A Glance at " Jamal Battle" Crisis Management in the Lifestyle of the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.)
Crisis management, is a process by which a society, or an organization in that society, deals with a major event that threatens to harm it. The crisis which may be a major threat is a social crisis. That is why crisis management, especially that of social crises, is regarded as 0ne of the major concerns in the field of organization and management. Accordingly, to detect the way in which Imam Ali (p.b.u.h) succeeded to manage the “Jamal Event” as a social crisis can be a good guide for many organizations in dealing with social crises. This research aims at exploring the major elements contributing to the crisis of “Jamal” as well as the means by which Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) succeeded to manage this crisis which had threatened the Muslim community. The major question raised here is “How did Imam Ali succeed to manage the ‘Jamal crisis?” To answer the question, the researcher, drawing upon library research method, proceeds to collect research data and deals with the data by employing analytical descriptive method. The management technique adopted by Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) to control the crisis is dealt with in three phases: management before crisis, management during (in times of) crisis, management after crisis. Some measures taken by Imam Ali before the crisis were: being very careful in appointing people to positions, considering and controlling contributory factors to the crisis, and trying to negotiate with those provoking the crisis and advancing arguments with those actively participating in the crisis to persuade them to resolve it. The measures taken at times of the crisis include mobilizing resources and facilities, overcoming or easing the contributory factors to the crisis, making people aware of the forces behind the crisis, seeking help from God, and consulting the crisis management team. The measures taken by Imam Ali (p.b.u.h.) after the crisis included making people aware of the problems caused by the crisis, removing the remaining contributory agents to the crisis from Basra, maintaining peace and order and supporting those who were hit by the crisis.
Journal of Islamic government, Volume:19 Issue: 2, 2014