Content analysis of biology book in second grade of high school based on Gardner's theory of Multiple Intelligences

This is a content analysis of biology book in second grade of high school based on Gardner’s multiple intelligences. Different units of biology book in second grade was evaluated to explore how muchvariables of Gardner’s multiple intelligences formed content of this book. Each sentence was considered as analysis unit. Data analysis was done using descriptive statistics and chi square test. Findings showed that more attention has been paid to logical-mathematical intelligence. Most content of book has been presented by text and there was not balanced volume in different chapters of book. Some chaptershave more volume and others were meaningfully brief. In addition, multiple intelligences variables has not beenusedequally in different parts (i.e. text, self-assessment, learn more, figures). Moreover, intelligence variables were not used equally in different chapters and the entire book. Based on findings, biology book of second grade of high school is more focused on logical-mathematical intelligence and there is less or lack of attention to the other aspects of intelligence.
Curriculum Planning, Volume:9 Issue: 32, 2012