A Study of the Relationship between Organizational Characteristics, High School Teacher's Knowledge, Skill and Attitude and Their Self-Confidence to Apply ICT in Teaching - Offering an Explanatory model
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. ICTs have become within a very short time, one of the basic building blocks of the modern society. Many countries now regard understanding ICT and mastering the basic skills and concepts of ICT as part of the core of education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy. Teachers use information and communication technologies in order to teach students the knowledge and skills needed for the future knowledge society. Their knowledge, skills and attitudes towards ICT in education have a significant influence on ICT adoption and implementation behaviors in classroom. Also teacher training models by the mediating role of their self confidence affect their self confidence in using ICT. Teachers in general agree that computers constitute a valuable tool and they are positive about students’ attainment of ICT knowledge and skills. In many cases, they perceive ICT as a new subject matter in education rather than a new way of teaching and interaction between learners and knowledge. It does not only provide access to knowledge but also allows for the development of this knowledge within the classroom. In general, teachers’ training, their backgrounds, the way they learn, the way they perceive their role as teachers and their self confidence are all factors which contribute to the manner in which they use ICT in teaching and learning processes. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational features, teacher's knowledge, skill and attitude and their sense of self-confidence to apply ICT in teaching based on an explanatory model. Research Questions:1- Is there a significant relationship between organizational characteristics (supportive climate, teaching experiences and training) and teachers’ self-confidence to apply ICT in teaching?2- Is there a significant relationship between organizational characteristics (supportive climate, teaching experiences and training) and teachers’ knowledge, skill and attitude?3- Is there a significant relationship between organizational characteristics (supportive climate, teaching experiences and training) and teachers’ self-confidence to apply ICT in teaching by the mediatory role of their knowledge, skill and attitude?Method
The population of the study was all the high school male and female teachers in the four Shiraz Educational Districts. By classified random Sampling, 325 teachers were selected and completed surveys for this study. The instrument used in this study was survey of factors affecting teachers’ teaching with ICT technology (SFA) (Papanastasiou & Angeli, 2008). Validity and reliability of the instruments were measured. The results showed high validity and reliability of all the instrument sub scales. Data was analyzed by SPSS16 and LISREL8.54 software. Using path analysis based on Baron & Kenny’s (1986) steps, in the current article theses steps were followed:Step 1: Facultie's flexibility (intuitional and rational) is correlated with student's development (academic average and intellectual development).Step 2: Facultie's flexibility (intuitional and rational) is correlated with student's active learning.Step 3: Student's active learning affects student's development (academic average and intellectual development).Step 4: To establish that student's active learning completely mediates the facultie's flexibility–student's development relationship, the effect of facultie's flexibility on student's development controlling for student's active learning should be zero. The effects in both steps 3 and 4 are estimated in the same equation.Results
1- The apprenticeship and school supportive climate had a positive and significant relationship with teachers’ sense of self-confidence to apply knowledge and skill of ICT in teaching. Teaching background had a negative and significant relationship to teachers’ sense of self-confidence to apply knowledge and skill of ICT in teaching.2- The apprenticeship and school supportive climate had a positive and significant relationship to teachers’ knowledge, skill and attitude to apply ICT in teaching. Teaching background had a negative and significant relationship to teachers’ software knowledge, skill and attitude to apply ICT in teaching. 3- Through teachers’ software knowledge, skill and attitude, the apprenticeship and school supportive climate, had a positive and significant relationship with teachers sense of self-confidence to apply ICT in teaching. 4- Through teachers’ software knowledge, skill and attitude, apprenticeship, had a positive and significant relationship with teachers’ sense of self-confidence to apply ICT in teaching.Discussion
The field of education has been affected by ICTs, which have undoubtedly affected teaching, and learning. ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills, and also to motivate and engage students. Rapid changes in technology will ensure that ICT will proliferate in the classroom. ICT will also require a modification of the role of the teacher, who in addition to classroom teaching will have other skills and responsibilities. There is a range of enablers that assist teachers when they are developing innovative practice in ICT-rich. These enablers are the teachers’ knowledge, skills and attitude toward ICT that affect their self confidence in applying the ICT in teaching.Keywords:
Studies in Learning & Instruction, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2012
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