Bioremedation of water contaminated with crude oil per isolatin Bacillus from oily pound
Water poluted with crude oil or oil materials are one of the life enviorenment.Bioremedation is a simple method and economical for cleaning poluted water.the aim of this survey is to check the degradation of crude oil power with separated Bacillus from crude oil in Isfahan oil refinery. Methods
For this purpose polluted water with crude oil is used in Isfahan oil refinery.choosing cases were cultured in the MSM medium and 10000 ppm oil are used in this as an only carbonated bacteries sources.this cultured medium was incubated in a shaker with 150 rpm and 35ₒ tempreture. For separating generating biosurfactant bacterias,checking hemolytic activity as the first norm of separating and isolating.for checking the strength of crude oil degradation purified three strains and this three strain, s consortium put IR (infrared rey) test and GC-MS(gas chromatography - spectrometry). Purified Bacillus are reganized with biochemical and molecular diagnostic methods. Results
Among twelve strains separating,eight strains were been able to lysis sheep erythrocytes and make hemolysis halo on medium blood agar.strains that had hemolytic activity were choosen for later studying. Surface tension of three strains were acceptable.the consortium of this three strains was surveyed on Biosurfactant out put and purified three strains got numbers of 38,30,34 mN/m and consortium got 28 mN/m.when sequences above put in the BLAST program,the results showed similarity of 99.8 percent of separated bacterias with Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus. Identified two Bacillus were only defferent in to six nucleotid. Conclusion
The surveys showed that consortium function in the biodegradation is more effective of Bacillus culture was alone,in fact consortium worked effectively in comparison with only Bacillus in the crude oil biodegradation on the polluted waters.Keywords:
Tolooe Behdasht, Volume:11 Issue: 2, 2012