A new approach toward word selection in Arabic language
Since the ancient times the roleof terminology in all languages has been undeniable .in contemporary era the word formation is considered one of the superi or Functional equivalence finding processes in order to overcome the challenges of the word shortage especially in Arabic and Persian speaking countries Furthermore as most prominent method of language input, the word formation is highly noticed by the linguists. The present review is a contribution to the studies related to the knowledge of word formation due to the lack of pertinent studies in this field. In fact, despite of many studies, the basic technical research on lexicology for the contemporary Arabic language faces a serious shortage therfore, the present article tries to review them echanisms of the word selection in Arabic language based on a descriptive method.Theoretical Framework: Reviewing the related literature, the present study examines Arabic language . The research methodologyis based on semantic development which is divided into two categories: The first category includes newly coinedterms which previously had specific implications and in this section, first their current meanings are recorded in front of them. After wards then the former meanings are determined according to the ancient texts .The second category includes the formed words with previously specific implications the meanings of which are changed in the target languages. In this review the former and new meanings are listed. After wards their new connotations are determined according to the contemporary texts. Finally the way of acquisition of affixes and acronyms in Arabic languag are analyzed.
Appling a descriptive approach, this study analyzes the the ortical framework accurately. In addition, considering the case studies in pre. Islamic literal texts as well as the cotemporary media and speech transcripts, two research questions are raised:1- What are the most applicable methods for equivalence finding in the contemporary Arabic language ?2-How much do Arabic language speakers utilize loanwords and a cronymization?
The answer lies in relatively accepted hypotheses as follows: 1)in Arabic language, word formation is the second accepted method due to the efforts of Arabs to avoid loanwords .2) If necessary translation of the borrowed words and acronyms along with lexical and phonetic changes is carried out by Arabic language speakers.
Results And Discussion
The results of the present study suggest that contemporary Arabic speakers are more inclined towards the available new applied words in classic poetic texts, and that such words are more used. The most important reason is the relationship between new application of a word its former meaning and it reveals less semantic development of the word in relation to its previous meaning. Furthermore the audience do not face any problem in comprehending the meanings of such equivalents. There fore in in comparison with other categories, this category of word formation receives more attention and is more applicable. On the other hand, the present study shows that in comparison with other texts the applied new words in prose texts have more semantic development and their new meanings are more applied in specific academic texts.as arwsult in many cases the new meaning are ambiguous or even strange for the common people and are less accepted or applied.For this reason, loanwords, as obserued in many samples, are more frequently used than new formed words or experssions in prose text.Conclusion
A review of the process of Arabic word formation in the contemporary era, Concerning shows that the process of word selection which is also termed translation by the contemporary Arab linguists, is ranked seconol and lower than word formation through derivation. It also considered as a guidline for the contemporary word formation. Reviewing the metoths of word selection in the contemporary Arabic language, several applicable patterns are identified which include , newly and highly formed words. semantic or structure-oriented translation of loanwords and acrony mization.Keywords:
Journal of Arabic Language & Literature, Volume:7 Issue: 1, 2016
155 to 186