Human Resources Management Performance's Proper Paern based on Economic Approach in IRI Police Forces
Background and Objecve: The present research aims at expressing the performances of human resources based on economic paern and technology. Firstly, technological model of “Charles Perrow” matched with “Williamson” economic model. Aerwards, human resources performances such as bonus system, human resource planning, staff training and control in adapve model have explained.
The present research has three major and 8 minor hypotheses. It examines the relaonship between profession’s characterisc (specialty, measurability, analyzability and changeability) and by using stascal methods (regression, Pearson correlaon, comparison of couple mean, mulvariable variance analysis and repeated measure analysis) hypotheses were analyzed through using SPSS and regressionmodel. For assessing the validity of research tool, internal compability method of quesons (α=0.80) was used, and reliability of the research was assessed through using the viewpoints of the organizaon’s experts, senior and high ranking managers. The research populaons were 1000 senior managers of police; however, 156 individuals were selected through Cochrane formula and categorical random method. Findings
The results of tesng research hypotheses indicates that professions’ measurability and analyzability determines the type of bonus, planning, control, and human resources training. On the other hand, job descripon changeability and analyzability determines the type of bonus, planning, control and training. At the end of the discussion, results and suggesons in two organizaonal realms, especially in human resources performances based on the organizaon survey and future researches are provided.Keywords:
Police Management Studies Quarterly, Volume:5 Issue: 1, 2010