Identification and Sequencing of MT-COX1 Gene in Khorasan Native Chicken


The purpose of the study was to investigate the nucleotide sequence of the Cytochrome C oxidase 1 gene (MT-COX1) in the Khorasan’s native chicken and identification of possible mutations in it. For this reason، the MT-COX1 gene was cloned using the specific amplification initiators and cloned in the plasmid pTZ57R/T vector in DH5α strain of E. coli – bacteria after sampling and extracting the DNA from the whole blood. Finally، the recombinant plasmid was extracted from a recombinant colony and its sequence was identified after the purification. The results of the nucleotide blast of this peer showed 99 percent similarity to the same nucleotide sequences of the Gallus Gallus (access number x52392. 1). The comparison of these sequences also revealed six nucleotide differences. However، only three mutations resulted in production of non-synonymous amino acids. The results of the protein blast also presented 99 percent similarity in 100 percent length to the conserved area of subunit 1 in domain cytochrome C oxidase in Gallus Gallus. Furthermore، it was showed that Khorasan’s native chicken had 96% similarity in protein sequence of gene MT-COX1 to the other poultry breeds.

Genetics in the Third Millennium, Volume:12 Issue: 2, 2014
3520 to 3527