Wetlands as habitats for migratory birds (Case study: Agh-gol and Abshineh wetlands)

Bird migration is a behavior that has evolved over many thousands of years and many of bird species have such behavior. Wetlands are incredibly diverse ecosystems that play significant role in bird species migration. Studying the bird habitats and migration routes can be useful for understanding behavioral mechanisms and conservation of habitats. In this research, two wetlands in Hamedan province and their importance as stepping– stone habitats have been studied. Waterfowl birds and waders enumerated at Agh-gol and Abshineh wetlands during ten months and Shannon-Wiener diversity index was calculated. The results showed that Agh-gol has a higher diversity than Abshineh wetland in September, October and November (2007), May and June (2008) and lower diversity in December, March (2007) and April (2008). In January and February no bird species was recorded because both of wetlands were frozen. Total birds observed in two wetlands were from 58 species that 46 species of them observed in Agh-gol and 42 species were in Abshineh wetland. Finally birds’ migration and stepping– stone habitats concept and role of this habitats have been discussed and concluded that wetlands need more consideration of conservation and management actions because of important roles that they play as stopover habitats in migration routes of birds.
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, No. 54, 2014