Semantics in Arabic words in Jahez,s Al-Bayan & Al-Tabeen

Jahez is one m of the most prominent character in the field of science and literature in the world.In addition to his proficiency in sciences,education and literature,he is one of the most celebrated one in discourse science and beliefs.He innovated a new religion called “Jahezie religion’’ in the history of discourse cience.From among his important works which are famous in all over the world,Al-Bayan & Al-Tabeen is the one which consists of different and useful subjects.Jahez has revealed his proficiency and power in science and literature as well as different subjects in this book including his great attempts in semantics,in old and new methods. However the new semantics isbased on some principles which were not common in the past,this does not mean that the precursors have considered some affairs which were rejected by the contemporaries.
Journal of Contemporary Literature, Volume:3 Issue: 1, 2011
9 to 24