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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Loudness » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Zahra Mohammadi, MohammadJavad Jafari, Ali Khavanin, AmirSalar Jafarpisheh, Ali Ameri, Mostafa Pouyakian

    Bachground: Noise is one of the most important harmful factors in the environment. There are limited studies on the effect of noise loudness on brain signals and attention. The main objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between exposure to different loudness levels with brain index, types of attention, and subjective evaluation.


    Four noises with different loudness levels were generated. Sixty‑four male students participated in this study. Each subject performed the integrated visual and auditory continuous performance test (IVA-2) test before and during exposure to noise loudness signals while their electroencephalography was recorded. Finally, the alpha‑to‑gamma ratio (AGR), five types of attention, and the subjective evaluation results were examined.


    During exposure to loudness levels, the AGR and types of attention decreased while the NASA‑Tax Load Index (NASA‑TLX) scores increased. The noise exposure at lower loudness levels (65 and 75 phon) leads to greater attention dysfunction than at higher loudness. The AGR was significantly changed during exposure to 65 and 75 phon and audio stimuli. This significant change was observed in exposure at all loudness levels except 85 phon and visual stimuli. The divided and sustained attention changed significantly during exposure to all loudness levels and visual stimuli. The AGR had a significant inverse correlation with the total score of NASA‑TLX during noise exposure.


    These results can lead to the design of methods to control the psychological effects of noise at specific frequencies (250 and 4000 Hz) and can prevent non‑auditory damage to human cognitive performance in industrial and urban environments.

    Keywords: Attention, electroencephalograph, loudness, psychoacoustic}
  • آذر مهرابی متین*، مهسا الفی، محمدرضا منظم، عادل مظلومی، کمال اعظم

    صدا می تواند بر برخی از جنبه های سلامتی انسان از جمله عملکرد شناختی تاثیر بگذارد. علاوه بر تراز فشار صوت و مدت زمان مواجهه، ویژگی های سایکوآکوستیک صدا نیز ممکن است باعث اثرات مخرب بر انسان شود. تعداد مطالعات اندکی درباره تاثیرات ویژگی های کیفی صدا بر عملکرد شناختی وجود دارد. در این مطالعه، هدف پیدا کردن میزان بلندی و تیزی صدایی بود که بیشترین تاثیر مخرب را بر عملکرد شناختی افراد داشته باشد.

    روش کار

    این مطالعه مقطعی بر روی 10 دانشجوی پسر از دانشگاه علوم پزشکی تهران انجام شد. صداها در دو کانال تولید شدند که کانال چپ صدای صورتی را به عنوان صدای پس زمینه تولید کرد. بلندی و تیزی صدای صورتی به ترتیب 7/ 19 سون و 2/49 آکوم می باشد. کانال راست صداهایی با سطوح بلندی و تیزی متفاوت تولید کرد که محدوده بلندی صداها 9/67-8/87 سون و محدوده تیزی صداها 6/4-1/07 آکوم می باشد. درنهایت، ده صدا با بلندی و تیزی های مختلف استفاده شد. دانشجویان تست MPST را جهت سنجش زمان واکنش و میزان دقت در مواجهه با ده نوع صدای مختلف و حالت سکوت انجام دادند. زمان واکنش و نسبت دقت پس از پنج دقیقه مواجهه با صدا اندازه گیری شد. داده ها با استفاده از نرم افزار SPSS نسخه 22 آنالیز شدند. 05/0>P به عنوان سطح معنادار در نظر گرفته شد.  

    یافته ها

    زمان واکنش و میزان دقت با افزایش سطح تیزی صدا افزایش یافت. اگرچه، تغییر در سطوح بلندی و تیزی تاثیر معناداری بر سرعت و دقت دانشجویان ندارد. سرعت عملکرد در مواجهه با صدای شماره 3 با بیشترین بلندی (67/9 = L , 1/07=SH) در مقایسه با حالت سکوت بهبود یافت (0/05=p-value). میانگین میزان دقت نیز در مواجهه با صدای شماره 9 در مقایسه با حالت سکوت کاهش یافت (0/04=p-value).

    نتیجه گیری

    صداهای با بلندی و تیزی های مختلف، اثر معناداری بر پارامترهای عملکرد شناختی نداشتند. اگرچه، میزان دقت و سرعت واکنش به ترتیب در مواجهه با صدای 9 با بیشترین بلندی و صدای 3 با بیشترین تیزی در مقایسه با حالت سکوت کاهش یافتند.

    کلید واژگان: صدا, سایکوآکوستیک, بلندی, تیزی, عملکرد شناختی, زمان واکنش, میزان دقت}
    Azar Mehrabi Matin*, Mahsa Alefi, Mohammad Reza Monazzam, Adel Mazloumi, Kamal Azam

    The noise could affect some aspects of human health, including the cognitive performance. In addition to sound pressure level and exposure time, the psychoacoustic features of noise may cause destructive effects on humans. A few recent studies have been conducted on effect of sound quality on cognitive performance. This study aims to find the noise loudness and sharpness levels as the most destructive effects on human cognitive performance.

    Material and Methods

    This was a cross-sectional study on 10 male students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The Noises were generated in two channels that the left channel produced the pink noise as a background noise. The pink noise loudness and sharpness were 19.7 sone and 2.49 acum, respectively. The right channel generated noises with different loudness and sharpness levels the noise loudness ranged from 8.87 to 67.9 sone and the noise sharpness ranged from 1.07 to 6.4 acum. Finally, ten noises with different loudness and sharpness were applied. The students were exposed to ten different types of noise and a silent condition. The Mathematical Problem Solving Task (MPST) test was performed to assess cognitive performance. The reaction time and the accuracy rate were measured after 5 minutes of noise exposure. Data were analyzed by SPSS (ver. 22). P< 0.05 was considered as significant level.


    The mean reaction time and the mean accuracy rate increased with the sharpness level.  However, alteration in the loudness and sharpness levels had no significant effect on the speed and accuracy of students. Performance speed increased in noise 3 with the highest loudness (L=67.9, SH=1.07) in comparison with the silent condition (p-value=0.05). The mean accuracy rate in exposure to the noise 9 reduced in comparison with silence (p-value=0.04)


    Different levels of psychoacoustic features had no significant effect on the cognitive performance parameters. Although, the accuracy rate and the reaction time decreased in noises 9, the sharpest noise, and 3, the loudest noise, in comparison to the silence, respectively.

    Keywords: Noise, psychoacoustic, loudness, sharpness, cognitive performance, reaction time, accuracy rate}
  • Younes Amiri Shavaki, Arezoo Saffarian*, GholamAli Shahidi, MohammadReza Keyhani

    In the early stages, most Parkinson’s patients display some degrees of voice and speech disorders. Speech disorders can negatively affect individuals’ social interactions and life; thus, treatment plans for the disorders in the early stages might be further beneficial than the late stages. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effects of an intervention on Persian-speaking patients with early mild Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The intervention was the Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT).


    This was an interventional study and included 23 patients with PD. The study participants were randomly assigned into one of two groups; 13 patients in the intervention group (PD-I), and 10 in No-Intervention (PD-NI) group. Normal Persons (NP) or the control group included 13 healthy participants who were neurologically normal and presented no speech and voice disorders. Besides, they were matched with the PD-I group concerning education, age, gender.


    There was a significant impairment in Maximum Phonation Time (MPT), vocal loudness in vowel /a/, in reading, and during a monologue speech in the PD group, compared with the NP group (P≤0.001). The LSVT resulted in a significant improvement in all measures in the PD-I group (P≤0.001); however, no significant change was observed between the PD-I and PD-NI groups’ scores in first assessment (P≥0.201). In contrast, the PD-NI group’s results in all measurements of final assessment were significantly lower than those in the PD-I (P≤0.001) and NP (P≤0.001) groups. The MPT also exhibited a considerable improvement in the PD-I group, compared with the controls.


    The LSVT, as a therapeutic technique based on the motor learning theory was beneficial in improving the vocal loudness of Persian-speaking patients with PD in the early stages of their disease.

    Keywords: Voice, Treatment, Loudness, Voice disorders, Parkinson disease}
  • Bahram Naderinabi, Soheil Soltanipour, Shadman Nemati, Alia Saberi *, Sepideh Parastesh
    There is challenge to find an effective treatment for tinnitus. Few studies were done on the effects of acupuncture on tinnitus. This study evaluated the effect of acupuncture on chronic non-pulsatile tinnitus.
    This randomized double-blind clinical trial was conducted from December 2014 to September 2015. Patients suffering from chronic non-pulsatile tinnitus were randomly allocated into two groups: acupuncture vs. placebo. They were treated in 15 sessions and at the end of the fifteenth sessions and 3 weeks after completion of the treatment, visual analog scale (VAS) for tinnitus loudness and tinnitus severity index (TSI) questionnaires were completed.
    The case group included 26 males and 18 females, and in the control group there were 27 males and 17 females: with mean age of 49.11±1.07 and 55.20±8.33 years, respectively (p=0.005). TSI and VAS before treatment were 43.84±2.81 and 9.56±0.43 in cases and 43.52±2.94 and 9.54±0.45 in controls, respectively. Both measures improved after 15 sessions in cases to 24.82±1.04 and 2.88±0.33, and to 33.16±1.24 and 7.86±0.23 in controls. The changes of TSI and VAS were significant in all groups (p
    Acupuncture is effective in reducing the loudness and severity of tinnitus and can be a useful treatment for nonpulsatile chronic tinnitus
    Keywords: Tinnitus, Acupuncture, Severity, Loudness}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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