Study of the Ophiolitic Plutonic Crustal Sequence of Garagoli- Bagjar, North East Sabzevar
The plutonic crustal sequence of Garagoli-Bagjar, located in NE Sabzevar, is a part of ophiolitic association in the outer part of Central Iran microcontinent. This sequence comprises cumulative olivine gabbro, pyroxene gabbro, isotropic gabbro, foliated gabbro and diabasic sheeted dike complex, cross cut by the wherlitic intrusion, pegmatite gabbro and plagiogranite as small bodies, dikes and veins. This sequence is comparable to upper gabbroic part of the well known ophiolite complex. These rocks construct a large tectonic slics thrusted over the serpentinized peridotites and tectonically located under serpentinites. The cumulative gabbros change gradually to isotropic gabbro upwards and at the same time isotropic gabbro change generally to diabasic sheeted dike complex. The structural measurements of magmatic layering and strike of sheeted dikes, wherlitic intrusions, pegmatite gabbro and plagiogranite revealing E-W direction in the north of Qaragoli and N-S direction in SW Solymanieh might be comparable to the formation of plutoinc oceanic crust in fractures zone. The microscopic studies exhibit that mesocumulate to heteradcumulate textures are abundant which indicate the open magmatic chamber of the supra-subduction zones. The crystallization trends show diversity from olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene-amphibole trend (MORB like) to olivine-clinopyroxene-orthopyroxeneplagioclase- amphibole trend (as arc type). The study of the chemical analyses indicates diverse compositions and primitive mantle normalized spider diagrams show depletion of Nb with different enrichement of LREE. The low-Ti character, locations in arc related cumulate and non cumulate fields, island arc to MORB tectonomagmatic setting remark their supra subduction origin which formed in Late Cretaceous.
Gabbro , Cumulate , Mesocumulate , Heteradcumulate , MORB , Supra , Subduction
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:23 Issue: 89, 2013