veterinary toxicology is one of the subspecialties of veterinary medicine. On the other hand, traditional medical sources also contain veterinary knowledge, entailing human medical information. In this study, we aimed to extract and present relevant information on the part of the history of veterinary medicine, especially veterinary toxicology, through research on Al-Razi’s book Al-Hawi fi Al-Tib. We queried keywords of poison, poisoning, animal, and related terms in Al-Hawi fi Al-Tib. Also, we searched international and domestic databases, including Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, SID, and IranDoc, to obtain relevant data. Our results showed that Al-Razi directly mentioned the toxicity of ten toxic plants in the animals. It is suggested that Al-Razi has contributed to the knowledge of veterinary medicine and the subspecialty of veterinary toxicology in particular. Future studies recommended to vet other historical medical sources, including traditional medicine textbooks, to find relevant information about veterinary medicine and veterinary toxicology.

    Keywords: Veterinary, Toxicology, History, Animals, Persian medicine}
  • Mazaher Ebrahimian, MirMansour Moazen Jamshidi, Behzad Enayati, AmirReza Mafi, AmirHosein Mafi, Alireza Moharrami *

    Kienbock disease (KD) was described by Robert Kienbock in 1910 as osteomalacia of the lunate. A century has passed since the first description of KD, and numerous theories, classifications, and treatments have been published for achieving the best outcomes for this disease, but the treatments remain controversial among surgeons. Various classifications have been proposed for KD based on radiography, MRI, arthroscopy, and morphology from 1947 to 2017. Recently, the pioneers of KD (Lichtman and Bain) proposed a new classification based on all the previous classification (radiographic, MRI, and Arthroscopy). This classification seems to be the best evaluation method and treatment for KD. We recommend using this new classification for assessment of Kienbock disease.

    Keywords: KienbockDisease, Classification, Lunate Bone, History}
  • Maryam Askari, Ali Dadbinpour, Sedigheh Ekraminasab, Marzieh Shukohifar

     The incidence of Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is increasing worldwide. The exact prevalence of GDM in Iran is unknown. This study aimed to identify the incidence of GDM and the risk factors based on a cohort study in Yazd.


     This is a prospective cohort study involving 3110 pregnant women attending prenatal clinics in Yazd, Iran between 2015 and 2020. GDM was diagnosed using an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT) for each participant at 24-28 weeks of gestation. Demographic information was collected at enrollment and during pregnancy. The multivariate logistic regression models were used to identify risk factors for GDM.


     The overall incidence of GDM was 10.93% in this study. The incidence of GDM in the first, second and third trimesters were 5.65, 2.25 and 3.11%, respectively. The mean age of mothers was calculated to be 28.64 ± 5.53 years. By logistic regression, significant factors associated with GDM were age, Preeclampsia, Pregnancy High blood pressure, history of diabetes mellitus (DM) and obesity.


     In this population, the incidence of GDM was 10.93%, which was high. The significant risk factors for GDM were age, BMI, smoking, smoking exposure in the current pregnancy and history of GDM and DM. Also, GDM pregnancies have a higher risk of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension. Therefore, considering the high incidence of GDM in Yazd, general screening is highly recommended and more studies are needed in other parts of Yazd province.

    Keywords: Diabetes, Gestational, Body mass index, Familial, History, Risk factors}
  • Asghar Ghasemi, Parvin Mirmiran, Khosrow Kashfi, Zahra Bahadoran *

    Scientific publishing, with about 350-year historical background, has played a central role in advancing science by disseminating new findings, generalizing accepted theories, and sharing novel ideas. The number of scientific journals has exponentially grown from 10 at the end of the 17th century to 100,000 at the end of the 20th century. The publishing landscape has dramatically changed over time from printed journals to online publishing. Although scientific publishing was initially non-commercial, it has become a profitable industry with a significant global financial turnover, reaching $28 billion in annual revenue before the COVID-19 pandemic. However, scientific publishing has encountered several challenges and is suffering from unethical practices and some negative phenomena, like publish-or-perish, driven by the need to survive or get a promotion in academia. Developing a global landscape with collaborative non-commercial journals and platforms is a primary proposed model for the future of scientific publishing. Here, we provide a brief history of the foundation and development of scientific journals and their evolution over time. Furthermore, current challenges and future perspectives of scientific publishing are discussed.

    Keywords: Journal, History, Scientific Publishing, Scientific Paper}
  • Catherine Perry *, Ruth J. Boaden, Georgia B. Black, Caroline S. Clarke, Sarah Darley, Angus I.G. Ramsay, David C. Shackley, Cecilia Vindrola-Padros, Naomi J. Fulop

    Background :

    The reconfiguration of specialist hospital services, with service provision concentrated in a reduced number of sites, is one example of major system change (MSC) for which there is evidence of improved patient outcomes. This paper explores the reconfiguration of specialist oesophago-gastric (OG) cancer surgery services in a large urban area of England (Greater Manchester, GM), with a focus on the role of history in this change process and how reconfiguration was achieved after previous failed attempts.

    Methods :

    This study draws on qualitative research from a mixed-methods evaluation of the reconfiguration of specialist cancer surgery services in GM. Forty-six interviews with relevant stakeholders were carried out, along with ~160 hours of observations at meetings and the acquisition of ~300 pertinent documents. Thematic analysis using deductive and inductive approaches was undertaken, guided by a framework of ‘simple rules’ for MSC.

    Results :

    Through an awareness of, and attention to, history, leaders developed a change process which took into account previous unsuccessful reconfiguration attempts, enabling them to reduce the impact of potentially challenging issues. Interviewees described attending to issues involving competition between provider sites, change leadership, engagement with stakeholders, and the need for a process of change resilient to challenge.

    Conclusion :

    Recognition of, and response to, history, using a range of perspectives, enabled this reconfiguration. Particularly important was the way in which history influenced and informed other aspects of the change process and the influence of stakeholder power. This study provides further learning about MSC and the need for a range of perspectives to enable understanding. It shows how learning from history can be used to enable successful change.

    Keywords: Major System Change, Reconfiguration of Services, Centralisation, history, Qualitative Research}
  • Elham Parvazi *, Mehdi Ezati, Alireza Alisoufi, Talat Deh Pahlevan
    During the Qajar period in the 19th century, various epidemics including cholera infected most parts of the country every year. Cholera appeared as a contagious and non-indigenous disease that spread in different parts of Iran including Hamedan province during the Qajar period as the prerequisite unfavorable conditions existed. Hamedan is a province located in the western part of Iran, a mainly mountainous region that is one of the inland foothills of the Zagros Mountains located in the valleys and northern slopes of the Alvand Mountains. It has long been the most important communication route between western cities and central Iran. During the Qajar period, this province was sometimes affected by cholera which is a contagious disease due to the unfavorable political, social and cultural condition in this period and became widely inflicted. The purpose of this study is to analyze the background and factors leading to cholera outbreak in Hamedan since the Nasserite era to the end of the Qajar period (AD 1848-1925) by collecting information in a library and documentary method with a historical and descriptive approach along with the analysis of backgrounds of cholera outbreak in the timeframe (AD1848-1925) and seeks to answer the questions that what are the backgrounds and factors that led to the outbreak of cholera in Hamedan during the Qajar era to see which one had a greater role in the spread of this disease? Findings indicate that the inefficiency and a lack of sense of responsibility of the government of Hamedan due to authoritarianism and self-interest had played the major role in the spread of cholera epidemic in this region compared to other factors.
    Keywords: Cholera, Hamedan, Causes, contexts, Qajar Dynasty, History, Epidemics}
  • Ali Karbalaeikhani, Ali Mehrabi, Alireza Saied*

    Bone grafting is a surgical procedure, dating back to the Neolithic era. This paper to review the history of bone grafting surgery. The search was conducted in PubMed, Embase, Web of Science and Google scholar databases for any related article, as well as pearling of the references of these papers.

    Keywords: Bone graft, Surgery, History}
  • سیروس مومن زاده، پیمان دادخواه، مهرداد طاهری، سید مسعود هاشمی، سید سجاد رضوی، علیرضا میرخشتی، جعفر بایرامی، بدیع الزمان رادپی، نیلوفر طاهرپور، مریم پناهی*

    مبحث درد از موضوعات مورد توجه رشته‌های متعدد علمی است.رشته‌های مختلفی همچون انسان‌شناسی، جامعه‌شناسی، فلسفه، ادبیات، هنر و غیره در کنار رشته‌های پزشکی درد را با رویکردهای متفاوتی مورد بحث و توجه قرار داده‌اند. در میان دانشگاه‌ها و مراکز مطالعاتی فعال در حوزه درمان، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی از مراکز مهم و اولیه ایجاد فلوشیپ درد و پیشرفت اینترونشن‌های پیشرفته در زمینه درمان درد مزمن محسوب می‌گردد.در این بررسی نویسندگان کوشش دارند تا اطلاعات ضروری درباره نحوه شکل‌گیری و روند ایجاد این رشته را از طریق گفتگو با بنیان‌گذاران آن به دست آورده و در قالب مقاله‌ای مدون در اختیار مراکز و نهادهای مرتبط، مانند دانشگاه و انجمن درد و سایر رشته‌های نزدیک به این حوزه قرار دهند تا بر این مبنا دیدگاه و مسیر روشنی برای ایجاد تشکل‌ها و زیرمجموعه‌های خاص و پروسیجرهای پیشرفته‌تر باشد. مطالعه حاضر یک پژوهش توصیفی کمی کیفی است. از جمله نقایص موجود در تمام گروه‌های آموزشی بیهوشی و مراقبت‌های ویژه در کشور نقص آموزش درمان درد حاد و مزمن توسط دستیاران رشته‌ بیهوشی بود. بر این مبنا پروپوزال اولین دوره فلوشیپ چند تخصصی درد بر اساس کوریکولوم‌های اجرایی دانشگاه‌های معتبر آمریکا و اروپا، در سال 1385 تدوین شد.این پروپوزال پس از تصویب در دانشگاه شهید بهشتی و دبیرخانه شورای تخصصی و طی مراحل قانونی تایید و در سال 1386 اولین دوره فلوشیپ درد شامل 4 متخصص بیهوشی شروع شد. 

    کلید واژگان: پزشکی درد, رشته تحصیلی درد, تاریخچه درد}
    Sirus Momenzade, Payman Dadkhah, Mehrdad Taheri, Sayed Masoud Hashemi, Seyed Sajjad Razavi, Alireza Mirkhashti, Jafar Bayrami, Badie-al-zaman Radpay, Niloufar Taherpour, Maryam Panahi

    The subject of pain is one of the topics of interest in various scientific disciplines. Various disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, philosophy, literature, art, etc. along with medical disciplines have discussed and considered pain with different approaches.Among universities and study centers active in the field of treatment, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is one of the most important centers for the development of pain fellowships and the development of advanced interventions in the treatment of chronic pain. The aim of this study was to obtain the necessary information about how the field was formed and the process of its creation by talking to its founders and in the form of written articles to related centers and institutions, such as the University and the Pain Association and other related fields

    Materials and methods

    The present study was a mixed-method study. The data were collected in two qualitative and quantitative stages. In the quantitative stage, available litratures were reviewed using systematic search, after that expert were interviewed individually in qualitative stage. Finally, the results of the quantitative and qualitative sections are combined and reported .


    Among the shortcomings in all anesthesia and intensive care units in the country was the lack of training in the treatment of acute and chronic pain by anesthesia assistants.


    Based on this, the proposal of the first multidisciplinary pain fellowship course based on the executive curricula of prestigious American and European universities, in 2006.This proposal was approved by Shahid Beheshti University and the Secretariat of the Specialized Council and approved during the legal process. In 2007, the first pain fellowship course involving 4 anesthesiologists began.

    Keywords: history, field of study, pain medicine}
  • سید علیرضا گلشنی، زهرا حسین هاشمی، محمدمهدی زرشناس*

    خضاب یکی از مهم ترین راه کارهایی است که برای زیبایی و تقویت مو استفاده می شود و در طول تاریخ نیز استفاده از خضاب قدمتی دیرینه دارد. هم چنین در منابع طب ایرانی به گیاهان مورد استفاده در خضاب و نقش آن در سلامت انسان اشاره شده است. در این راستا پژوهش حاضر خضاب و جایگاه آن را در تاریخ تمدن ایرانی و نیز طب ایرانی مورد بررسی قرار می دهد. تحقیق براساس جست وجوی کتابخانه ای در منابع اصلی، تاریخی و مکتوب طب ایرانی انجام گرفت. هم چنین پایگاه های مختلف اطلاعاتی مانند Magiran، SID و Google Scholar به منظور بررسی یافته های جدید جست وجو شد. آنچه که در این پژوهش حایز اهمیت است، استفاده از خضاب در طول تاریخ برای آراستگی، بهداشت و سلامت انسان بوده است. علاوه بر آن برای درمان بیماری ها نیز از خضاب استفاده می شده است. خضاب و ترویج آن می تواند در جهت ارتقای سلامت روانی و جسمانی موثر باشد ازاین رو، استفاده از خضاب و تاثیر آن در سلامت و بهداشت بدن انسان و گیاهان مورد استفاده در آن نیاز به بررسی بیشتری دارند؛ چراکه این تحقیقات می تواند راه گشای متخصصین طب سنتی قرار گیرد.

    کلید واژگان: خضاب, بهداشت, تاریخ, طب ایرانی}
    Seyedalireza Golshani, Zahra Hosseinhashemi, Mohammadmahdi Zarshenas*

    Khadab is one of the most important solutions used to beautify and strengthen hair, and Khadab has been used for a long time throughout history. Moreover, putting Khadab has been a long- lasting tradition in the course of history. Also, Iranian medical sources pointed out to the herbs used in Khadab and its role in human health. In this regard, the present study examines Khadab and its place in the history of Islamic civilization. This is a desk study which is conducted through reviewing the main sources, Hadiths, and written sources of Iranian medicine. Also, various databases such as Magiran, SID, Google Scholar were searched to reach new findings. What is important in this study is putting Khadab during the course of history for adornment and human health. Moreover, diseases were cured through putting Khadab. Putting Khadab and promoting this act can be effective in improving mental and physical health. Therefore, putting Khadab and its effect on the health of the human body and the herbs used in it need further investigation, as this research can be used to enhance the knowledge of the experts of traditional medicine.

    Keywords: khadab, health, history, iranian medicine}
  • Mohammad H. Ebrahimzadeh, Adel Ebrahimpour *, Ali Tabrizi
    Dr. Charles A. Rockwood was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, on September 19, 1929. He was one of the American Orthopedic Association’s (AOA) most distinguished members . Dr. Charles A. Rockwood earned his medical degree from Oklahoma University in 1956. He completed his orthopedic residency in the orthopedic department of Oklahoma University and affiliated hospital in 1961. Finally, in 2016, he celebrated 50 years of service at the University of Texas as a professor and emeritus chairman of the department of orthopedics and director of the shoulder service (3). Sadly, he died on February 1, 2022, at 92, in San Antonio, following a 60-year career. We value his six decades of contributions to the advancement of orthopedic trauma.
    Keywords: History, Obituary, Textbook, Orthopedics, Trauma}
  • پروین اصغری*، مهدی غفاری

    گزارش های تاریخی حاکی از آن است که مفاهیمی همچون سلامتی، تندرستی، رشد فردی و اجتماعی با فعالیت بدنی ارتباط تنگاتنگی دارند؛ چنانکه ملت های متمدن جهان  به اهمیت فعالیت بدنی درزمینه سلامتی و تندرستی نظر داشته اند. در میان ملت های باستان، یونانیان بیش از همه به ورزش و فعالیت بدنی علاقه داشتند چنانکه جزء مهمی از پزشکی یونان قدیم بوده است و پزشکان دوران یونان باستان، به ویژه، بقراط و جالینوس بر فعالیت بدنی و رژیم غذایی مناسب به عنوان مولفه های مهم شیوه زندگی سالم تمرکز داشته و تاکید کرده اند و ازاین رو بسیاری از اطلاعات اولیه در مورد ارتباط ورزش و سلامتی در یافته ها و متون پزشکی یونان قدیم مطرح شد که به طور جامع و کاربردی در قالب تیوری طبیعیات و غیرطبیعیات از سوی جالینوس مطرح شد و سپس در دوران بعد مبنای ارتباط ورزش و پزشکی قرار گرفت. پژوهش حاضر با استفاده از روش توصیفی تحلیلی مبتنی بر اطلاعات کتابخانه ای درصدد پاسخ به این سوال است که انسان از چه زمانی با روش علمی و اصولی دریافت که تمرین و فعالیت بدنی در سلامتی بدن نقش داشته است و حاصل آنکه با بررسی پزشکی یونان قدیم به ویژه نظریه جالینوس پیرامون ارتباط ورزش و سلامتی در قالب مقوله غیرطبیعیات در یونان باستان، دوره قرون وسطی، سپس عصر رنسانس تا عصر حاضر، می توان به نقش مهم و تاثیرگذار تمرین و فعالیت بدنی در حفظ سلامتی بدن و پیشگیری از بیماری ها در اعصار مختلف تاریخ حیات بشر و نحوه تغییر دیدگاه مشاهیر ان زمان به آن در طول تاریخ پی برد

    کلید واژگان: تاریخ, طب, جالینوس, فعالیت بدنی, سلامتی}
    Parvin Asghari*, Mehdi Ghaffari

    Historical reports indicate that concepts such as health, well-being, personal and social development are closely related to physical activity, and the civilized nations of the world have always considered the importance of physical activity in the field of health and wellness. Among the ancient nations, the Greeks were most interested in exercise and physical activity, as it was an important part of ancient Greek medicine, and ancient Greek physicians, especially Hippocrates and Galen, focused on physical activity and proper diet as important components of a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, much of the basic information about the relationship between exercise and health was presented in the findings and medical texts of ancient Greece, which was comprehensively and practically proposed by Galen in the form of the theory of nature and the unnatural. The present study uses a descriptive-analytical method based on library information to answer the question of when humans with scientific and principled method found that exercise and physical activity have played a role in body health and the result of ancient Greek medicine, especially theory. Galen on the relationship between exercise and health in the form of abnormalities in ancient Greece, the Middle Ages, then the Renaissance to the present day, can play an important and effective role of exercise and physical activity in maintaining body health and disease prevention in different eras of human life.

    Keywords: History, Medicine, Galen, Physical activity, Health}
  • Waseem Baba *
    A diagnosis is a transformative act that functions as an interface between illness and disease and takes place at a juncture between patient and doctor. The reason to focus on diagnosis, both as a category and a process, is to emphasize its defining and differentiating role in medicine. That is, diagnosis provides the framework within which medicine operates and exerts its role. The paper attempts to highlight the role of gaze and concepts in the larger frame of change concerning medicine through the construct of diagnosis. The purpose is to destabilize the interactive configuration of social, economic, political, and technological impulses that has been the dominant mode of theorizing various shifts in medicine. In accord with the concept of the paradigm shift that explicates fundamental change in practice and experience of sciences, the process of diagnosis offers the vantage point to understand changes in medicine. The argument is substantiated by providing a historical account of clinical medicine to trace changing notions of health, disease, and the body owing to changes in diagnosis and gaze in particular.
    Keywords: Clinic, Disease, Technology, History, Sociology}
  • Radhika Kannan *, Deepu Thottath
    Euthanasia is the act or practice of painlessly putting to death persons suffering from incurable and distressing disease as an act of mercy. This act is illegal in many countries as it is against medical ethics. It has been legalised in few countries during the early 21st century.The objective of this article is to review the current status of euthanasia, the status of the act in the Netherlands and to compare the same with the laws in India. It is also aimed at giving an analytical review of the laws in the two countries during the period 2001 to 2020.Euthanasia in the Netherlands is regulated by the “Termination of Life on Request and Assisted Suicide (Review Procedures) Act”, 2002. The numbers of requests in the Netherlands for euthanasia have risen to more than double over the period of ten years and as seen the numbers of requests fulfilled have not followed the same trend over these years.In India, the act of euthanasia has been classified as unethical except in cases where the life support system is used only to continue the cardio-pulmonary actions of the body. In such cases, subject to the certification by the term of doctors, the life support system may be removed. Passive euthanasia is permissible under the supervision of law in exceptional circumstances. There are various arguments for euthanasia based on principles of autonomy whereas the central argument against legalizing euthanasia is society’s view of the sanctity of life.
    Keywords: Euthanasia, Netherlands, India, History, ethics}
  • سید احمد حسین زاده*
    زمینه و هدف

    به سبب کلی نگربودن کتاب شناسی های موجود در حوزه های مختلف علوم و لزوم پرداختن به موضوعات تخصصی در قالب کتابشناسی، هدف از پژوهش حاضر مشخص کردن آمار انتشار منابعی است که به جنبه تاریخی موضوع «طب رزمی» در محدوده زمانی بعد از انقلاب تا کنون پرداخته اند.

    روش ها

    بدین منظور، با روش پژوهش کتابخانه ای، بانک اطلاعات سازمان اسناد و کتابخانه ملی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و پایگاه های رایانه ای مرجع ناشران ایران و کتاب گیسوم مورد جستجو قرار گرفت. سپس داده ها بر اساس آمار توصیفی مورد بررسی و تحلیل قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    پس از پردازش داده ها، این نتایج حاصل شد: در کل تعداد 105 منبع مشتمل بر 51 عنوان کتاب، 42 عنوان مقاله و 12 فصل کتاب، در حوزه موضوعی طب رزمی تالیف شده است. بیشترین نشر کتاب (تعداد 6 عنوان) در سال 1398بوده است، در سال 1397 و 1398 بیشترین مقاله به تعداد 8 عنوان تالیف شده و بیشترین محل نشر کتاب نیز متعلق به تهران و به تعداد 33 عنوان و پس از آن مشهد به تعداد 5 عنوان بوده است.

    نتیجه گیری

    اگرچه آمار به نسبت جالبی درباره پژوهش های مربوط به تاریخ نگاری طب رزمی دوران دفاع مقدس به دست آمد، اما این بررسی نشان داد در بعضی حوزه ها همچنان تشتت و چند پارگی وجود دارد. هنوز از منظر اصطلاح شناسی متن و شیوه یکسانی برای استفاده از کلید واژگان وجود ندارد و این موضوع بررسی ها و پژوهش های اصطلاح شناسی را می طلبد. هنوز یک پایگاه واحد برای معرفی داده ها و دستاوردهای تاریخ نگاری حوزه طب رزمی دفاع مقدس وجود ندارد و هنوز بخش های مهم و تاثیرگذار در این زمینه بررسی آماری و معرفی اولیه نشده اند.

    کلید واژگان: طب رزمی, دفاع مقدس, کتاب شناسی, تاریخ}
    Seyyed Ahmad Hoseinzadeh *
    Background and Aim

    Due to the generality of existing bibliographies in various fields of science and the need to address specialized topics in the field of bibliography, the purpose of this study is to determine the publication statistics of sources that have dealt with the historical aspect of "martial medicine" in the post-revolutionary period.


    For this purpose, by library research method, the database of the National Library of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the site of reputable publishers and etc. were examined. Then, the data were analyzed based on descriptive statistics.


    After processing the data, the following results were obtained: A total of 105 sources (51 book titles, 42 article titles and 12 book chapters) have been written in the field of martial medicine. The most book publishing (6 titles) was in 1398, in 1397 and 1398 the most articles were written in 8 titles and the most book publishing place belonged to Tehran with 33 titles and then Mashhad with 5 titles.


    Although relatively interesting statistics were obtained on research related to the historiography of martial medicine during the time of the Holy Defense, this study showed that in some areas there is still fragmentation and fragmentation. From a terminological point of view, there is still no single text and standard for the use of keywords and this issue requires terminological studies and research. There is still no single database for introducing data and historiographical achievements in the field of sacred defense martial medicine, and important and influential sections in this field have not yet been statistically reviewed and initially introduced.

    Keywords: Combat Medicine, Iran-Iraq war, bibliography, History}
  • Jerry Obaldo *, Barbara Hertz

    Nuclear medicine history has its share of captivating personalities, controversial claims, and forgotten pioneers. Publications and documents that came out relatively recently, provide us with new perspectives on its history. Primary sourced material might contradict some of the long-held beliefs of the reader who only has a casual familiarity with the events, including basics such as who discovered radioactivity.Because of the nature of the specialty, the importance of the contributions of colleagues in related fields, like physics and chemistry, cannot be overstated. Many of the important discoveries were marked by serendipity, but the pioneers must be given credit for having the necessary insights to interpret the new phenomena correctly, sometimes turning perceived “failure” into novel scientific principles. In addition, most of our pioneers had to deal with inadequate facilities and funding, religious and racial discrimination, and even misogynism.The early history of nuclear medicine is presented in this article as a series of its most interesting anecdotes, from the early work on radioactivity, to the conception of the tracer principle, until the development of radioactive iodine therapy.

    Keywords: Nuclear Medicine, History, radioactive iodine}
  • محمدرضا رجب نژاد، نسرین محمدی*

    هدف نظام های سلامت و روش های درمانی، ارتقای سطح تندرستی و کاهش بیماری، مرگ و میر و معلولیت در جامعه می باشد. زکریای رازی از برجسته ترین طبیبان می باشد و آثار وی از جمله «الحاوی» از گران بهاترین میراث علمی ایران و جهان به شمار می آید. وی در تولید علم، نوآوری و گسترش دانش، بسیار موفق بود و تاثیر شگرف و گسترده ای بر تکمیل علوم مختلف از جمله علم پزشکی از جهت نظری و عملی بر جای گذاشت.بارداری و زایمان، قدمتی به طول تاریخ حیات انسان دارد و یکی از موضوع های ارزشمندی است که در کتاب الحاوی به آن پرداخته شده است. در مطالعات و بررسی های گوناگون، تکنیک ها و مراقبت های ویژه ای برای زایمان به کار گرفته شده است. یکی از این تکنیک ها، تکنیک «مانوروالسالوا»- زور زدن با گلوت بسته و نگه داشتن نفس- است که در بسیاری از کشورها به طور معمول درمرحله دوم زایمان استفاده می شود. مانور والسالوا اولین بار توسط یک پزشک ایتالیایی به نام «انتونیو ماریا والسالوا» در سال 1704 میلادی توصیف گردیده و به ثبت رسیده است، این در حالی است که رازی در الحاوی، به این تکنیک اشاره کرده و توصیه نموده که برای زایمان های دشوار از آن استفاده شود.

    کلید واژگان: رازی, مانور والسالوا, زایمان, الحاوی, پزشکی, تاریخ}
    MohammadReza Rajabnejad, Nasrin Mohammadi*

    The goal of any health system is to improve health and reduce disease, mortality and disability in society. Razi is one of the most prominent practitioners. His works, including "Al-Hawi", are considered one of the most expensive scientific heritage of Iran and the world. He was successful in producing science, innovation and expanding knowledge. He had a tremendous and wide impact on the completion of various sciences including medical science in theory and practice.Pregnancy and childbirth Pregnancy is one of the valuable topics dealt with in the Book of Alawi. Techniques and special cares have been used for labor in various studies. One of these techniques is the  " Valsalva maneuver " - Straining with closed glottis and holding breath - which is commonly used in the second stage of labor in many countries. The Valsalva maneuver was first described and recorded by an Italian physician named Antonio Maria Valsalova in 1704.However,Razi  referred to this technique and recommended that it be used for difficult childbirths in Al-Hawi book.

    Keywords: Razi, Valsalva maneuver, Delivery, Al-Hawi, Medicine, History}
  • Noha Abokrysha *

    The studies conducted so far on the history of the clinical algorithm have not noticed to the works of Ahmad Al Hayati Ibn Muhammad al-Qurashi (917 AH- 1511 AD), who, to the best of our knowledge, was the first person who applied multiple branching algorithms (arborization) to medical books, and his book named Shajarat al-Tibb (lit. a tree of medicine) followed the dendritic method (multiple branching algorithms (arborization) in presenting medical information. The book includes brief, yet useful, information, coordinated in a wonderful arrangement of the medical science rules, such as naturals, manuals, symptoms, and treatment arts. Moreover, the book, written at the time of Sultan Beyazid II, was mentioned in the Index of Medical Manuscripts in Turkey.  It can be concluded that Ḥayati, Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad was the first medical professor to adopt the use of clinical algorithms. If the translation of his books was available, his research and expertise would be known to more researchers as well.

    Keywords: Clinical algorithms, Al-Hayati Ibn Muhammad al-Qurashi, History, First medical scholar, Trees, Medicine, Books}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
  • کلیدواژه مورد نظر شما تنها در فیلد کلیدواژگان مقالات جستجو شده‌است. به منظور حذف نتایج غیر مرتبط، جستجو تنها در مقالات مجلاتی انجام شده که با مجله ماخذ هم موضوع هستند.
  • در صورتی که می‌خواهید جستجو را در همه موضوعات و با شرایط دیگر تکرار کنید به صفحه جستجوی پیشرفته مجلات مراجعه کنید.
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