The relationship between Ashura and the Emergence of the Saviour (Mahdi) and its reflection on contemporary media and political currents

Reflecting on the prayers, and Ziarat and traditions of the two events of Ashura and the Promised Emergence of Mahdi, we find similarities between some style of Jewish and the Umayyads in their cooperation to oppress - especially in the event of Ashura. We also find this party of Satan (evil) act as two sides of one coin and not only deal with Ahul Beyt - the prophet's family and Ashura but also persist in their oppression to the end of times when the promised emergence of Mahdi will only culminate the Hezbollah's victory as a happy ending. In this paper, we review as an instance the two Hollywood currents in the media and in particular the critique of the film "Muhammad Rasul Allah" (Al Resaleh) as well as political and historical transactions and rebirth of Umayyad- style dynasty to this day, and in particular the emergence of the terrorist group self-styled as Islamic Excommunicationist (Takfirist) group of Daesh or the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).
Mashreq-e Mouood, Volume:9 Issue: 36, 2016