Human Resources Management Performance's Proper Pa􀆩ern based on Economic Approach in IRI Police Forces

Background and Objec􀆟ve: The present research aims at expressing the performances of human resources based on economic pa􀆩ern and technology. Firstly, technological model of “Charles Perrow” matched with “Williamson” economic model. A􀅌erwards, human resources performances such as bonus system, human resource planning, staff training and control in adap􀆟ve model have explained.
The present research has three major and 8 minor hypotheses. It examines the rela􀆟onship between profession’s characteris􀆟c (specialty, measurability, analyzability and changeability) and by using sta􀆟s􀆟cal methods (regression, Pearson correla􀆟on, comparison of couple mean, mul􀆟variable variance analysis and repeated measure analysis) hypotheses were analyzed through using SPSS and regressionmodel. For assessing the validity of research tool, internal compa􀆟bility method of ques􀆟ons (α=0.80) was used, and reliability of the research was assessed through using the viewpoints of the organiza􀆟on’s experts, senior and high ranking managers. The research popula􀆟ons were 1000 senior managers of police; however, 156 individuals were selected through Cochrane formula and categorical random method.
The results of tes􀆟ng research hypotheses indicates that professions’ measurability and analyzability determines the type of bonus, planning, control, and human resources training. On the other hand, job descrip􀆟on changeability and analyzability determines the type of bonus, planning, control and training. At the end of the discussion, results and sugges􀆟ons in two organiza􀆟onal realms, especially in human resources performances based on the organiza􀆟on survey and future researches are provided.
Police Management Studies Quarterly, Volume:5 Issue: 1, 2010