Effect of Funneliformis mosseae mycorrihza symbiosis on growth and yield of Crocus sativus L
Mycorrihzal fungi can simplify the absorption of mineral elements, decrease diseases, improve soil structure and as a result growth stimulation of plant and increase quantity and quality of products. In this study, soil samples of saffron were collected from a location in Shahriar, Tehran and physical and chemical criteria such as pH, percent age of symbiosis, the number of spores for mycorrhizal fungi were measured. A total of nine fungi species were observed in saffron rhizosphere microflora. The effect of fungi treatments Funneliformis mosseae on vegetative growth of saffron was also investigated. The result of pot experiments indicated that saffron treated with mycorrhiza, had significant differences (p≤0.05) in vegetative characteristics such as height of plant as well as wet weight of roots and stems in compared to control.
Journal of Saffron Research, Volume:2 Issue: 2, 2015
141 to 151