The impact of meeting employee's high-order needs and adaptive culture On transformational leadership-organizational innovation relationship (Case study of high-tech private companies)

To gain strategic advantage, pioneering organizations capitalize on the practice of innovation in an Ever increasing trend. Among all possible ways and means for achieving innovation, Transformational style of leadership has attracted the attention of many scholars and Practitioners. From this perspective, the current article attempts to investigate the direct impact Transformational leadership style on innovation as compared with the indirect effects of the Variable through mediation of adaptive culture and meeting high-order needs of employees Within the context of some Tehran-based high-tech private companies. Based on the output Of Structural Equation Modeling technique, results indicate that transformational style of Leadership lacks any direct effect on innovation in target population, while the indirect effects Of the variable through mediation of adaptive culture and meeting high-order needs of employees Turn to be significant.
Management tomorrow, Volume:12 Issue: 36, 2013