The drought tolerance assessment in order to increase irrigation water productivity in linseed
The selection of high yielding and stress tolerance plant genotypes with the highest water use efficiency and productivity is one of the most important tools for field water management in arid and semi-arid regions. This study was conducted to identify drought tolerant flax families with the highest irrigation water productivity (IWP) among a population of 119 F3 families derived from a cross between KO37 (an Iranian flax cultivar) and SP1066 (a Canadian cultivar) under water stress and non-stress conditions. The mean comparison showed that the segregating population had sufficient diversity for drought tolerance and grain yield. Finally, based on IWP, families no. 38, 39, 72, 74 and 119 that had high IWP in both stress (moderately 0.47 kg/m3) and non-stress (moderately 0.63 kg/m3) conditions, were introduced as the most drought tolerant families. The results of triplot analysis based on STI index and IWP in stress and non-stress conditions introduced the families as the most favorable families. The advanced generations derived from the families can be used in the future breeding programs to improve and produce high yielding-drought tolerant inbred lines in linseed in order to increase water use efficiency and to economize water resources in the field management.
Journal of Water and Irrigation Management, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2014
19 to 32