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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « thyroiditis » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Abhaa Al-Jahhafi, Asma Al-Sawaai, Zamzam Al-Bimani, Naima Khamis Al Bulushi *

    The surge of the COVID-19 pandemic (December / 2019 - May/2023) and its catastrophic effect worldwide have necessitated emergent intervention to reduce its influence on people's health and life. To eliminate and reduce the impact of COVID-19 infection, COVID-19 vaccination was emergently authorized in December 2020 which has established good safety and efficacy. Having said that, some adverse effects merged in a few individuals. We are reporting an adolescent patient a 17-year-old female who has been diagnosed with Graves’ disease after post-COVID-19 vaccinations. In addition, she was a confirmed case of COVID-19 infection three months earlier. The patient presented with typical features of hyperthyroidism 30 days post receiving the first dose of the vaccination. Based on the patient's presentation relative to the administration of the vaccine and prior infection of the virus. We proposed the synergistic effect of both factors to induce Graves’ disease in this young healthy female with no family history of autoimmune disease. We are reporting this case for pediatric endocrinologists to be aware of the interaction and possible impact of the COVID-19 vaccine on thyroid function.

    Keywords: Thyroiditis, COVID-19 Vaccine, Graves' Disease}
  • Zahra Ataee, Saeed Shokoohi-Rad, Saman Soleimanpour *

    Hypothyroidism has many causes and manifestations in children. One of the causes is autoimmunity, which is known as autoimmune thyroiditis or Hashimoto thyroiditis. Pseudotumor cerebri is a rare manifestation of Hashimoto thyroiditis. Here we report a 10-year-old girl with asymptomatic papillary edema who was treated with levothyroxine and acetazolamide.

    Case Presentation

    A 10-year-old girl suffered from left eye trauma while playing volleyball and went to an ophthalmology center due to redness in the same eye. During the examination, they noticed a bilateral optic disc swelling without ocular inflammation and the other eye examination was within normal limits. Encephalopathy may rarely occur during autoimmune thyroiditis, which is known as Hashimoto encephalopathy, and it is stated that the autoimmune disorder is not related to the thyroid dysfunction characterized by the symptoms of decreased level of consciousness and seizures.


    The diagnosis of hypothyroidism in children is usually made by examining the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and T4 in which TSH is elevated and T4 is decreased as in our patient.

    Keywords: Hypothyroidism, thyroiditis, Pseudotumor cerebri}
  • Nearmeen Rashad, Reham El Shabrawy, Ahmed Radwan, Reem Allam, Rehab Abdul Maksoud, Magda Sherif

    Diagnosis of unexplained infertility (UEI) is made by exclusion and a relatively common problem that affects couples worldwide. Unfortunately, it is a not uncommon for females to suffer from Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT). Interferon-gamma (IFN- γ) has a central key role in HT and in the ability to conceive. We aimed to estimate serum IFN- γ level and its expression profile in Egyptian women with HT and assess their possible association with UEI. In this study, we examined 120 women with HT. We evaluated fertility in all patients; female patients who suffer from UEI were detected. Diagnosis of HT was based on the clinical data and the laboratory measures, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure serum IFN- γ, and the expression of IFN-γ messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) was assayed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). According to the results of this study, 37.5 % of the studied females who suffered from HT were diagnosed with UEI. The serum level of IFN-γ and its gene expression showed a significant positive correlation with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroid autoantibodies. However, a negative correlation was found with anti-müllerian hormone (AMH), free T4 (FT3), and free T4 (FT4). Analysis by linear regression revealed that TSH and FT3 were associated with serum level of IFN-γ; while FT3 was associated with IFN-γ gene expression. We concluded that both are valued markers in diagnosing UEI in female patients suffering from HT.

    Keywords: Hashimotodisease, Infertility, Interferon-gamma, Thyroiditis}
  • امیر غلامی، سید حسین موسوی انیجدان *
    سابقه و هدف
    تیروتوکسیکوزیس در نتیجه عملکرد بیش از حد هورمون تیروئید در خون ایجاد می شود که آن علل شایع شامل بیماری گریوز، گواتر ندولر سمی و تیروئیدیت ها می باشند. بیماری گریوز شایع ترین علت تیروتوکسیکوزیس می باشد. اما ممکن است براساس مناطق جغرافیایی علت تیروتوکسیکوزیس متفوات باشد لذا در این مطالعه میزان شیوع علت های تیروتوکسیکوزیس در شهر بابل بررسی شد.
    مواد و روش ها
    در این مطالعه مقطعی 300 بیمار تیروتوکسیک مراجعه کننده برای اسکن تیروئید، بررسی شدند. اسکن تیروئید با رادیوداروی تکنزیوم پرتکنتات انجام گردید و براساس نتیجه اسکن، بیماران در دو گروه کلی قرار گرفتند. گروه نخست، افزایش جذب رادیودارو یا هایپرتیروئیدی که شامل گریوز و گواتر ندولر سمی (منفرد یا متعدد) بودند. گروه دوم، کاهش جذب رادیودارو که موارد تیروئیدیت ها (تحت حاد و بدون درد) را شامل می شدند.
    یافته ها
    از 300 بیمار با تیروتوکسیکوزیس 209 نفر زن (69/7%) و 91 نفر مرد (30/3%) بودند. در اسکن تیروئید انجام شده، تعداد 135 نفر تیروئیدیت (45%) که 95 نفر زن (70/4%) و 40 نفر مرد (29/6%) بودند، تعداد 96 نفر گریوز (32%) که 57 نفر زن(59/4%) و 39 نفر مرد(40/6%) بودند و تعداد 69 نفر آدنوم (23%) که 57 نفر زن(82/6%) و 12 نفر مرد (17/4%) بودند.
    نتیجه گیری
    نتایج مطالعه نشان داد که تیروئیدیت ها در منطقه مورد مطالعه شیوع بالاتری نسبت به گریوز دارند. بنابراین تیروئیدیت ها می توانند به عنوان شایع ترین علت تیروتوکسیکوزیس در منطقه ما مطرح باشند که شاید در تصمیم گیری های درمانی موثر واقع شود.
    کلید واژگان: تیروتوکسیکوزیس, تیروئیدیت, بیماری گریوز, گواتر ندولر سمی, اسکن تیروئید}
    A Gholami, SH Mousavie Anijdan *
    Thyrotoxicosis is a disease that results in excessive thyroid hormone activity in the blood. Common causes include Graves's disease, toxic nodular goiter (single or multiple) and thyroiditis. However, the cause of thyrotoxicosis may be different due to geographical areas, so in this study, the prevalence of thyrotoxicosis in the Babol County was investigated.
    In this cross-sectional study, 30 thyrotoxic patients who were referred for thyroid scan were evaluated. The thyroid scan was performed with radiopharmaceutical of technetium pertechnetate and based on the results of the scan; the patients were divided into two general groups. The first group increased the absorption of radiopharmaceutical or hyperthyroidism, which included graves and, toxic nodular goitre (single or multiple). The second group reduced the absorption of radiopharmaceutical, which included thyroiditis (subacute and painless).
    Of the 300 patients with thyrotoxicosis, 209 patients were women (69.7%) and 91 patients were men (30.3%). In thyroid scan, 135 cases of thyroiditis (45%), which 95 cases were women (70.4%) and 40 cases were men (29.6%), 96 patients of Graves (32%), 57 cases were women (4 (59%) and 39 cases were men (40.6%) and 69 cases of adenoma (23%), 57 cases were women (82.6%) and 12 cases were men (17.4%).
    Thyroiditis in our region may be more frequent than Graves' disease and can be the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis, which can be important in medical decision-making.
    Keywords: Thyrotoxicosis, Thyroiditis, Graves disease, Toxic Nodular Goiter, Thyroid Scan}
  • Ideh Ghafour, Forouzan Elyasi *
    Thyroiditis is the most common inflammatory disorder that affects thyroid gland.The diagnosis is mainly based on clinical findings, in particular the degree of pain and tenderness of thyroid. Confirmatory laboratory test includes presence of thyroid specific autoantibodies. Treatment is based on the severity of symptoms (pain and redness) and aims to restore the normal function of thyroid. Drug-induced thyroiditis has been described previously in the literature. Venlafaxine is an antidepressant agent with an efficacy similar to that of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. The dose of this medicine can be adjusted up to 150 mg/day one year after initiation. However, usage of venlafaxine may be limited due to the dose-dependent side effects. Here we describe a patient diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and migraine headache who developed venlafaxine-induced thyroiditis following dose adjustment to the maximum of 150 mg/day. The diagnosis was made based on the clinical symptoms and confirmatory laboratory tests according to the Naranjo Adverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale. Thyroiditis symptoms subsided after reducing venlafaxine dose and initiating prednisolone therapy. It should be noted that thyroid function was fully restored to normal only after cessation of venlafaxine administration.
    Keywords: Anti-depressant, Drug side effect, Thyroiditis, Venlafaxine}
  • Arash Ordookhani, Kenneth D. Burman *
    Context: There are contradictory results on the effect of hyperthyroidism on hemostasis. Inadequate population-based studies limited their clinical implications, mainly on the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). The present review focuses on hemostatic changes in overt and subclinical hyperthyroidism.
    A systematic literature search was conducted employing MEDLINE database. The following words were used for the search: Hyperthyroidism; thyrotoxicosis; Graves disease; goiter, nodular; hemostasis; blood coagulation factors; blood coagulation disorders; venous thromboembolism; bleeding; fibrinolysis. The articles that were related to hyperthyroidism and hemostasis are used in this manuscript.
    Hyperthyroidism, either overt or subclinical, renders a hypercoagulable state, although there are several studies with contradictory findings in the literature. Hypercoagulability may be caused by an increase in the level of various coagulation factors such as factor (F) VIII, FX, FIX, von Willebrand F (vWF), and fibrinogen, while hypofibrinolysis by changes in coagulation parameters such as a decrease in plasmin and plasmin activator or an increase in α2-antiplasmin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor
    Although many reports are in favor of a hypercoagulable state in overt hyperthyroidism but this finding at the biochemical level and its clinical implication, on the occurrence of VTE, has yet to be confirmed.
    Keywords: Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Thyroiditis, Autoimmune, Hashimoto Disease, Myxedema, Venous Thromboembolism, Blood Coagulation Factors, Fibrinolysis, Thyroid Neoplasms}
  • Arash Ordookhani, Kenneth D. Burman
    Context: There are contradictory results on the effect of hypothyroidism on the changes in hemostasis. Inadequate population-based studies limited their clinical implications, mainly on the risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). This paper reviews the studies on laboratory and population-based findings regarding hemostatic changes and risk of VTE in hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disorders.
    Evidence Acquisition: A comprehensive literature search was conducted employing MEDLINE database. The following words were used for the search: Hypothyroidism; thyroiditis, autoimmune; blood coagulation factors; blood coagulation tests; hemostasis, blood coagulation disorders; thyroid hormones; myxedema; venous thromboembolism; fibrinolysis, receptors thyroid hormone. The papers that were related to hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disorder and hemostasis are used in this review.
    Overt hypothyroidism is more associated with a hypocoagulable state. Decreased platelet count, aggregation and agglutination, von Willebrand factor antigen and activity, several coagulation factors such as factor VIII, IX, XI, VII, and plasminogen activator-1 are detected in overt hypothyrodism. Increased fibrinogen has been detected in subclinical hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disease rendering a tendency towards a hypercoagulability state. Increased factor VII and its activity, and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 are among several findings contributing to a prothrombotic state in subclinical hypothyroidism.
    Overt hypothyroidism is associated with a hypocoagulable state and subclinical hypothyroidism and autoimmune thyroid disorders may induce a prothrombotic state. However, there are contradictory findings for the abovementioned thyroid disorders. Prospective studies on the risk of VTE in various levels of hypofunctioning of the thyroid and autoimmune thyroid disorders are warranted.
    Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Thyroiditis, Autoimmune, Hashimoto Disease, Myxedema, Venous Thromboembolism, Blood Coagulation Factors, Fibrinolysis}
  • Regina Promberger, Katharina Walch, Rudolf Seemann, Sophie Pils, Johannes Ott
    Etiologic factors for recurrent miscarriage (RM) include autoimmune diseases, the most frequently antiphospholipid syndrome and thyroiditis. Some women who suffer from RM might also have an altered immune system. We aimed to evaluate possible associations between anti-thyroid and anti-phospholipid antibodies in women with RM. In a retrospective case series 1 on 156 women with RM, major outcome parameters were antibodies against cardiolipin, β2-glycoprotein I, thyreoperoxidase (TPO-Ab), and thyroglobulin (TG-Ab). Significant (p
    Keywords: Antiphospholipid syndrome, Autoimmunity, Dehydroepiandrosterone, Recurrent early pregnancy loss, Recurrent miscarriage, Thyroiditis}
  • Nosrat Ghaemi, Javad Sayedi, Sepideh Bagheri
    Thyroid gland is well known to resist infections by rich blood supply and lymphatic drainage, high glandular content of iodine which can be bactericidal and separation of the gland from other structures of neck. Primary thyroid abscess resulting from acute suppurative thyroiditis (AST) is an unusual type of head and neck infection and it is a rare condotion in children so that progression to abscess formation is even more uncommon. Case Report: In this article we report a 9 years old girl who presented thyroid abscess. She had fever, painful swelling in the neck, sore throat, tachycardia, restriction of neck movements and dysphagia for 6-7 days with a history of mild fever from 10 days, prior to that. The responsible organism was found to be staphylococcus aureus. Treatment began with Intravenous antibiotics and continued with incision and drainage. Thus the process led to an uncomplicated recovery.
    Although thyroid abscess is rare, but must be considered. Most common organism that cause is staphylococcus aureus. With early diagnosis and proper treatment, it can be prevented from complications. Since this disease can be associated with anatomic abnormalities such as pyriform sinus fistula, must be roule outed.
    Keywords: Abscess, Staphylococcus aureus, Thyroiditis}
  • هایده حائری، غزاله شاکر*، فهیمه اسدی آملی، مینو احمدی نژاد

    متاپلازی سنگفرشی در غده تیرویید یافته هیستوپاتولوژی ناشایعی بوده و به طور معمول در همراهی با ضایعات پاتولوژیک غده تیرویید می باشد. اغلب به تعداد کم و به شکل کانونی در اندازه های کوچک دیده شده و تنها در موارد نادری متاپلازی وسیع سنگفرشی در غده تیرویید دیده می شود، به نحوی که حتی ممکن است ضایعه اصلی پاتولوژیک را بپوشاند و باعث مشکل تشخیصی شود.
    معرفی بیمار: بیمار آقای 53 ساله ای است با سابقه چهارساله هیپوتیروییدی که اکنون با توده سفت و ندولار در ناحیه قدام گردن مراجعه نموده است. بیمار با تشخیص سیتولوژی مشکوک به بدخیمی تحت توتال تیروییدکتومی قرار گرفت.

    نتیجه گیری

    متاپلازی وسیع سنگفرشی در غده تیرویید می تواند باعث اشتباه تشخیصی و تفسیر نادرست از بررسی هیستوپاتولوژی و سیتولوژی گردد.

    کلید واژگان: سلول سنگفرشی, متاپلازی, تیروییدیت, غده تیرویید}
    Haideh Haeri, Ghazaleh Shaker, Fahimeh Asadi Amoli, Minoo Ahmadinejad

    It is rare to find squamous metaplasia in the thyroid gland. Its existence is usually seen in association with a pathological lesion such as mucoepidermoid carcinoma، squamous cell carcinoma and diffuse sclerosing variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. In most cases the squamous cells are few in number and squamous metaplasia is focal and small in size. Extensive squamous metaplasia of the thyroid gland is a very rare finding.

    Case Presentation

    We report a case of massive squamous metaplasia in Hashimoto thyroiditis in a 53 year-old- male with a four year history of hypothyroidism. Also seen in the history is impaired thyroid function tests of low T3 and T4 levels with rise in TSH. The patient currently presented with neck discomfort and a somewhat firm nodular neck mass. Ultrasonography revealed heterogeneous nodular enlargement of both thyroid lobes and a calcified nodule of the left lobe. Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid nodule was performed which reported findings suspicious for malignancy. Based on these findings the patient underwent total thyroidectomy.


    In this article we address the causes and sources of massive squamous metaplasia in the thyroid gland. We also discuss the histopathologic differential diagnostic lesions which could be the cause of potential pitfalls encountered in the interpretation of the cytopathology and histopathology of such lesions arising in this gland.

    Keywords: metaplasia, squamous cell, thyroid gland, thyroiditis}
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