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جستجوی مقالات مرتبط با کلیدواژه « venous insufficiency » در نشریات گروه « پزشکی »

  • Evaluation of the relationship between clinical manifestations of varicose veins (and grade of varicose veins) with patient risk factors and adaptation of ultrasound findings
    Anita Zarghami, Mohammad Mozaffar
    Introduction and objective

     varicose veins are common and can make some complaints about patients such as cosmetic problems and pain. This disorder has some risk factors such as long time standing, high body mass index, pregnancy. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between clinical presentations on varicose veins and patient's risk factors and also, this relationship with sonographic findings.


     in this cross-sectional study, all patients who came to Shohad-e –Tajrish hospital (Tehran-Iran) with varicose vein presentation were evaluated. Age, sex, standing time, smoking, multi-gravidity, and symptoms were recorded. A color Doppler sonography was taken from the veins of the involved legs.


    finally, 158 patients were evaluated and based on CEAP classification, 15.2% of patients had grade C0, 20.9% had grade C1, 24.1% had grade C2, 19.6% had grade C3, 7% had grade C4, 8.2% had grade C5, and 5.1% had grade C6. There was no relationship between symptoms of varicose veins and varicose veins severity. There was a relationship between the severity of varicose veins with age, sex, smoking, obesity, multi gravidity, and standing time. Also, there was a relationship between sonographic findings of venous valves insufficiencies and severity of varicose veins.


     symptoms of varicose veins have no relationship with varicose vein severity but venous valve insufficiency, age, sex, smoking, obesity, multi gravidity, and standing time have an association with varicose vein severity.

    Keywords: varicose vein, CEAP classification, venous insufficiency}
  • محمد فکور، محمد ساکیانی*، مریم حدادی شوشتری، محمدقاسم حنفی

    ترومبوز ورید عمیق، DVT (Deep vein thrombosis)، زیرمجموعه ای از ترومبوآمبولی وریدی، VTE (venous thromboembolism) و یک دلیل عمده قابل پیشگیری از بیماری و مرگ و میر بیماران تحت عمل جراحی آرتروسکوپی در سراسر جهان است. میزان بروز VTE سالانه 1 در 1000 نفر تخمین زده می شود، تقریبا دو سوم این حوادث مربوط به DVT و یکی از عارضه های اصلی آرتروسکوپی زانو است. در این مطالعه شیوع ترومبوز وریدی عمیق و پروفیلاکسی ترومبوآمبولیک در بیمارانی که تحت عمل جراحی آرتروسکوپی قرار گرفته اند، مورد بحث قرار می گیرد.

    روش ها

    بیماران بالای 18 سال که در یک بیمارستان آموزشی تحت عمل جراحی زانو آرتروسکوپی قرار گرفته بودند، با ارزیابی کلینیکی ترومبوز وریدی عمیق و اولتراسونوگرافی داپلر اندام های تحتانی، قبل از جراحی، 3 روز پس از جراحی و 4 هفته پس از جراحی، از نظر بروز ترومبوز وریدی عمیق بررسی شدند و ریسک فاکتورهایی مانند سن، جنسیت، مدت زمان بی تحرکی، مدت زمان جراحی و غیره ارزیابی و ثبت شد. سپس داده های جمع آوری شده به طور آماری مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتند.

    یافته ها

    شیوع DVT در 318 بیمار با آرتروسکوپی زانو با میانگین سنی 31/34 سال، 1/3% بود. میانگین مدت زمان جراحی در همه بیماران 30/96 دقیقه بود. هیچ گونه ترومبوز وریدی عمیق در 9/96% از بیماران وجود نداشت. همچنین، بین شیوع DVT و جنس، سن، نوع جراحی، مدت زمان جراحی و وجود التهاب در بیماران هیچ گونه تفاوت معنی داری وجود نداشت (551/0=p). مدت زمان میانگین مابقی مطلق بیماران 89/61 ساعت بود. زمان استراحت مطلق در بیماران مبتلا به ترومبوز وریدی عمیق به طور معنی داری بیشتر از بیماران فاقد ترومبوز وریدی عمیق بود (001/0=p)

    نتیجه گیری

    با اینکه آرتروسکوپی زانو می تواند به صورت جراحی سرپایی انجام شود اما خطر پس از جراحی ترومبوز وریدی عمیق نامشخص است. بروز ترومبوز وریدی عمیق بعد از جراحی آرتروسکوپی زانوی 318 بیمار در این مطالعه 1/3% بود که خودش پیش شرط لازم و مهمی برای ترومبوپروفیلاکسی قبل از عمل جراحی است.

    کلید واژگان: ترومبوز وریدی عمیق, آمبولی ریوی, نارسایی وریدی, زانو, آرتروسکوپی}
    Mohammad Fakor, Mohammad Sakiani *, Maryam Hadad Shoshtari, Mohammad Ghasem Hanafi

    Postoperative Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), a subtype of Venous Thromboembolism (VTE), is a significant preventable cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. VTE is estimated to occur at a rate of one per 1,000 people per year, with DVT accounting for approximately two-thirds of these events. DVT continues to be a common complication of knee arthroscopy. The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of DVT in patients who have undergone arthroscopic knee surgery.


    Patients over the age of 18 years who underwent arthroscopic knee surgery in a teaching hospital were evaluated for VTE clinically and via lower limb Doppler ultrasonography prior to, three days after, and four weeks after surgery. The incidence of DVT was determined and associated with risk factors such as age, sex, duration of immobility, and duration of surgery. Afterward, statistical analysis was performed on the data.


    The prevalence of DVT was 3.1% in 318 patients undergone knee arthroscopy with a mean age of 34.31 years. The mean duration of surgery was 96.30 minutes across all patients. In 96.9% of patients, there was no evidence of DVT. Additionally, there was no significant association between DVT prevalence and gender, age, surgery type, duration of surgery, or presence of edema in patients (p = 0.551). The patients' mean duration of absolute rest was 61.89 hours. Absolute rest time was significantly longer in patients with positive DVT than in patients with negative DVT (p = 0.001).


    While knee arthroscopy can be performed as an outpatient procedure, the risk of postoperative DVT is unknown. The incidence of DVT following arthroscopic knee surgery was 3.1% in this study, a necessary precondition for perioperative thromboprophylaxis.

    Keywords: Deep venous thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, Venous Insufficiency, knee, Arthroscopy}
  • Mayank Aranke, Cynthia T. Pham, Melis Yilmaz, Jason K .Wang, Vwaire Orhurhu, Daniel An, Elyse M. Cornett *, Alan David Kaye, Anh L. Ngo, Farnad Imani, Reza Farahmand Rad *, Giustino Varrassi Omar Viswanath, Ivan Urits

    In the US, an estimated 1 - 2% of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) patients (of 6 - 7 million nationwide) develop at least one venous stasis ulcer (VSU) during their illness. Of these, approximately 40% develop subsequent ulcers, making VSU prognostically poor. Current management of VSU is costly, with poor prognosis, high recurrence rate, inadequate pain management, and significantly reduced quality of life (QoL). Topical volatile anesthetic agents, such as sevoflurane, offer improved pain relief and symptom control in patients suffering from chronic VSU. The immediate impact of topical sevoflurane in reducing pain associated with ulcer bed debridement has several implications in improving the quality of life in patients with CVI induced ulcers and in the prognosis and healing of the ulcers. This review summarizes a topical formulation of a volatile anesthetic and its implications for the management of VSUs.

    Keywords: Pain, Analgesia, Sevoflurane, Venous Insufficiency, Venous Stasis Ulcer, Wound Management}
  • شوکوو والری آندزروویچ*، نفدووا الیزاوتا آندرونا

    بررسی شواهد موجود تا به امروز اثر بخشی چندین ونوتونیک را در بهبود علایم بعد از عمل جراحی مانند خونریزی، درد و غیره را نشان می دهد. در این مطالعه مروری نقلی برای شناسایی مطالعات مربوطه منتشر شده در سال های 2020-2000 از پایگاه داده های Google Scholar، PubMed و Cochrane Library استفاده شد. مطالعات شامل کارآزمایی هایی برای ارزیابی اثربخشی فلبوتونیک در بیماران مبتلا به نارسایی مزمن وریدی و سایر بیماری های وریدی یا آسیب های آن بودند. شواهد حاکی از برتری عوامل فلبوتونیک نسبت به دارونما و درمان های کنترل در علایم شایع بعد از فلبکتومی، پیوند بای پس عروق کرونر و سایر مداخلات هستند. کاهش قابل توجهی از علایم بعد از عمل، از جمله شدت درد در اکثر بیماران تحت درمان با ونوتونیک ها گزارش شده است. هیچ عارضه جانبی با مصرف داروهای فلبوتونیک مشاهده نشده است، با این وجود انجام مطالعات دقیق تر برای حمایت از این نتیجه گیری ضروری است.

    کلید واژگان: ونوتونیک, مراقبت های بعد از عمل, خونریزی, ادم, نارسایی وریدی}
    Pshukov Valerii Andzorovich*, Nefedova Elizaveta Andreevna

    There are evidences on the efficacy of several venotonics in improving postoperative symptoms, including bleeding, pain, etc. A thorough search was conducted in Google Scholar, PubMed, and Cochrane Library covering the articles published in 2000–2020. We included trials assessing the efficacy of phlebotonics in patients with chronic venous insufficiency and other venous diseases or traumas. Findings suggest superiority of phlebotonic agents over placebo and control treatments in management of common symptoms after phlebectomies, coronary bypass grafting, and other interventions. Significant alleviation of post-procedural symptoms, including pain severity were reported in the majority of patients treated with venotonics. There were no adverse reactions associated with administration of phlebotonic drugs. Nonetheless, further high-quality trials are necessary to support this conclusion.

    Keywords: venotonics, postoperative care, hemorrhage, edema, venous insufficiency}
  • Mohammad Reza Sasani, Ali Reza Dehghan, Ali Reza Nikseresht

    There is a suggestion for a role of abnormal cranial venous drainage in the etiopathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS). Moreover, it seems that cerebral developmental venous anomaly (DVA), a cerebrovascular malformation, is frequently seen in the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of MS patients. This study is set out to evaluate the relationship between MS and cerebral DVA, with its possible role in the MS diagnosis.


    We compared MRI of 172 MS patients and of 172 age- and sex-matched subjects without MS. Then, we recorded and analyzed the presence, number, and location of developmental venous anomalies.


    Frequency of DVA did not have a significant statistical difference (P = 0.148) in subjects with MS (12.21%) and without MS (7.55%). Moreover, a difference of anatomic distribution of supratentorial developmental venous anomalies was not statistically significant (P = 0.690, for juxtacortical, P = 0.510 for subcortical, and P = 0.420 for periventricular DVAs) in two groups.


    Our investigation does not provide supporting evidence for a relationship between etiopathogenesis of MS and DVA. Furthermore, it may not be possible to use cerebral DVA as ancillary MRI finding to make MS diagnosis simpler and more accurate.

    Keywords: Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Venous Angioma, Pathogenesis, Intracranial Central Nervous System Disorders, Venous Insufficiency, Magnetic Resonance Imaging}
  • Majid Moeini, Mohammad Reza Zafarghandi, Morteza Shahbandari, Azadeh Sayarifard, Morteza Taghavi, Javad Salimi, Javad Salimi, Pezhman Farshidmehr, Mohammad Hasani, Mohammad Reza Tobaei
    Venoplasty and stenting is a minimally invasive therapy that can be used for patients with deep venous insufficiency in the lower extremities. This study aimed at investigating the effect of venoplasty and venous stenting in patients with chronic venous insufficiency in the lower limbs.
    This prospective case-series study recruited patients with chronic deep venous insufficiency in the lower limbs candidated for venoplasty in the Vascular Clinic of Sina Hospital in Tehran, Iran. Venoplasty and stenting was done if the deep venous system in the lower extremities had stenosis or obstruction on venography. The patients were visited 1, 3, and 6 months after venoplasty to assess their symptoms, venous clinical severity, and venous disability. Primary and secondary patency was evaluated with Doppler ultrasound.
    Seventy-three patients were included in the study. The follow-up of the patients’ clinical symptoms showed significant improvement rates of about 90%, 88.7%, 92.5%, and 100% in claudication, edema, pain, and ulcers-respectively- only 1 month after the procedure. The stent patency rates were 93.2, 91.5, and 92.4 in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 6th postprocedural months, correspondingly. The venous clinical severity score and the venous disability score before the procedure were 14.2 and 2.73, respectively, which were decreased to 5 and 1.1, correspondingly, at 6 months’ follow-up (p value
    Venoplasty and stenting in our patients with chronic deep venous insufficiency in the lower extremities conferred a significant improvement in clinical symptoms and a high percentage of patency.
    Keywords: Venous insufficiency, Lower extremity, Endovascular procedure}
  • Milan Matic *, Aleksandra Matic, Verica Djuran, Zorica Gajinov, Sonja Prcic, Zoran Golusin
    It is estimated that about 15% (10% - 30% in most of the studies) of the total adult population has some aspects of the Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI). Frequency of the Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in the adult population is 3% - 4%. Studies dealing with etiopathogenesis of leg ulcers show that between 10% and 18% of all ulcers are of mixed, arterial-venous origin..
    The purpose of this study was to find out if there is a higher frequency of PAD among CVI patients in comparison with the control group, as well as to discover some common risk factors for CVI and PAD..Patients and
    This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at the dermatovenereological clinic, clinical center of Vojvodina, Serbia. A total of 162 examinees were included. All patients were examined for the existence of CVI and staged according to CEAP (Clinical, etiology, anatomy and patophysiology) classification. In this way, 3 groups were formed: Patients with the mild forms of CVI (stage 1 - 4 by CEAP classification), 57 patients; patients with the severe forms of CVI (stage 5 and 6 by CEAP classification), 55 patients; control group (no CVI), 50 patients. Also, the Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) was assessed in all subjects, and its value of ≤ 0.9 was set as criteria for diagnosis of PAD. The same sample was divided according to the presence of PAD into two groups. The most important risk factors for CVI and PAD were identified for each patient through complete examination, medical record and appropriate questionnaire..
    Our results showed that the risk factors for CVI were high Body Mass Index (BMI), hypertension, predominantly standing position during work and positive family history for CVI. In the same sample it was found that 28 (17.28%) patients had PAD. Relevant risk factors for PAD in the present study were: high BMI, hypertension, diabetes and a positive family history for PAD. Comparison of frequency of PAD among patients with severe forms of CVI and control group showed that this difference was statistically significant (P = 0.0275; OR 3.375; 95% CI 1.125 - 10.12). After multivariate analyses, adjusted odds ratio OR was still statistically significant..
    The peripheral arterial disease is more frequent in patients with the severe form of CVI, than in patients without CVI. Concomitant risk factors for CVI and PAD were high BMI and hypertension. In each patient with severe CVI it is necessary to determine the ABPI, in order to exclude the presence of PAD..
    Keywords: Peripheral Vascular Disease, Venous Insufficiency, Risk Factors, Ankle Brachial Index, Leg Ulcer}
  • Kamran Azma, Peyman Mottaghi, Alireza Hosseini, Shadi Salek, Roya Bina

    Varicose veins are extremely common disease which is due to elevated superficial venous pressures. We aimed to know that if joint hypermobility causes the venous insufficiency following the prolonged standing.

    Materials and Methods

    This prospective cohort study conducted on the soldiers of training periods in a military base of Iran Army in Isfahan in 2013. The active-duty soldiers were first examined by a physician and their Beighton scores (BSs) were obtained. At the onset of the training period, the presence of chronic venous insufficiency was clinically evaluated according to the C class of clinical, etiological, anatomical, and pathological classification. After 3 months, soldiers with and without joint hypermobility were reexamined for manifestations of venous insufficiency based on clinical examination.


    Of 718 soldiers, 211 subjects were diagnosed for joint hypermobility syndrome (29.3%). The mean BS was significantly higher in hypermobility soldiers (5.5 ± 1.5) than the healthy ones (1.2 ± 1.1). Before the training period, the prevalence of spider and varicose veins in soldiers with joint hypermobility was significantly higher than healthy subjects (P > 0.001). After the training period, the prevalence of venous insufficiency significantly increased in soldiers with joint hypermobility (P > 0.001) while there was no significant difference in healthy group before and after the period of training (P = 0.25).


    Hypermobility could be considered as a risk factor for the development of venous insufficiency, so it seems necessary to evaluate the population who need to be standing for a long time for evidence of joint hypermobility.

    Keywords: Joint hypermobility, prolonged standing, venous insufficiency}
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