Evaluation of the Effect of Intera-Peritoneal Bupivacaine on Post Operative Bowel Motility and Analgesia

Background and
The duration of post operative intestinal Motility disorder and pain Following abdominal Surgery are quite Variable and They are iatrogenic phenomena With Important influence on Patient Morbidity, hospital Cost and Length of Stay in hospital. The aim of the present Study Was to determine The effect of interaperitoneal bupivacaine on Postoperative bowel Motility and Pain.
Materials And Methods
This Study Was a double blind randomized Clinical Trial. One hundred and twenty Patient Candidates For abdominal Surgery (appendectomy, cholecystectomy and laparatomy) Were enrolled and divided in two groups randomly. In case group, the Patients received (1mg/kg) bupivacaine Plus 20 cc normal salin and in Control group they received only 30 cc Normal Salin interaperitoneal. Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, distension, bowel sound, defecation, pain (VAS) in 6,12,18,24 and 48 hours after surgery were evaluated and compared in the two group. Spss V 16, Chi2 and T-Test were used for data Analysis. P< 0.05 was Considered as statistically significant
According to the results of this study, Anorexia, vomiting and nausea decreased post operative (P=0.002) and intestinal Motility increased (Fishers P<0.001) and post operative pain decreased (P<0.001) in the case group.
The Use of interaperitoneal Bupivacaine was reduced post operative pain, vomiting, nausea, anorexia and increased intestinal motility
Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, Volume:22 Issue: 88, 2012
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