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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Oncolytic viruses » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Fizza Maryam, Sana Gul

    Oncolytic viruses (OVs) are a promising cancer-fighting agent that has gained widespread attention due to recent advances in virology and molecular biology. These viruses selectively infect and multiply inside tumor cells, causing them to rupture and release newly synthesized viruses that stimulate the body's immune system to target the tumor cells. Clinical investigations have shown that OVs can effectively eliminate cancer cells that are resistant to traditional treatments, which is why over 100 clinical trials are currently exploring the possibility of combining them with other therapies for better efficacy. Although OVs have demonstrated enormous potential, their effectiveness in treating solid tumors is still limited. Therefore, researchers are continuously developing new viral families that can exclusively replicate in tumor cells. Currently, T-VEC is the only FDA-approved oncolytic virus, but with ongoing phase I-III clinical studies, more promising treatments are on the horizon. Furthermore, this review article provides a comprehensive overview of OVs, including their mechanism of action delivery routes, challenges in oncolytic virotherapy, current developments, the efficacy of OVs when combined with other cancer treatments, and prospects for future research.

    Keywords: Cancer, Cancer Therapy, Clinical Trials, Oncolytic Viruses, Virotherapy}
  • Mohammad Shenagari, Hanieh Mohammadi-Pilehdarboni

    Cancer treatment has witnessed a profound transformation in recent decades, with combination therapy emerging as a beacon of hope for patients. This review delves into the groundbreaking synergy between immunotherapy and targeted oncolytic viruses, offering a glimpse into the future of cancer conquering. Traditional methods like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy have limitations, especially in advanced or metastatic cancers. Immunotherapy, inspired by the body's innate defenses, leverages the immune system to selectively identify and eradicate cancer cells. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, such as pembrolizumab and nivolumab, have showcased remarkable success in clinical trials, unlocking the potential of the immune system against once-intractable cancers. In tandem, oncolytic viruses exhibit precision targeting, minimizing harm to healthy tissues. Notably, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) has proven effective against various malignancies. The fusion of immunotherapy and oncolytic viruses represents a paradigm shift in cancer treatment, harnessing the strengths of each modality. This review explores mechanisms, recent developments, clinical triumphs, and the challenges of combination therapy. The dynamic synergy of these two approaches promises to revolutionize cancer treatment, transforming it from an insurmountable foe into a manageable condition.

    Keywords: Immunotherapy, Oncolytic viruses, Combination therapy, Immune checkpoint inhibitors, Cancer treatment}
  • Arooba Farman Farman*

    Non-melanoma skin cancer is a serious malignancy and white-skinned people are highly susceptible to this cancer. About 918 deaths occurred due to NMSC in the UK following the year 2018-2019. The incidence of NMSC is 18-20 times higher as compared to melanoma skin cancer. The tumor immune microenvironment of NMSC possesses a diversity of immune cells that exert pro-tumor and anti-tumor effects on the TIME. So by recognizing the tumor-promoting entities, the TIME can be remodeled. Immunotherapy provides such a treatment that activates the person’s immune system to fight against tumorigenic cells. Radiotherapy also causes the modulation of the immune system and increases the anti-tumor responses in patients. The use of immune checkpoint inhibitors after radiotherapy has produced significant survival rates in patients. Oncolytic virus therapy is a subtype of immunotherapy with a positive response in the treatment of cancer. The synthetic viral promoter is highly specific to tumor and the introduction of transgenes help them to inhibit the tumor-promoting cells and make the tumor susceptible to anti-tumor cells, thus helping the tumor to eliminate from the body. This characteristic of oncolytic virus converts the ‘‘cold TIME’’ to ‘‘hot TIME’’ which exerts a highly positive response when used ICIs. In this article, a literature review is conducted to study the role of TIME in the progression of cancer and various methods that remodel the TIME such as immunotherapy, radiotherapy, and oncolytic viruses that might help to treat NMSC.

    Keywords: Skin cancer, Tumor microenvironment, Immunotherapy, Oncolytic viruses, Radiotherapy}
  • مجدالدین قلاوند، احسان لطفی، هادی لطفی، هادی اسمعیلی گورچین قلعه*

    در جنگ جهانی اول برای اولین بار از سولفور موستارد یا گاز خردل به عنوان یک سلاح شیمیایی استفاده شد. سالیان بعد رژیم بعثی عراق در طول جنگ تحمیلی (هشت سال دفاع مقدس) علیه جمهوری اسلامی ایران از این گاز سمی بر علیه رزمندگان و مردم شهرهای ایران استفاده کرد که با وجود گذشت چندین سال از جنگ، شمار زیادی از جانبازان شیمیایی هنوز هم از عوارض آن رنج می برند. گاز خردل یک ماده آلکیله کننده قوی با خاصیت سیتوتوکسیک و موتاژنیک بوده که در تماس با پوست باعث ایجاد تاول در غشاهای مخاطی و پوست می شود. اغلب به صورت مایع روغنی بی رنگ یا زرد کهربایی است. در غلظت های بالا، بوی مشمیز کننده ای شبیه ترب کوهی، پیاز یا سیر دارد که بیشتر به علت آلودگی با سولفید اتیل و سایر تولیدات جانبی سنتز آن است. مطالعات مختلف ثابت کرده اند که قرار گرفتن طولانی مدت در معرض این گاز سمی، می تواند منجر به اختلالات تنفسی و سرطان ریه شود. با توجه به مقاومت های دارویی و شرایط خاص جانبازان شیمیایی مبتلا به سرطان ریه، یکی از روش های نوین پیشنهادی برای درمان آن ها، استفاده از ویروس های انکولیتیک می باشد. هدف از مطالعه حاضر مروری بر پتانسیل درمانی ویروس های انکولیتیک در درمان سرطان ریه ناشی از عوامل شیمیایی جنگی می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: ویروس های انکولیتیک, سرطان ریه, عوامل شیمیایی جنگی, گاز خردل}
    Majdedin Ghalavand, Ehsan Lutfi, Hadi Lotfi, Hadi Esmaeili Gouvarchin Ghaleh*

    In World War I, sulfur mustard or mustard gas was used as a chemical weapon for the first time. Years later, during the imposed war (eight years of holy defense) against the Islamic Republic of Iran, Iraq used this poisonous gas against the soldiers and people of Iranian cities. Many years after the war, many chemical veterans still suffer from its effects. Mustard gas is a strong alkylating substance with cytotoxic and mutagenic properties, which causes blisters in mucous membranes and skin when it comes in contact with the skin. It is usually a colorless or amber-yellow oily liquid. In high concentrations, it has a disgusting smell similar to horseradish, onion, or garlic, which is mostly due to contamination with ethyl sulfide and other byproducts of its synthesis. Various studies have proven that long-term exposure to this toxic gas can lead to respiratory disorders and lung cancer. Considering the drug resistance and special conditions of chemical veterans with lung cancer, one of the new methods proposed for their treatment is the use of oncolytic viruses. The purpose of this study is to review the therapeutic potential of oncolytic viruses in the treatment of lung cancer caused by chemical warfare agents.

    Keywords: Oncolytic Viruses, Lung Cancer, Chemical Warfare Agents}
  • احسان کاکاوندی، محمد شایسته پور*، شراره مقیم

    سرطان به عنوان یکی از جدی ترین مشکلات بهداشت عمومی، دومین علت مرگ و میر در جهان بعد از بیماری های قلبی عروقی محسوب می شود. تعداد مبتلایان به این بیماری و مرگ و میر ناشی از آن به طور روزافزونی در سراسر دنیا در حال افزایش است، لذا تشخیص زود هنگام، پیشگیری و درمان مناسب سرطان اهمیت فراوانی دارد. درمان های رایج مانند شیمی درمانی و پرتودرمانی، اغلب به صورت غیرانتخابی عمل کرده و عوارض جانبی فراوانی دارند. استفاده از ویروس های لیزکننده تومور (ویروس درمانی)، روشی جدید برای درمان سرطان است. معضل روش ویروس درمانی غیر انتخابی بودن تکثیر ویروس در سلول های سرطانی است بدین مفهوم که ویروس در سلول های نرمال هم همانندسازی می کند. در سال های اخیر برای مهار همانندسازی ویروس در سلول های سالم و انتخابی کردن تکثیر آن در تومورها، از روش های مختلفی استفاده شده است که روش هدف گیری (miRNA) microRNA جدیدترین متد است. این مقاله مروری، جنبه های مختلف انتخابی کردن تکثیر ویروس های لیزکننده تومور به وسیله مکانیسم هدف گیری miRNA را مورد بررسی قرار می دهد

    کلید واژگان: ویروس های لیزکننده تومور, سرطان, میکرو آر ان ای}
    Ehsan Kakavandi, Mohammad Shayestehpour*, Sharareh Moghim

    Cancer, as one of the most serious public health problems, is the second-leading cause of death in the world after cardiovascular disease. The number of patients and the resulting mortality are increasing worldwide; therefore, early diagnosis, prevention, and effective treatment of cancer are very important. Current treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy are often non-selective and have side effects. The use of oncolytic viruses (viral therapy) is a new approach to treating cancer. One problem with viral therapy is the lack of selective replication for the virus in cancer cells, meaning that the virus replicates in normal cells. In recent years, various methods have been used to inhibit virus replication in healthy cells and to make selective replication in tumors. Correspondingly, MiRNA targeting is the newest method. The present review article describes the different aspects of making selectivity for replication of oncolytic viruses by the miRNA targeting mechanism

    Keywords: Oncolytic Viruses, Neoplasms, MicroRNA}
  • رضا میرفخرائی، بنت الهدی کوهستانی دهقی، مهشید مهدیزاده، محمدحسین کاظمی، الهام روشندل*

    با وجود پیشرفت های اخیر در زمینه پیوند سلول های بنیادی خون ساز، بروز بیماری پیوند علیه میزبان (GVHD) همچنان به عنوان یکی از پرچالش ترین عوارض پس از پیوند مطرح می باشد که با مرگ و میر قابل توجهی همراه است. راهکارهای مختلفی نظیر شیمی درمانی، تخلیه لنفوسیت های T، آنتی بادی های مونوکلونال، کورتیکواستروییدها و سایر داروهای سرکوبگر ایمنی به منظور کاهش بروز بیماری پیوند علیه میزبان استفاده می شوند که عموما موجب افزایش احتمال عود سرطان و بروز عفونت های مختلف در بیماران می شوند. مطالعات اخیر، ویروس درمانی با ویروس های انکولیتیک را به عنوان راهکاری امیدبخش در زمینه جلوگیری از بروز بیماری پیوند علیه میزبان و تقویت اثرات واکنش پیوند علیه تومور معرفی کرده اند. ویروس های انکولیتیک ویروس های غیر بیماری زایی هستند که قادر به لیز انتخابی سلول های سرطانی می باشند. این دسته از ویروس ها قادر به تفکیک اختصاصی میان لنفوسیت های T آلوژن و سلول های بنیادی خون ساز بوده و سبب ایجاد اختلال در عملکرد سلول های T آلوژن می شوند. در این مقاله مروری، مکانیسم های ویروس درمانی با ویروس های انکولیتیک در کاهش بروز بیماری پیوند علیه میزبان شرح داده شده است.

    کلید واژگان: پیوند سلول های بنیادی خون ساز, بیماری پیوند علیه میزبان, ویروس های انکولیتیک}
    Reza Mirfakhraie, Bentolhoda Kuhestani Dehaghi, Mahshid Mahdizadeh, MohammadHossein Kazemi, Elham Roshandel*

    Despite recent advances in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) is still one of the most challenging post-transplant complications with a considerable mortality rate. Various strategies, including chemotherapy, depletion of T lymphocytes, monoclonal antibodies, corticosteroids, and other immunosuppressive drugs are used to reduce GVHD incidence, which usually increases the risk of cancer relapse and various infections in patients. The recently conducted studies have introduced oncolytic virotherapy as a promising solution to prevent GVHD and enhance the graft-versus-tumor effects. Oncolytic viruses are non-pathogenic viruses capable of selective lysis of cancer cells. These viruses can differentiate between allogeneic T lymphocytes and hematopoietic stem cells, and suppress allogeneic T cells. This review study aimed to discuss the mechanisms of oncolytic virotherapy in reducing the incidence of GVHD.

    Keywords: Graft-versus-host disease, Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, Oncolytic viruses}
  • سایه پرخیده، روناک نعلینی، محمدحسین کاظمی، زینب کابلی، الهام روشندل*

    پیوند اتولوگ سلول های بنیادی خون ساز (AHSCT) Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation یک راهکار موفق در درمان سرطان های خون است. با این حال، عود بیماری پس از پیوند، مهم ترین چالش این درمان می باشد. عود پس از پیوند، عمدتا به دلیل وجود سلول های سرطانی باقی مانده در مغز استخوان بیمار می باشد که به طور کامل پاکسازی نشده اند. استراتژی های مختلفی برای پاکسازی سلول های سرطانی موجود در بافت پیوندی به کار گرفته شده است که از جمله آن ها می توان به استفاده از شیمی درمانی، انتخاب مثبت سلول های بنیادی خون ساز دارای مارکر CD34 و استفاده از سلول های T آلوری اکتیو علیه سلول های سرطانی اشاره کرد. علی رغم موفقیت های نسبی، هیچ یک از روش های فوق از اختصاصیت کافی برخوردار نیستند و غالبا با آسیب به سلول های بنیادی خون ساز منجر به سیتوپنی طولانی مدت و در نهایت شکست پیوند می شوند. یکی از راهکارهای نوین و امیدبخش برای پاکسازی سلول های سرطانی، استفاده از ویروس های انکولیتیک (OV) می باشد. این ویروس ها قابلیت تکثیر انتخابی در سلول های بدخیم را دارند و بدین ترتیب نه تنها سلول های بدخیم را مورد هدف قرار می دهند، بلکه به سلول های بنیادی خون ساز طبیعی نیز آسیبی نمی رسانند. اگرچه استفاده از OVها در زمینه AHSCT در ابتدای راه است، اما نتایج امیدبخش ex vivo نشان می دهد که می توان از این ویروس ها به عنوان عوامل پاکساز سلول های توموری موجود در پیوند استفاده کرد و بدین ترتیب از بروز عود جلوگیری نمود. در این مقاله، تازه ترین یافته های حوزه OV درمانی در AHSCT و نقش آن در جلوگیری از بروز عود پس از پیوند مورد بحث قرار گرفته است.

    کلید واژگان: ویروس های انکولیتیک, عود, پیوند اتولوگ سلول های بنیادی خون ساز}
    Sayeh Parkhideh, Ronak Nalini, MohammadHossein Kazemi, Zeinab Kaboli, Elham Roshandel*

    Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (AHSCT) is widely used as a successful treatment in many hematopoietic cancers. However, one of the main challenges of AHSCT is the relapse of the disease which occurs mainly due to tumor contamination of autologous grafts or remaining cancer cells in bone marrow niches. So far, several strategies are suggested to purge tumor contamination in autografts, including chemotherapy, positive selection of hematopoietic stem cells via CD34, removal of cancer cells in graft with cytotoxic agents or monoclonal antibodies, and using allreoactive T cells. Nevertheless, these methods are not sufficiently specific and are associated with long-term cytopenia and damage the hematopoietic progenitors and ultimately cause transplant failure. One recent promising solution in this field is using oncolytic viruses (OV) which can target malignant cells without any harmful effect on normal hematopoietic stem cells. Although the OV therapy has been receetly emerged in AHSCT, the promising ex vivo results and the capacity of OVs in discrimination between malignant and healthy cells provides an opportunity to use OVs as tumor purging agents in AHSCT. In this review, we focused on the role of OV therapy as a purging agent in decreasing post-AHSCT relapses.

    Keywords: oncolytic viruses, relapse, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation}
  • Behnam Alirezaie, Ashraf Mohammadi *, Arash Ghalyanchi Langeroudi, Roozbeh Fallahi, Ali Reza Khosravi

    The use of oncolytic viruses as therapeutic agents is a promising treatment for various human cancers. Several viruses have been extensively examined to achieve tumor cell death.


    This study aimed at evaluating the natural oncolytic activity of mumps Hoshino vaccine strain against two human cancer cell lines, that is, HT1080 fibrosarcoma and HeLa cervical adenocarcinoma cell lines.


    The cytolytic activity of the virus was evaluated using an MTT assay. Apoptosis was detected by Annexin-V/propidium iodide (PI) staining and analyzed via flow cytometry. To indicate viral replication in vivo, nude mice with HeLa heterografts were treated with the Hoshino strain of mumps virus.


    It was found that human fibrosarcoma and cervical cells were more sensitive to the mumps Hoshino strain, even at a very low multiplicity of infection (MOI) compared to normal human diploid cells. The results also showed that the Hoshino strain induced apoptosis in both cancer cells. A preliminary in vivo study revealed the significant suppression of tumor growth in the group treated with the mumps Hoshino strain compared to the control group.


    The Hoshino vaccine strain of mumps virus showed promising oncolytic activities against human fibrosarcoma and cervical adenocarcinoma cells.

    Keywords: Apoptosis, Mumps, Oncolytic Viruses, Oncolytic Virotherapy, Heterografts}
  • Razieh Sadat Banijamali, Hoorieh Soleimanjahi, Sara Soudi, Hesam Karimi, Asghar Abdoli, Seyed Mahmood Seyed Khorrami, Keivan Zandi

    Currently, application of oncolytic-virus in cancer treatment of clinical trials are growing. Oncolytic-reovirus is an attractive anti-cancer therapeutic agent for clinical testing. Many studies used mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) as a carrier cell to enhance the delivery and quality of treatment with oncolytic-virotherapy. But, biosynthetic capacity and behavior of cells in response to viral infections are different. The infecting process of reoviruses takes from two-hours to one-week, depends on host cell and the duration of different stages of virus replication cycle. The latter includes the binding of virus particle, entry, uncoating, assembly and release of progeny-viruses. We evaluated the timing and infection cycle of reovirus type-3 strain Dearing (T3D), using one-step replication experiment by molecular and conventional methods in MSCs and L929 cell as control.

    Materials and Methods

    In this experimental study, L929 and adipose-derived MSCs were infected with different multiplicities of infection (MOI) of reovirus T3D. At different time points, the quantity of progeny viruses has been measured using virus titration assay and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) to investigate the ability of these cells to support the reovirus replication. One-step growth cycle were examined by 50% cell culture infectious dose (CCID50) and qRT-PCR.


    The growth curve of reovirus in cells shows that MOI: 1 might be optimal for virus production compared to higher and lower MOIs. The maximum quantity of virus production using MOI: 1 was achieved at 48-hours post-infection. The infectious virus titer became stationary at 72-hours post-infection and then gradually decreased. The virus cytopathic effect was obvious in MSCs and this cells were susceptible to reovirus infection and support the virus replication.


    Our data highlights the timing schedule for reovirus replication, kinetics models and burst size. Further investigation is recommended to better understanding of the challenges and opportunities, for using MSCs loaded with reovirus in cancer-therapy.

    Keywords: Cancer, Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Oncolytic Viruses, Quantitative Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Reovirus Type 3}
  • مهسا مشاری، آسیه جبلی*
    سرطان پانکراس رتبه چهارم مرگ و میرهای ناشی از سرطان را به خود اختصاص داده است. بقای مبتلایان به آن بسیار پایین بوده و میزان مرگ و میر آن در مردان بیش تر از زنان می باشد. عوامل مختلف ارثی و غیرارثی در شکل گیری سرطان پانکراس دخیل هستند که از جمله عوامل مهم غیرارثی می توان به سیگار کشیدن اشاره نمود. علاوه بر این، مشخص شده است که خطر ابتلا به سرطان پانکراس در بیماران مبتلا به دیابت ملیتوس دو برابر افرادی است که دیابت ملیتوس ندارند. از شرایط ارثی نیز می توان به تغییرات ژنتیکی (فعال شدن آنکوژن ها و غیرفعال شدن ژن های سرکوبگر تومور) و اپی ژنتیکی (ncRNA) اشاره کرد. جهش در آنکوژن KRAS در 95 درصد مبتلایان به سرطان پانکراس دیده می شود. علی رغم کاربرد معمول سونوگرافی و نشانگرهای تومور در تشخیص سرطان پانکراس، اهمیت آن ها به عنوان ابزار تشخیصی قدرتمند دچار چالش شده است. نوآوری در استراتژی های درمانی رایج مثل شیمی درمانی و ایمنی درمانی و نیز ژن درمانی بر پایه حامل های ژنتیکی ابزار نوید بخشی را برای درمان فراهم کرده است. استفاده از ویروس های آنکولیتیک با ویژگی تکثیر انتخابی در سلول های سرطانی و عوارض جانبی حداقل، چشم انداز جدیدی را برای آینده درمانی این سرطان گشوده است. علاوه بر این، فناوری های نوین ویرایش ژنی از جمله کریسپر دست ورزی ژنوم سلول های سرطانی را در جهت شناسایی و تنظیم مسیرهای مولکولی دخیل در سرطان پانکراس ممکن کرده است. با توجه به اینکه تغییرات ژنتیکی و اپی ژنتیکی متعدد در بیماری زایی این سرطان نقش دارد، کنترل همزمان این مسیرها با روش های درمانی متعدد می تواند استراتژی درمانی مفیدی برای سرطان پانکراس باشد.
    کلید واژگان: سرطان پانکراس, ژنتیک, ویروس آنکولیتیک, کریسپر}
    Mahsa Moshari, Asiyeh Jebelli *
    Pancreatic cancer is ranked as the fourth leading cause of cancer related death. The survival rate of patients is very low and the mortality rate in men is higher than that of women. Various hereditary and non- hereditary factors are involved in the formation of pancreatic cancer; one of the important non- hereditary factors is smoking. Besides, it is known that the risk of pancreatic cancer in patients with diabetes mellitus is twice as high as in the non-diabetic population. Hereditary conditions also include genetic (activation of oncogenes and inactivation of tumor suppressor genes) and epigenetic changes (lncRNA). The mutation in KRAS oncogene is observed in 95% of the patients with pancreatic cancer. Despite the common use of ultrasound and tumor markers in diagnosing pancreatic cancer, their importance as powerful diagnostic tools has been challenged. An innovation in common therapeutic strategies such as chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and gene therapy based on genetic vectors has provided a promising tool for treatment.  Using oncolytic viruses with selective proliferation in cancer cells and minimal adverse effects has opened a new perspective on the future of treatment of this cancer. In addition, novel technologies in gene editing including CRISPR have allowed the genome manipulation of cancer cells to identify and regulate the molecular pathways involved in pancreatic cancer. Considering that multiple genetic and epigenetic changes play a role in the pathogenesis of this cancer, simultaneous control of these pathways with multiple therapies can be a useful therapeutic strategy for pancreatic cancer.
    Keywords: Pancreatic cancer, Genetics, Oncolytic Viruses, CRISPR}
  • Shahriyar Abdoli, Farzin Roohvand, Ladan Teimoori-Toolabi, Mohammad Ali Shokrgozar, Mina Bahrololoumi, Kayhan Azadmanesh
    Oncolytic herpes simplex virus (oHSV)-based vectors lacking γ34.5 gene, are considered as ideal templates to construct efficient vectors for (targeted) cancer gene therapy. Herein, we reported the construction of three single/dually-flourescence labeled and γ34.5-deleted, recombinant HSV-1 vectors for rapid generation and easy selection/isolation of different HSV-Based vectors.
    Generation of recombinant viruses was performed with conventional homologous recombination methods using green fluorescent protein (GFP) and BleCherry harboring shuttle vectors. Viruses were isolated by direct fluorescence observation and standard plaque purifying methods and confirmed by PCR and sequencing and flow cytometry. XTT and plaque assay titration were performed on Vero, U87MG, and T98 GBM cell lines.
    We generated three recombinant viruses, HSV-GFP, HSV-GR (Green-Red), and HSV-Red. The HSV-GFP showed two log higher titer (1010 PFU) than wild type (108 PFU). In contrast, HSV-GR and HSV-Red showed one log lower titer (107 PFU) than parental HSV. Cytotoxicity analysis showed that HSV-GR and HSV-Red can lyse target tumor cells at multiplicity of infection of 10 and 1 (P
    Our oHSVs provide a simple and an efficient platform for construction and rapid isolation of 2nd and 3rd generation oHSVs by replacing the inserted dyes with transgenes and also for rapid identification via fluorescence activated cell sorting. These vectors can also be used for tracing the efficacy of therapeutic agents on target cells, imaging of neural or tumoral cells in vitro/in vivo and as oncolytic agents in cancer therapy.
    Keywords: Oncolytic viruses, Herpes simplex virus, Homologous recombination, Flow cytometry, Fluorescence microscopy}
  • Gholamreza Motalleb
    New cancer therapies with novel mechanisms and functions are needed to treat patients with different cancers. Virotherapy is a good scenario for such treatment. The advantages of virotherapy include the potential lack of cross resistance with standard therapies and the ability to cause tumor destruction by numerous mechanisms. Oncolytic virus not only possesses unique mechanisms of action that are distinct from other treatment modalities, its self-perpetuating nature provides an ideal platform for therapeutic transgenic insertion. In this review article, a variety of oncolytic viruses in cancer gene therapy will be described.
    Keywords: Cancer, Oncolytic viruses, Gene therapy}
  • Vahid Salimi, Masoumeh Tavakoli Yaraki, Mahmood Mahmoodi, Shahram Shahabi, Mohammad Javad Gharagozlou, Fazel Shokri, Talat Mokhtari Azad
    Oncolytic viruses have become of noticeable interest as a novel biological approach for selectively infecting cancer cells and triggering apoptosis in a number of malignant cells. Many researches are devoted to characterize more viruses with oncolytic properties..
    Evidences on the oncolytic feature of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are conflicting; therefore, this study was designed to elucidate the possible role of RSV on the modulation of cell growth and apoptosis in the skin cancer cells..
    Materials And Methods
    Plaque assay was used to determine RSV titers. The cytotoxic effect of RSV in A431 (skin carcinoma cell line) was determined using MTT assay. The detection of apoptosis was performed via Annexin-V-FITC staining method and analyzed with flow cytometry..
    The results indicated that A431 cell growth was inhibited following infection by RSV in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The most growth inhibitory effect of RSV was occurred at the MOI of 3, and 48 hour after infection. The inhibitory effect of RSV on the cell growth was accompanied by the induction of apoptosis in the skin cancer cells. The percentages of early and late apoptotic cells were increased following exposure to RSV in a concentration- and time-dependent manner..
    This study delineated the beneficial role of RSV for growth regulation of skin cancer cells and highlighted the involvement of RSV in the induction of apoptosis in A431 cells. These findings might conduct evidence into the oncolytic properties of RSV in the skin cancer. Further studies are required to indicate intracellular targets for RSV-induced apoptosis in skin cancer cells..
    Keywords: Oncolytic Viruses, Apoptosis, Skin Neoplasms, Flow Cytometry}
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