The Intrinsic Limitation of the Reason in Knowing God; Varieties and Causes
As the most important human knowledge source, reason is suffering some limitations in the theology realm. The religious texts explicitly show these limitations in knowing Gods Nature, attributes as well as some actions (creatures) and furthermore explains the causes for these limitations. In explaining the causes for the reason's limitations in various aspects of theology, the hadiths analyzed the ways of reason for attaining knowledge, that are encompass, record, division, measuring and imagination, and regarded them as inefficient; because the knowledge gained in these ways would be limited and the Divine Nature and attributes are absolutely infinite and cannot be comprehended by reason.
The Practical Functions of Reason According to Imami Narrations
Quarterly Journal of Moral Studies, -
Cognitive Semantics of Forgiveness based on Prototype Theory
Fatemeh Sadat Mesbah, *
Journal of Zehn, -
Awareness in view of Allameh Tabataba'i in al-Mizan: concept, types, effects, scope
Sayed Rasoul Mir, Ashrafi Langerodi, Shaban Nosrati, Sayed Meytham Mousavi
Journal of Zehn,