Estimation of hardness and abrasiveability of the conglomerate parts forming Globe 2 conveyance water tunnel by Cerchar Abrasivity test (CAI)

Today, to understand the geomechanical properties, many tests have been developed and used, which are presented in different standards. Four recognized method for evaluating abrasivity of rocks offered that is Rock Abrasivity Index (RAI), Cerchar Abrasivity Index (CAI), Shimazaki Abrasivity Factor (F- Abrasivity) and Bit Wear Index (BWI) methods. The Cerchar test a useful test for excavating projects. But a few works on it, and still unknown than other geotechnical tests such as direct shear, triaxial and …. In this study, along with introduction of this test, we measured the cerchar index and subsequent that estimation of hardness (resistance to scratching or cutting) of conglomerate samples taken over the course of Golab 2 water tunnel from BH - II3 borehole. Based on the results of this test, CAI values calculated for the sandstone 3.48, for limestone 3.5 and cement matrix of samples is 1.. According to cerchar classification is classified as moderate to very abrasive and by Michalakopoulos et al. also placed in the category of medium abrasive to abrasive
Journal of New Findings in Applied Geology, Volume:9 Issue: 17, 2015
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