Historiography in Iran during the Safavid Era (1038-1148/1622-1736) Its process and typology

Iranian historiography during the Safavid era affected by religious upheavals and intellectual and political developments, witnessed the emergence and evolution of a new approach towards Time and techniques for recording history. The most important feature of this historiography was the continuance of pre-Safavid models and regulations on the one hand, and the formation of typical Safavid structure of historiography continued to be practiced and historians recorded events based on the previous models. What distinguishes this era from the historiography point of view is the gradual penetration of Shiite doctrines into the mind of historiographer and its reflecting in the historical texts. Ever since, Shiite cosmology and ideological themes became fundamental to the minds of historians, and the historical view base on the specific political understanding of this era and he distinct Shiite theory on the categorization of Time became pervasive. The present article is a brief research on emergence of and development of Iranian historiography during the Safavid era. This is achieved by the introduction of contemporary viewpoints towards historiography of the era, its procedures and classification of different types of the Safavid historical texts from 1038 to 1148AH/1629 to 1736AD.
Historical Sciences Studies, Volume:1 Issue: 1, 2010