Investigating the Cataloger's View of Three Big Libraries in Mashhad (Astan Quds Library, Central Library of Ferdowsi University and Central Library of Medical Sciences University of Mashhad) toward Resource Description and Access (RDA)
The goal of this research is showing Cataloger's view of Three big Libraries in Mashhad (Astan Quds Library, Central Library of Ferdowsi University, and Central Library of Medical Sciences University of Mashhad) Toward Resource Description and Access Rules (RDA). Measuring the level of familiarity of catalogers with RDA and the level of acceptance it with them are from other goals of this research. Methodology
The method of this research is experimental and was done based on pre-post test. The level of cataloger's familiarity with RDA in this research has measured in two ways: the personal comment and the actual test. Findings
Findings shows that level of personal comment familiarity with RDA before education is upper than middle and the level of actual familiarity before education is lower than middle. But after offering specialized education in a workshop about RDA findings shows the level of two kinds of familiarity are raising upper than middle. From other findings is the positive impact of education in acceptance level of RDA with catalogers. So, we can conclude that level of acceptance of RDA with catalogers has risen after education and in result of raised familiarity with these rules. According to the findings, there aren’t significant relationships between age, work experience of catalogers and their self-comment familiarity, actual familiarity and the level of acceptance of RDA with them. Catalogers also have demanded to make changes in library software's to better using of RDA in the future. They have requested to use from help capabilities to introduce the changes in cataloging rules, offering sufficient education to catalogers before Implementing RDA, coordinate cataloging worksheets, review in headings of information organization lessons and apply catalogers in the workgroup of software update.Keywords:
Library and Information Science, Volume:15 Issue: 4, 2013