A Study of Blood Money in Iranian Religious Jurisprudence and Law Based on Imam Khomeini's Views

In Islamic law and the new Islamic Penal Code, blood money has been assigned for any unintended, and in some cases, for intended crimes. But the question is whether in the case of recidivism or repetition of crime, the blood money becomes diversified or a single blood money is prescribed for all the crimes. Is the blood money for crime against human organ interfered with the crime against human life? Is the blood money for body organs interfere in one another? A contemplation on sparse and scattered discussions in penal jurisprudence and 2013 Islamic Penal Code, shows that the lawmaker, taking impression from the views of jurists including Imam Khomeini, has presented rules for predicting and the initial governing rule on lack of interference of the blood moneys in each other. However, this rule is completed by the other rules based on the fact that interference of the blood moneys for body organ and for life are discussed together. The rule is presented based on various states and presumptions. In general, it can be said that if the crimes committed are separate and none is effective in causing more harm such as death or serious injury, the lack of interference of blood money is observed, otherwise when the damages cause death and injury, the interference takes place and the law suffices to considering more damages. If some damages are involved in incurring greater damages, those damages are only interfered in greater damages not in the blood money for separate damages. In any case, right implementation of law in this case needs both training the prosecutors and forensic medicine staff, and formulation of appropriate bylaws to facilitate enforcement of the law.