The relationship between intellect and feeling in the epistemology of Ibne-Sina and its role in curriculum planning
This research, through inferential and analytic methodology, investigates the relationship between the most important ways of acquiring knowledge, namely, intellect and feeling, from Avicenna view and the effect it may have on curriculum planning. In this study, it was found that intellect and feeling in acquiring most of knowledge are interrelated. Feeling provides background for development, and intellectual ability of human being. At the same time, intellect plays role in clarifying and accrediting emotional knowledge. Though these two in collaboration can enhance recognition and knowledge of human, but intellect plays a more elevating role as human-specific characteristic and is related to active intellect. Such attitude has some implications in curriculum planning which are represented through the framework of aims, content of the material, and methods of learning. Findings revealed that recognition and closeness to God form the ultimate of curriculum. The significance and intellectual credit and the ability of understanding are the most important principles of the content of curriculum. Activeness of the learners and employment of different senses are the elements that should be considered in learning.
intellect , feeling , curriculum , Avicenna
Biquarterly Journal of Islamic Education, Volume:9 Issue: 19, 2015