Relationship between Parental Monitoring and Companionship with Delinquent Peers in High Risk Behaviors of Single-Parent Adolescents

Background and abjective: Adolescence is the period during which special attention should be paid to. Especially adolescents who live under the supervision of a single parent are exposed to numerous damages. Thus the aim of current research is to investigate the relationship between parental monitoring and companionship with delinquent peers in high risk behaviors of single parent adolescents.
This study is descriptive - correlation. The population of this study consisted 90 single parent adolescent of Kermanshah city in 2012-13 who have been selected by available sampling method. To collect data, parental monitoring questionnaire, companionship with delinquent peer’s questionnaire and Iranian risk taking scale were used. Also the gathered data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis.
The results of Pearson correlation coefficient showed that there exist negative correlation between parental monitoring and high risk behaviors. Also there exist positive correlation between companionship with delinquent peers and high risk behaviors. Also according to regression analysis, parental monitoring and companionship with delinquent peers could predict 43.5 percent of variance of high risk behaviors.
poor parental monitoring and companionship with delinquent peers play an important role in high-risk behaviors of single parent adolescents. So considering these factors as predisposing factors for high-risk behavior in this population appears to be essential.
Journal of Health Breeze, Volume:2 Issue: 4, 2015
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