Religious Fanaticism or resistance and resolute faith for Qur an

Fanatic is a reaction raise from superficial understanding without depth and accuracy realization that is along with rising of senses. The word fanatic is not mention in Holy Qur’an but its synonym “Hamiyat” is mentioned in this book. According to Qur’anic verses Hamiyat is in two types: one type of Hamiyat is incorrect and illogic that named fanatic and the other one is acceptable and suitable which named “Qeyrat”. In this article with examining related Qur’anic verses with this research, specifies Holy Qur’an emphasize on “resistance in religion”, but in other side pay attention a little to the concept of “religious fanaticism” as well. In many Qur’anic verses Mo’menin (pious) had been invited to resistance and assiduity. Moreover, Religious Extremism is a great calamity for Islamic Societies but sometimes it is overlapped with religious Fanaticism, so examining and analyzing it from Qur’an’s view is necessary. For faith’s resistance also patience, stability, calmness and resistance are needed. This research is examining these concepts: Fanatic, Hamiyat, Qeyrat (Zealotry), patient, stability, deep-rootedness, calmness and resistance. Furthermore, the relationship between fanaticism with thinking, anger and arrogance would be discussed.
Motaleat - e - Taghribi Mazaheb - e - Eslami, Volume:10 Issue: 36, 2014