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برای پرداخت حق اشتراک اگر عضو هستید وارد شوید در غیر این صورت حساب کاربری جدید ایجاد کنید


جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « Tennis Elbow » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • سینا حیدری، ابوبکر جعفرنژاد، رضا فاریابی، رسول رئیسی، محیا گروهی، اکبر مهرعلیزاده، فاطمه امیری قناعت سامان، سلمان دانشی*
    Sina Heydari, Aboubakr Jafarnezhad, Reza Faryabi, Rasoul Raesi, Mahya Goroohi, Akbar Mehralizade, Fatemeh Amiri Ghanatsaman, Salman Daneshi*

    Background & Objectivs: 

    Today, despite the existence of numerous treatments for tennis elbow, the search for more effective methods continues due to the limited efficacy of these existing approaches. This study aimed to compare the results of tennis elbow treatment in two groups: patients receiving corticosteroid injection and casting, and patients receiving acupuncture and physiotherapy.

    Materials & Methods

    This quasi-experimental study, conducted in Jiroft in 2021, investigated the effectiveness of different treatment approaches for tennis elbow. Fifty patients diagnosed with tennis elbow were randomly divided into two groups of 25 each. One group received a combination of corticosteroids and casts, while the other group received acupuncture and physiotherapy.  A pain line was used to assess pain levels based on VAS criteria. Data were analyzed using SPSS-26 statistical software, employing Chi-square, Fisher's Exact, Mann-Whitney, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis, and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests.


    The majority of patients were female (66%) and housewives (46%).  There was a significant difference in pain outcomes between the two groups: physiotherapy alone and physiotherapy combined with corticosteroids and casts. This difference was observed across various conditions (pain at rest, pain during activity, and amount of pain evoked during activity) (p <0.05). In simpler terms, corticosteroids and casts were more effective in reducing pain from tennis elbow compared to acupuncture and physiotherapy.  Additionally, corticosteroids and casts had a greater effect on hand movement (supination, pronation, extension, and flexion) compared to acupuncture and physiotherapy.


    Our findings indicate that treatment of tennis elbow with a combination of corticosteroid injection and casting is more effective than acupuncture or physiotherapy alone. Corticosteroid injections themselves are also an effective way to relieve tennis elbow pain.

    Keywords: Tennis Elbow, Therapeutics, Injections, Acupuncture, Orthopedics, Patients}
  • Rahmatollah Jokar*, Seyyed Mokhtar Esmaeilnejadganji, Ali Bijani, Sekineh Kamali Ahangar, Raheleh Javer, Ghazal Mohammadi

    Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis is a common complaint involving about a 3-5% cases in a community. Non-surgical treatment is effective in 80% of cases. Recent studies have shown the effect of autologous blood on improving the pain and function of affected patients. The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of steroid and autologous blood local injection in controlling pain and disability in the short and long term.


    The present study was a clinical trial conducted in Shahid Beheshti Hospital of Babol. A total of 60 patients were divided into 3 groups; A group injected at the site of lateral epicondylitis with steroid (methylprednisolone acetate-40mg) and another group with autologous blood (2ml of venous blood), and the other group used a brace for 3 weeks. Patients were followed-up for 15, 30, and 90 days, and the PRTEE assessment questionnaire assessed their pain and disability.


    On the 15th day, there was no statistically significant difference in pain and function in the three groups, although the injectable groups were relatively more effective. On the 30th day, the local corticosteroid was significantly better than the autologous blood group, while on the 90th day, autologous blood was significantly better than the local corticosteroid. The average day, in which 25% improvement was gained, was lower in the autologous blood transfusion group.


    Regarding the long-term effect of autologous blood on corticosteroid injections, it was recommended as a lateral epicondylitis treatment.

    Keywords: Tennis elbow, Lateral epicondylitis, autologous blood, Corticosteroid, Brace}
  • Ehsan Asghari, Ahmadreza Zarifian, MohammadJavad Shariyate, Amir Kachooei *

    We hypothesized that there is no difference in the perceived pain and disability when the tennis elbow symptoms recur after a CSI. Consequently, we secondarily aimed to assess the approximate time from CSI until symptom recurrence. Moreover, we aimed to evaluate factors associated with the time to recurrence.


    This cross-sectional study was performed during 2018-2019. We enrolled 50 consecutive patients who presented with the recurrence of tennis elbow symptoms and had a history of a single CSI for this condition. We asked the patients to rate the perceived pain and disability by filling the QuickDASH twice, including one by recalling pain and function before the CSI and one for the recent recurrent symptoms to assess the patient’s perceived pain and disability at the two-time points. 


    There was a significant difference in perceived pain VAS and disability QuickDASH between pre-injection and recurrence, showing that the patient’s perceived pain and disability were greater when recurred (P<0.001). The mean time between CSI and recurrence of symptoms was 6 (4-7) months, which is shorter than the expected spontaneous resolution of tennis elbow (> 1 year) to offer other invasive treatments. Time to recurrence had no significant association with sex, age, side, education, occupation, pre-injection VAS score, pre-injection QuickDASH, or symptom duration using a linear regression model.


    Although CSI seems to relieve or mask the pain in the short term, there is a considerable chance of recurrence, and patients may perceive more significant pain and disability that may lead to subsequent injection or precocious surgery. Time is an effective treatment for this illness. Shared decision-making is paramount, and patients have to be counseled regarding the natural history and expected prognosis of different treatments. Level of evidence: IV

    Keywords: Corticosteroid, injection, Recurrence, Tennis elbow}
  • محمدحسین بشارتی، سید حسین سعید بنادکی*، عباس عبدلی تفتی، سارا جام برسنگ

    آرنج تنیس بازان به وضعیتی اطلاق می شود که به دلیل اکستانسیون بیش از حد مچ، درد در قسمت خارجی آرنج احساس می گردد. مطالعه ی حاضر با هدف مقایسه ی تاثیر روش درمانی تزریق موضعی کورتیکواسترویید به تنهایی و یا همراه با نیدل شدن بر روی شدت درد بیماران انجام شد.

    روش ها

    در این مطالعه که از نوع کارآزمایی بالینی می باشد، 90 بیمار (45 نفر گروه شاهد و 45 نفر گروه مورد) با آرنج تنیس بازان مورد مطالعه قرار گرفتند. در گروه مورد، تزریق موضعی کورتیکواسترویید همراه با نیدل شدن (حرکات متناوب سرسوزن جهت زخمی کردن کورتکس استخوان در منشاء عضله ی اکستنسور کارپی رادیالیس برویس) و در گروه شاهد، تزریق کورتیکواسترویید به تنهایی انجام گرفت. در نهایت با استفاده از مقیاس آنالوگ بصری، نمره ی درد قبل از شروع درمان و سه و شش ماه بعد از درمان بین دو گروه مقایسه گردید.

    یافته ها

    میانگین سن در گروه مورد، 7/93 ± 45/17 سال و در گروه شاهد، 6/23 ± 46/62 سال بود که اختلاف مشاهده شده از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود. مقایسه ی شدت درد در دو گروه نشان داد، نمره ی شدت درد در گروه مورد در مقایسه با گروه شاهد به طور معنی داری کمتر بود که بعد از تعدیل اثر سن و جنسیت، این ارتباط همچنان معنی دار باقی ماند. تغییرات نمره ی شدت درد در طی زمان های مختلف مطالعه در گروه های مورد مطالعه از نظر آماری معنی دار نبود.

    نتیجه گیری

    نتایج نشان داد، تزریق موضعی کورتیکواسترویید به همراه نیدل شدن بیمار در مقایسه با تزریق کورتیکواسترویید به تنهایی، در کاهش شدت درد موثرتر می باشد.

    کلید واژگان: آرنج تنیس بازان, درد, سوزن, کورتیکواستروئید, مدیریت درد}
    MohammadHossein Besharati, Seyed Hossein Saeed Banadaky *, Abbas Abdoli Tafti, Sara Jam Barsang

    Tennis elbow is a condition in which pain is felt in the lateral part of the elbow due to the excessive extension of the wrist. This study aimed to compare the local injection effect of the corticosteroid alone vs corticosteroid alongside dry needling, in easing pain intensity.


    In this randomized clinical trial, 90 patients (45 cases group and 45 controls group) with tennis elbow were investigated. In the case and control groups, local corticosteroid injection was done alongside dry needling (continuous movement of the needle to injure the bony cortex at the origin of the extensor carpal radialis brevis muscle) and without needling, respectively. Finally, changes in pain severity before, three, and six months after treatment were compared between the two groups using a visual analog scale.


    The mean age of patients in the case and control groups was 45.17 ± 7.93 and 46.62 ± 6.23, respectively while the observed difference was not statistically significant. Comparison of pain intensity between two groups showed that the pain intensity score in the case group was significantly lower than the control group even after adjusting for age and gender. In the study groups, pain intensity score changes were not statistically significant during different time intervals.


    Based on the results, injection of corticosteroids alongside dry needling can be more effective compared to the injection of corticosteroids without dry needling in reducing pain intensity.

    Keywords: Corticosteroid, Drug therapy, Tennis elbow, Pain management, Needles}
  • Renée Keijsers *, Bart Ten Brinke, Laurens De Haan, Ronald L.A.W. Bleys, Michel P.J. Van Den Bekerom
    In LE (Lateral Epicondylitis) otherwise known as Tennis Elbow, the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) tendon is most commonly involved. In the majority of studies, injections are performed with a lack of standardization. The Instant Tennis Elbow Cure (ITEC) device has been developed to perform reproducible and standardized perforations by multiple needles. The goal of this pilot study was to estimate the accuracy of this ITEC device by means of a cadaveric study and to assess the clinical safety of this procedure. 
    Ten cadaveric arms were injected using the ITEC device. The location and depth of the ECRB tendon was measured by ultrasound imaging. The accuracy of the infiltration was assessed by locating the injected dye through dissection and arthrotomy of the cadaveric elbow. A prospective clinical pilot study was conducted to assess the safety of the ITEC device in treating patients with chronic LE. An optional infiltration with an injection fluid was carried out?? Primary outcome measures were side effects and complications of the ITEC device occurring within a follow up period of 8 weeks after treatment.
    In all cadaveric elbows the injection fluid ( in this case an injection fluid) was located at the ECRB tendon. In one cadaver, a minimal amount of dye was found intra-articular and in 3 cadavers a small quantity was located in the surrounding tissue of the ECRB tendon. 122 patients with LE were treated with the ITEC device. No adverse effects or complications were reported at 8-week follow up. 
    Treatment of LE using the ITEC device appears accurate and safe. It may improve future research since it is reproducible and it can be performed in a standardized way. Level of evidence: IV
    Keywords: Cadaver study, Injection therapy, Lateral epicondylitis, Pilot study, Tennis elbow}
  • Mehdi Tavassoli, Rahmatollah Jokar, Mohammad Zamani, Soraya Khafri, Seyed Mokhtar Esmaeilnejad-Ganji*

    We aimed to compare the efficacy of local injection therapies for lateral epicondylitis in a Bayesian framework.


    We searched the Embase, PubMed, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Web of Science, Scopus, and ProQuest, for randomized controlled trials published from inception to February 2021 in any languages. The injection therapies included corticosteroids (CSs), autologous blood (AB), botulinum toxin (BT), and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Placebo was the reference group for comparison. The study outcomes were pain, function, and strength, at 1, 3 and 6 months after injection.


    Thirty-one trials were finally included in this network meta-analysis, comprising 1,948 patients. In the first month of treatment, CS and BT were more efficacious than placebo in terms of pain reduction, and CS was superior to BT. In the same follow-up time, CS was also superior to placebo in terms of functional improvement. In the third month of treatment, BT was the only intervention that was more efficient than placebo in pain relief. With regard to functional improvement, none of the treatments significantly had a higher effectiveness than placebo in the same period. Moreover, no therapies were found to be more efficient than placebo in the sixth month of treatment in terms of any study outcomes. In addition, we did not identify an intervention superior to placebo regarding strength improvement outcome in any times of follow-up.


    CSs and BT are efficient in improving clinical outcomes of lateral epicondylitis in the short term. Also, the efficacy of CSs seems to be greater than BT. On the other hand, AB and PRP were not significantly more efficient than placebo in any times of follow-up.

    Keywords: Lateral epicondylitis, Tennis elbow, Injection therapies, Systematic review, Network meta-analysis}
  • راضیه مغروری، عمار عامری، محمد دهقانی، حسین اکبری اقدم، مقداد رحمانی، محمدرضا پیری اردکانی، مژگان آقایی

    هدف از انجام پژوهش حاضر، بررسی و مقایسه ی اثربخشی دو تکنیک تزریق خون اتولوگ و Dry needling در بیماران مبتلا به بیماری لترال اپی کندیلیت (سندرم آرنج تنیس بازان) مقاوم به درمان بود.

    روش ها

     این مطالعه به صورت کارآزمایی بالینی تصادفی شده، بر روی 32 بیمار مبتلا به بیماری لترال اپی کندیلیت مقاوم به درمان انجام گرفت. بیماران پس از ورود به تحقیق، به دو گروه درمانی طبقه بندی شدند. شرکت کنندگان گروه اول و دوم به ترتیب تحت درمان با روش های Dry needling و تزریق خون اتولوگ قرار گرفتند. میزان درد بیماران با استفاده از مقیاس های Visual analogue scale (VAS) و Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) قبل از انجام مداخلات، 1 ماه بعد و 3 ماه پس از مداخله اندازه گیری و مقایسه گردید.

    یافته ها

     میزان درد در هر دو گروه تزریق خون اتولوگ و Dry needling، یک ماه و سه ماه پس از درمان بر اساس هر دو معیار، کاهش معنی داری را نشان داد. بین دو گروه تزریق خون اتولوگ و Dry needling تفاوت معنی داری در کاهش میزان درد در طول زمان بر اساس معیارهای VAS وPRTEE مشاهده نشد.


    میانگین نمره ی درد بیماران دو گروه از نظر سنجش با معیارهای VAS و PRTEE، تفاوت معنی داری نداشت. پس از انجام مداخلات، نتایج به دست آمده نشان دهنده ی کاهش معنی دار نمره ی درد در هر دو گروه نسبت به ابتدای پژوهش بود.

    کلید واژگان: آرنج تنیس بازان, لترالاپیکندیلیت, تزریق خون اتولوگ, Dry needling}
    Razieh Maghroori, Amar Ameri, Mohammad Dehghani, Hossein Akbari Aghdam, Meghdad Rahmani, Mohammadreza Piri Ardakani, Mozhgan Aghaie

    In this research project, our aim was to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of autologous blood transfusion (ABI) and dry needling techniques in patients with refractory lateral epicondylitis.


    This study was performed as a randomized clinical trial on 32 patients with refractory or recurrent lateral epicondylitis. After enrolling in the study, patients were divided into two treatment groups. In the first group, patients were treated with dry needling method and in the second group, with ABI. Patients' pain was measured and compared by two methods of visual analog scale (VAS) and Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE) before the interventions, and 1 and 3 months after the intervention.


    Based on both criteria, 1 and 3 months after treatment, there was significant reduction in pain in both blood transfusion and dry needling groups. There was no significant difference between the groups in reducing pain over time based on VAS and PRTEE criteria.


    Pain scores according to both VAS and PRTEE criteria significantly decreased in both groups at 1 and 3 months after the interventions.

    Keywords: Lateral epicondylitis, Tennis elbow, Blood transfusion, autologous, Dry needling}
  • Meisam Jafari Kafiabadi, Amir Sabaghzadeh, Farsad Biglari, Amin Karami, Mehrdad Sadighi*, Adel Ebrahimpour

    Lateral epicondylitis (LE) is one of the major causes of elbow pain. Despite being a self-limiting condition, its high incidence can cause a significant socioeconomic burden. Many treatment modalities have been proposed for the treatment, but the optimal strategy is still unknown. In this article, we discuss surgical and non-surgical strategies for the treatment of LE and address the research gaps.

    Keywords: Exercise Therapy, Lateral Epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow, Treatment}
  • Mohamad Behazin, Amir R. Kachooei *

    The aim of this study was to assess the functional outcomes and time to improve after the modified arthroscopic technique (recession technique) by using a knife to sharply cut the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon origin in patients with recalcitrant tennis elbow.


    In a prospective study, we included 11 consecutive patients. Following the routine elbow arthroscopy and after exposing the ECRB tendon, we used a knife (no. 11 blade) to cut the tendon at the level of radiocapitellar articulation while avoiding the lateral collateral ligament, which is considered a tendon recession as is done in spastic muscles. Patients were followed up for 1, 3, 6, and 12 month intervals and were asked to fill the Mayo Elbow Performance Index (MEPI), Quick Disabilities of the Arm Shoulder Hand (QuickDASH), and Patient-Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation (PRTEE).


    The mean PRTEE, QuickDASH, and MEPI scores showed significant improvement over time (P<0.001). There were 5 excellent, 5 good and 1 fair results based on MEPI. The patient with fair result was the only patient with existing varus instability on examination under anesthesia although we could not elicit the test positive on clinical examination. Substantial functional and pain improvement was reported almost 6 months after surgery. We did not find any nerve injury or post-operative infection.


    Arthroscopic recession surgery by using a knife is a safe and effective way in managing recalcitrant tennis elbow although patients should be informed of the expected time to improve. A simple tendon recession by a sharp cut is a time-saving technique that works effectively and is comparable with the piecemeal shaving. Clinical Relevance: The modified muscle recession technique is a rapid and safe way to manage the recalcitrant tennis elbow arthroscopically while the outcomes are comparable to the routine piecemeal shaving of the pathologic tissue. Level of evidence: IV

    Keywords: Arthroscopy, ECRB, Recession, Tennis elbow}
  • شهلا ابوالقاسمی، محمدهادی نیک نژاد، حسام الدین آتشی، حمید زعفرانی آرانی*
    سابقه و هدف

    اپیکوندیلیت جانبی  (LE) یا آرنج تنیس بازان (TE) باعث درد در قسمت خارجی آرنج می شود. در این مطالعه نتایج درمانی استفاده از گلیسریل تری نیترات موضعی (GTN) در درمان TE در مقایسه با دارونما بررسی شد.

    روش بررسی

    دراین کارآزمایی بالینی دوسوکور، 90 نفر از بیماران مبتلا به آرنج تنیس بازان که در فاصله مهرماه 1391 الی دی ماه 1392 به درمانگاه ارتوپدی و روماتولوژی بیمارستان بوعلی تهران مراجعه کرده بودند و معیارهای ورود به مطالعه را داشتند، به صورت تصادفی در دو گروه 45 نفره مداخله و کنترل بررسی شدند. برای گروه مداخله پچ های GTN و برای گروه کنترل، پچ های حاوی دارونما تجویز شد. 

    یافته ها

    کاهش معنی داری در تندرنس و درد پس از مصرف GTN در طی هفته های 2، 4 و 6 بعد از شروع درمان در مقایسه با گروه دریافت کننده پلاسبو وجود داشت (05/0>P).

    نتیجه گیری

    تجویز NO به طور مستقیم بر روی ناحیه تاندونوپاتی به صورت موضعی (GTN) می تواند باعث کاهش درد و سایر علایم بیماری مزمن LE شود.

    کلید واژگان: اپیکوندیلیت جانبی, بیماری آرنج تنیس بازان, اکسید نیتریک, گلیسریل تری نیترات موضعی, دارونما, تندرنس}
    Shahla Abolghasemi, MohammadHadi Niknegad, Hesam Adin Atashi, Hamid Zaferani Arani*

    Tennis elbow (TE), as a lateral epicondylitis (LE), is a chronic inflammatory and degenerative tendon disease that causes pain in the outer part of the elbow. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of topical Trinitrate Glyceryl (GTN) in the treatment of patients with TE.

    Materials and methods

    In this double-blind clinical trial, 90 patients with TE, referred to Orthopedic and Rheumatology Clinics of Bou-Ali Hospital in Tehran from October 2012 until January 2014, have been studied. They were randomly divided into 2 groups of 45 subjects (treatment and control group). Intervention group received dermal patches and GTN-containing drop, and the control group received dermal patches and liquid paraffin-containing drop (placebo).


    Significant improvement in pain and tenderness was observed after 2, 4 and 6 weeks in intervention group compared to control group (p<0.05).


    Based on the findings of this study, GTN has a significant effect on pain relief and tenderness in patients with TE.

    Keywords: Tennis elbow, Lateral epicondylitis, Trinitrate glyceryl, Placebo, Pain, Tenderness}
  • Renée Keijsers *, Koen L.M. Koenraadt, Jeroen L. Turkenburg, Annechien Beumer, Bertram The, Denise Eygendaal
    Lateral epicondylitis (LE) most commonly affects the Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis (ECRB) tendon andpatients are generally treated with injection therapy. For optimal positioning of the injection, as well as an estimation ofthe surface area and content of the ECRB tendon to determine the volume of the injectable needed, it is important toknow the exact location of the ECRB in relation to the skin as well as the variation in tendon length and location. Theaim of this study was to determine the variation in location and size of the ECRB tendon in patients with LE.
    An observational sonographic evaluation of the ECRB tendon was performed in 40 patients with LE. Thelength of the ECRB tendon, distance from the cutis to the center of the ECRB tendon, the length of the osteotendinousjunction at the epicondyle and the distance from cutis to middle of the osteotendinous junction were measured.
    The average tendon length was 1.68cm (range 1.27-1.98; SD 0.177). Compared to women, the ECRB tendonof men was on average 0.12cm longer. Overall, the average distance from cutis to the center of the ECRB was 0.75cm(range 0.50-1.46cm; SD 0.210), the average length of the junction was 0.55cm (range 0.35-0.87; SD 0.130), and thedistance from cutis to middle of the osteotendinous junction was 0.73cm (range 0.40-1.25cm; SD 0.210).
    The size and depth of the ECRB tendon in patients with LE is largely variable. While there are no studiesyet suggesting sono-guided injection to be superior to that of blind injection, the anatomic variability of this studysuggests that the accuracy of injection therapy for LE might be compromised when based solely on bony landmarksand therefore not fully reliable. As a result, there is value in further studies exploring the accuracy of the ultrasoundguided injection techniques.Level of evidence: IV
    Keywords: Anatomy, extensor carpi radialis brevis, Lateral epicondylitis, Tennis elbow, Ultrasound}
  • Hossein Saremi *, Mohammad A. Seydan, Mohamad A. Seifrabiei
    An effective treatment for the elbow recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis is arthroscopic surgery. This studyevaluated the midterm results of treating recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis with arthroscopic surgery.
    A total of 40 subjects with recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis prepared for arthroscopic surgery on their elbowsparticipated in this study. The elbow function was evaluated using the Quick disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand(Quick DASH) score. Pain intensity was assessed before and after the surgery by the visual analog scale (VAS). Gripand pinch strengths were assessed by a dynamometer.
    In this study, the mean age of the participants was 42.9±6.4 years. The average follow-up time was 42months. The mean of VAS (pain intensities) were 7.05 and 3.20 before and after the surgery, respectively (P=0.001).The Quick DASH score decreased from 63.18 to 25.68 from before to after the surgery (P=0.001). The mean gripstrength of the operated and nonoperated sides was not significantly different after the surgery.
    Arthroscopic surgery seems to be an effective method with few complications in patients suffering froman elbow recalcitrant lateral epicondylitis in the midterm follow-up.Level of evidence: II
    Keywords: Arthroscopy, Function, Lateral epicondylitis, Pain, Tennis elbow, Strength}
  • Matthew Tarabochia, Stein Janssen *, Paul T. Ogink, David Ring, Neal C. Chen
    Enthesopathy of the extensor carpi radialis brevis origin [eECRB] is a common idiopathic, noninflammatorydisease of middle age that is characterized by excess glycosaminoglycan production and frequentlyassociated with radiographic calcification of its origin. The purpose of our study was to assess the relationship ofcalcification of the ECRB and advancing age.
    We included 28,563 patients who received an elbow radiograph and assessed the relationship of calcificationsof the ECRB identified on radiograph reports with patient age, sex, race, affected side, and ordering indication usingmultivariable logistic regression.
    Calcifications of the ECRB were independently associated with age (OR:1.04; P<0.001); radiographsordered for atraumatic pain (OR2.6; P<0.001) or lateral epicondylitis (OR5.5; P<0.001); and Hispanic ethnicity (OR1.5;P<0.001) and less likely to be found at the left side (OR0.68; P<0.001). Similarly, incidental calcifications of the ECRB,those on radiographs not ordered for atraumatic pain or lateral epicondylitis, were independently associated withage (OR1.03; P<0.001) and Hispanic ethnicity (OR1.5; P<0.024) and less likely to be found on the left side (OR0.71;P<0.001).
    We observed that about nine percent of people have ECRB calcification by the time they are in their sixthdecade of life and calcifications persist in the absence of symptoms which supports the idea that eECRB is a common,self-limited diagnosis of middle age.Level of evidence: II
    Keywords: Calcification, Enthesopathy, extensor carpi radialis brevis, lateral epicondyle, Lateral epicondylitis, Radiograph, Prevalence, Tennis elbow}
  • عارف سعیدی، هومن مینونژاد*، فواد صیدی، محمدحسین علیزاده

    مقدمه و اهداف:

     آرنج تنیس بازان شایع ترین آسیب ناشی از استفاده بیش از حد در ورزشکاران و حتی در غیرورزشکارن می باشد. هدف از تحقیق حاضر مقایسه اثر چهار هفته تمرینات ترکیبی کششی و اکسنتریک با سوزن زدن خشک بر درد (درد در حین استراحت، درد در حین فعالیت، درد برانگیخته) در ورزشکاران مبتلا به آرنج تنیس بازان می باشد. تحقیق از نوع نیمه تجربی بود.

    مواد و روش ها:

     نمونه های آماری تحقیق حاضر 20 فرد مبتلا به بیماری آرنج تنیس بازان بودند که به صورت هدفمند انتخاب و به طور تصادفی به دو گروه تمرینات ترکیبی (10 نفر شامل 5 زن و 5 مرد) و سوزن خشک (10 نفر شامل 3 زن و 7 مرد) تقسیم شدند. گروه تمرینات ترکیبی سه روز در هفته به تمرینات کششی و اکسنتریک پرداختند و گروه سوزن خشک نیز سه روز در هفته تحت برنامه درمانی سوزن خشک قرار گرفتند. در این تحقیق تغییرات درون گروهی متغیرهای تحقیق از زمان پیش آزمون تا انتهای هفته چهارم سنجیده شد. با توجه به نرمال بودن توزیع داده ها از آزمون تی زوجی برای بررسی تغییرات درون گروهی استفاده شد و از آزمون تحلیل کوواریانس برای بررسی تفاوت های بین گروهی استفاده گردید. 

    یافته ها:

     نتایج آزمون تی زوجی و آنالیز کواریانس (آنکوا) نشان داد که 4 هفته تمرینات ترکیبی اکسنتریک و کششی و همچنین سوزن زدن خشک به طور معناداری باعث کاهش درد (درد در حین استراحت، درد در حین فعالیت، درد برانگیخته) مبتلایان به آرنج تنیس بازان می شود (05/0≥P). 

    نتیجه گیری:

    هر دو روش تمرینات ترکیبی اکسنتریک و کششی و سوزن زدن خشک به طور معناداری باعث کاهش درد در بیماری آرنج تنیس بازان می شود، اما اندازه اثر کاهش درد در گروه سوزن زدن خشک بیشتر از گروه تمرینات ترکیبی اکسنتریک و کششی بود.

    کلید واژگان: آرنج تنیس بازان, تمرینات اکسنتریک, تمرینات کششی, سوزن زدن خشک, درد}
    Aref Saidi, Hooman Minoonejad *, Foad Seidi, Mohammadhosein Alizadeh
    Background and Aims

    Tennis elbow is one of the most common injuries due to overuse in athletes and even non-athletes. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect and durability of four weeks of eccentric and stretching exercises with dry needle therapy on pain (pain during rest and pain during activity) of athletes suffering from tennis elbow.

    Materials and Methods

    The statistical samples of the study consisted of 20 patients with tennis elbow who were randomly divided into two groups of combined exercises (10 participants including 5 women and 5 men) and dry needling (10 participants including 3 women and 7 men). The combined exercises group did tensile and eccentric exercises three days a week, and dry-needling was performed for the other group three days a week. In the present study, intra-group changes in the variables of the research were measured from pre-test until the end of the fourth week. Regarding the normal distribution of data, paired t-test was used to examine intra-group variation and ANCOVA test was used to examine intergroup differences.


    The results of paired t-test and covariance analysis showed that four weeks of combined eccentric and tensile training as well as dry-needling significantly reduced pain (pain during rest and pain during activity) of patients with tennis elbows (P ≥0.05).


    According to the results, both methods of combinational training and dry needling significantly reduced pain in athletes suffering from tennis elbow after four weeks of intervention, but the effect size in dry needling was larger.

    Keywords: Tennis elbow, Eccentric training, Stretching training, Dry-needling, Pain}
  • Alireza Shamsoddini *
    Tennis elbow (TE) is a common strain injury or microtrauma that causes sore and tender around the outside of the elbow. Using orthotic devices is one way for rehabilitating this condition.
    The aim of this study was to investigate the immediate effects of taping technique (TT) and counterforce brace (CB) on hand grip strength and pain in the patients with tennis elbow.
    In an experimental study with pre-test and post-test stages, 29 subjects with TT on their dominant arm were recruited and randomly divided into two groups: TT group (15 subjects) and CB group (14 subjects). The outcomes of the measurement consisted of pain in the lateral aspect of the elbow, as well as grip strength of hand before and 30 minutes after application of TT in one group and CB in another group. The visual analog scale (VAS) was used to assess pain and dynamometer was also utilized to evaluate grip strength.
    Following elbow taping, the pain was significantly lower than CB group (P = 0.004). However, grip strength with P = 0.06 showed no significant difference between the two groups. The results revealed a significant difference between after and before interventions, with increases in hand grip strength and wrist extension muscle force in TT and CB groups.
    According to these findings, the improvement of grip strength was not different between the two methods. However, it seems that TT was more effective than CB in the reduction of pain of lateral aspect related to the elbow in these patients.
    Keywords: Pain, Tennis Elbow, Lateral Epicondylitis, Grip, Taping}
  • Hassan Barati *, Mohammad Reza Rezaie, Seyyed Sadra Saleh Shariaty, Zahra Rahimi
    Lateral epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is one of the common disorders in humans. Despite recommended treatments, there is no definite therapy for this disorder. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review scientific reports on the effects of orthotic devices for treatment (comparing orthoses with other treatments related to lateral epicondylitis parameters), reducing complications, and improving symptoms of this condition.
    Ovid, Scopus, and Web of science were searched to identify studies which reported the effectiveness of orthotic treatment for lateral epicondylitis from 1996 until 2017. Studies were collected based on the inclusion criteria and a few were selected out of a large number of studies. The PEDro scale was used for the quality assessment of the selected articles.
    A total of 43 articles were chosen, 16 articles on Orthotics vs. other nonsurgical treatments, 20 articles on the comparison of different orthotics, and 7 reviews.
    Based on the results of the selected papers, there was not sufficient evidence to decide on the effectiveness among several orthoses or for comparing orthotic treatment with other treatment methods. However, it should be emphasized that the use of orthosis can be an acceptable treatment for improving some symptoms of this condition such as pain, grip, pain-free grip, no pain, grip strength, function, ROM, and proprioception.
    Keywords: Orthotic treatment, lateral epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow, Pain, grip strength, Function}
  • Mehmet Ar?can *, Yalç?n Turhan, Zekeriya Okan Karaduman
    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy is a noninvasive, safe, and well- tolerated treatment method which is increasingly used in the treatment of lateral epicondylitis. However, the gold standard treatment protocol is still controversial.
    This study aimed to investigate and compare the efficacy of two different pneumatic pressure levels of radial extracorporeal shockwave therapy (rESWT) in active patients with lateral epicondylitis, unresponsive to conservative treatment.
    This retrospective comparative study was carried out in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology, Duzce University School of Medicine in 2018. A total of 330 patients with lateral epicondylitis unresponsive to conservative treatment were underwent rESWT during years 2010 - 2017. The patients were divided into two groups of 181 patients (group 1) with a total of 1500 impulses of 10 Hz frequency at 1 bar of air pressure during five treatment sessions at 1 week intervals, and 149 patients (group 2) with a total of 2000 impulses of 10 Hz frequency at 2 bars of air pressure during five treatment sessions at 1 week intervals. Functional and clinical outcomes were assessed just before the treatment, at six weeks and six months after treatment using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the Quick-Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (Q-DASH) score.
    The mean VAS score had significantly decreased in group 1 from 8.34 ± 1.22 to 2.59 ± 1.49 (P = 0.0001) and had also in group 2 from 8.56 ± 1.22 to 2.56 ± 1.76 (P = 0.0001). The mean Q-DASH score decreased significantly in both groups; from 58.92 ± 18.48 to 9.27 ± 5.85 (P = 0.0001), and from 65.36 ± 19.32 to 9.25 ± 6.28 (P = 0.0001) in group 1 and group 2, respectively. No significant difference was observed between the pretreatment VAS and the 6-month scores of groups 1 and 2 (P = 0.103). The mean difference in the Q-DASH pretreatment and 6-week scores and between the pretreatment and 6-month scores in group 2 were higher than those in group 1 (P = 0.011, P = 0.003).
    Although both rESWT treatment regimens caused a decrease in pain and loss of function, the superior treatment protocol for rESWT appears to be five treatment sessions at 1-week intervals, with 2000 impulses per session and 2 bars. rESWT is a good option for treating lateral epicondylitis, as it is safe and effective and leads to no complications.
    Keywords: Air Pressure, Elbow Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy Hand, Lateral Epicondylitis, Ortopedics, Pain, Shoulder, Tennis Elbow, Traumatology, Visual Analog Scale}
  • Ali Moradi, Pouria Pasdar, Hasan Mehrad Majd *, Mohammad H. Ebrahimzadeh
    Lateral epicondylitis (LE) also known as tennis elbow is a common disease of middle-aged population.Surgery is a treatment of choice in patients not responded to the conservative management. Open and arthroscopicrelease are the two main choices for LE surgery; however, an overall consensus is not available. This study was aimedto compare the clinical outcomes after conventional open and arthroscopic procedures.
    An electronic search of databases including, Medline, Web of Science, Embase, Cochrane Library, andScopus was conducted to identify all eligible studies describing the post-operative clinical outcomes of patients withLE, up to October 2018. All studies considering the non-pediatric cases who received at least 6-month preoperativeconservative treatment and were followed more than 6 months after surgery were included. Data on patient satisfaction,functional outcomes, pain, and complication rates, were extracted for each study. If appropriate, the meta-analysiswas performed to combine the results for all outcomes that were reported in a minimum of 3 studies utilizing the samesurgical technique.
    A total of 34 eligible articles including 15 open studies, 13 arthroscopic studies, and 6 studies in bothtechniques were enrolled. Studies were from different parts of the world with a whole sample size of 1508 cases.Various outcome measuring methods including Quick DASH and VAS, and different clinical outcomes were reported.The results indicated no significant difference between arthroscopic and open surgery methods in terms of VAS,DASH score, time for returning to work, overall outcomes, and patients’ satisfaction (P >0.05). However, postoperativecomplications were significantly higher in the open group when compared with the arthroscopic procedure (57.3%vs 33.4% P=0.001).
    The present study suggests that despite no superiority for each techniques regarding the pain relief,subjective function, and better rehabilitation, arthroscopic method have been associated with less complications.Level of evidence: II
    Keywords: Arthroscopy, Lateral epicondylitis, Open surgery, Systematic review, Tennis elbow}
  • مجتبی بابایی مبارکه *، امیر لطافت کار، امیر حسین براتی
    مقدمه و اهداف:
    آرنج تنیس بازان شایع ترین نوع آسیب استفاده بیش از حد اندام فوقانی در ورزشکاران است که درد قابل توجه و نقص عملکرد را در اندام آسیب دیده به همراه دارد. هدف از پژوهش حاضر، بررسی تاثیر هشت هفته تمرین مقاومتی با استفاده از پاوربال بر قدرت عضلات اکستنسور مچ، حس عمقی مچ، قدرت گیرش و عملکرد حرکتی اندام فوقانی والیبالیست های مبتلا به آرنج تنیس بازان بود.
    مواد و روش ها
    برای اجرای پژوهش نیمه تجربی حاضر، 30 والیبالیست مبتلا به آرنج تنیس بازان به صورت هدفمند انتخاب شده و به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه تجربی و کنترل تقسیم بندی شدند. جهت اندازه گیری قدرت عضلات اکستنسور مچ دست، حس عمقی مچ، قدرت گیرش و عملکرد حرکتی آزمودنی ها قبل و پس از اجرای برنامه مداخله ای (هشت هفته تمرین مقاومتی با استفاده از پاوربال) به ترتیب از داینامومتر آیزوکینتیک، داینامومتر دستی، و آزمون تعادلی وای برای اندام فوقانی استفاده شد.
    یافته ها
    نتایج تحقیق حاضر نشان داد تمرینات پاوربال تاثیر معنا داری بر قدرت اکستنشن مچ دست (009/0=P) ، حس عمقی مچ (011/0=P) قدرت گرفتن (001/0=P) ، و عملکرد حرکتی اندام فوقانی (001/0=P) داشته است.
    نتیجه گیری
    با توجه به تاثیر معنادار تمرینات با استفاده از پاوربال بر قدرت اکستنشن مچ، حس عمقی مچ، قدرت گیرش و عملکرد حرکتی اندام فوقانی، استفاده از این تمرینات در مراحل توانبخشی بیماران دارای نقص در فاکتورهای ذکرشده پیشنهاد می گردد.
    کلید واژگان: پاوربال, عملکرد, قدرت, حس عمقی, آرنج تنیس بازان}
    Mojtaba Babaei Mobarakeh *, Amir Letafatkar, Amir Hosein Barati
    Background and Aims
    Tennis elbows injury is one of the most common types of athletic upper extremity overuse injury which is accompanied by remarkable pain and functionality deficit in the injured limb. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of Powerball mediated resistance training on the wrist extensor muscle strength, wrist proprioception, grip strength, and upper extremity performance in volleyball players with tennis elbow.
    Materials and Methods
    For the current quasi-experimental study, 30 volleyball players with tennis elbow were selected and randomly divided into two (control and experimental) groups. To measure wrist extensor muscle strength, grip strength, and performance before and after implementation of the intervention programs (eight weeks of resistance training using Powerball), the isokinetic dynamometer, hand held dynamometer, and Y balance tests were used, respectively.
    The results of the present study showed that the Powerball exercises have significant effects on wrist extension strength (P=0.009), wrist proprioception (P=0.011), grip strength (P=0.001), and upper extremity performance (P=0.001).
    Due to the significant effect of Powerball mediated exercises on wrist extension strength, wrist proprioception, grip, and performance of upper extremity, using this exercise program is recommended in the process of rehabilitation in patients with tennis elbow who have deficiency in the mentioned variables.
    Keywords: Powerball, Performance, Strength, Proprioception, Tennis elbow}
  • Hedye Razi Kazemi*, Noureddin Karimi, Fatemeh Honarmand, Monireh Ahmadi Bani
    Lateral Epicondylitis (LE) or tennis elbow is one of the most frequent complications in the general population. Moreover, it is one of the most common lesions in the work-related upper limb. This disease has a significant impact on the daily activities of individuals and their performance. The most frequent problem in patients with LE is pain in the proximal forearm. The current study evaluated and compared a simple proximal forearm strap and a counterforce brace combined with Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).
    In this quasi-experimental study, 26 patients with LE were selected as samples using non-probability sampling technique (convenience method). They were randomly divided into the two groups of simple brace and brace+LLLT. Jamar Digital Hand Dynamometer, Visual Analog Scale, and the Disabilities of Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) questionnaire were used to measure grip strength, pain and the disability of samples, respectively. The comparison of studied parameters was performed by repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
    The mean pain score significantly decreased in both groups; however, the difference between the two groups was not significant. The simple counterforce brace had no significant effect on grip strength, but in the group who used counterforce brace with LLLT, the grip strength significantly increased. The mean disability scores decreased significantly in both groups; however, the difference was not significant between the two groups. The counterforce brace with LLLT had more effect on the reduction of disability.
    Both tested braces could affect grip strength, pain, and the disability of patients with LE. The counterforce brace with LLLT was superior to the simple counterforce brace only on grip strength.
    Keywords: Tennis elbow, Lateral epicondylitis, Counterforce brace, Low level laser therapy, Grip strength, Pain, Disability}
  • نتایج بر اساس تاریخ انتشار مرتب شده‌اند.
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