The schema of the effluent discharge management in rivers

Nowadays, with the increasing effluent discharge into the rivers, the need for a proper quality management for controlling the effluent discharge is highly essential. There are different methods to manage the quality of rivers, but hasy decision making without any program wont have a suitable result. If there is a regular procedure for water quality management, there wont be any interested decisions, overlapping, or management shortcomings. In this paper, a regulated schema for the management of inappropriate quality conditions in rivers has been offered., In this schema, the important management key features such as considering the hydraulic conditions of the rivers, the optimum usage of the river self-purification, calculating the total maximum load in the river, simulation and execution of the strategies in rivers using an appropriate model, and a multi criteria decision making based upon the results of applying that strategy in the model have been used. This schema is comprehensive and is extendable to all rivers.
Journal of Environmental Management And Planing, No. 12, 1393