An Investigation on the Impactf Teaching the Elements of Reversed Theory on Job Motivation and Quality Improvement of the Vocational Life of Employees

The present study reviews the impact of teaching the elements of reversed theory on job motivation and quality improvement of working life of employees, The sample population ofwascomposed of the employees ofAroum Sankokast Semirom. A call for sampling and simple random sampling was used. Of a total of 30 subjects, 15 were randomly placed in the experimental and 15 in the control groups. Then, both groups were pretosted by Walton test and DantJob Satisfaction criterion. The elements of the reversed theory were applied to the experimental group for ten 90-minute sessions. Control group received no treatment. A post-test was administered to both groups with respect to the quality of the working life and job motivation. The collected data were analyzed using co-variance method. The resultsof data analysis indicated that 1) teaching the elements of reversed theory has in impat on the job motivation of individuals (P < 0.001) and 2) teaching the elements of reversed theory has an impat on improvement of the quality of working life (P < 0.001).
Counseling Research & Developments, Volume:11 Issue: 43, 2013