C O N V E R S I O N O F T R A D I T I O N A L L O G I S T I C S S E R V I C E P R O V I D E R S T O 3P L C A S E S T U D Y: P E R S I A N G U L F T R A N S P O R T A T I O N C O M P A N Y
In the modern competitive business environment, logistics activities of supply chains are not only considered an overhead cost, but also an important competitive advantage. Therefore, different companies have entrusted their logistics activities to specialists from organizations, using this competitive advantage, in addition to focusing on their core competencies and taking advantage of scale economies. These logistics specialists are called third party logistics service providers, or 3PL. 3PLs are service providers with high customer coordination and adaptation abilities, and provide a wide range of modern services in logistics. In spite of the benefits of outsourcing logistics, Iranian companies usually do their logistic activities themselves, and logistics outsourcing is limited in transportation and warehousing. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of a powerful and modern 3PL in Iran, even though there is a high potential for 3PLs in Iranian industries, such as automotive, oil and petrochemical, food and groceries, retail goods and etc. Therefore, formation of powerful and modern 3PLs in Iran is necessary. Two styles for formation of 3PLs are common. First, the companies start up directly the third party logistics business, and, second, traditional logistics firms try to enter this business by developing their abilities and facilities. In this article, the second one is studied. For this purpose, we look at the factors affecting customer coordination and adaptation abilities as critical factors for logistics firms. Information systems and information management ability, geographical coverage, proactive flexibility and demand management are factors that affect customer coordination abilities. Especially in industry, reactive flexibility and demand management are factors that affect customer adaptation abilities. With an improvement in these factors, traditional logistics firms can enter a third party logistics business. For better perusal of this issue, the Persian Gulf Transportation Company has been surveyed as a case study.
Industrial Engineering & Management Sharif, Volume:30 Issue: 1, 2014
91 to 103
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