The effect of workplace spirituality on staff's organizational citizenship behavior of Tabrizfive areas education bureau

The purpose of present article is the survey of workplace spirituality effect on staff's organizational citizenship behavior of Tabriz five areas educational bureau. So workplace spirituality concept have been defined based on Milliman and et al theory in three dimensions which are: meaningful work in individual level, sense of community of group level and alignment with organization values in organizational level And organizational citizenship behaviors concept has been set on Organ and Bateman theory in five dimensions which are: altruism, consciousness, magnanimity, courtesy and civil virtue. In this regard three main hypothesis and fifteen sub-hypothesis has been defined, also two workplace spirituality questionnaires including standardized questionnaire in 21 questions and organizational citizenship behavior standard questionnaire in 30 questions was used to test these hypothesis. The questionnaire relegated to the 182 sample number employee of Tabriz five areas educational bureau after evaluating validity and reliability of it After collecting the questionnaires, obtained information was classified and summarized and then descriptive and inferential statistical methods (Two variants regression) were used in order to analyze collected datas. Hypothesis test results confirmed three main hypotheses and seven sub-hypothesis and rejected eight sub-hypothesesThis expresses that workplace spirituality has effect on the staff's organizational citizenship behavior of Tabriz five areas educational bureau in the individual level and group level and organizational level It expresses that spirituality in the individual level has effect on the civil virtue of staff's organizational citizenship behavior of Tabriz five areas educational bureau. has effect on altruism, consciousness, courtesy and civil virtue of behavior Organizational citizenship behavior in group level. In organizational level it has influence on staff's courtesy and civil virtue of organizational citizenship behavior.
Quarterly Journal Of Educational Leadership & Administration, Volume:5 Issue: 4, 2012