The Association Between Survivin -31G/C Promoter Polymorphism and Breast Cancer in Eastern Azerbaijan, Iran
Because survivin has a significant role as an inhibitor in breast cancer (BC) advancement and development and its productivity and interactions may well be under the effects of polymorphisms in the gene promoter we investigated a common polymorphism (-31G/C) that has been reported to be influential on the survivin expression in different forms of cancer. But the observations did not show any correlation between this SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) and breast cancer disease at least in our study population (east Azerbaijan, Iran). The (-31G/C polymorphism is the cause of over expression of survivin once it de-represses the cell cycle-dependent transcription of survivin gene.Objectives
In this paper, the aim has been to study the role of -31G/C in breast cancer in the hospitals of the province of east Azerbaijan, Iran.Patients and
In this case-control study, 5 mL of peripheral blood samples of 82 healthy subjects and 94 breast cancer patients with pathologically confirmed were gathered. We analyzed -31G/C single nucleotide polymorphisms of survivin promoter with using of polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and gene sequencing. The required samples were acquired from two of the general hospitals in Tabriz.Results
Statistical analysis revealed that genotype frequencies and allele distribution of the survivin promoter -31G/C for both controls and cases were similar. There has been no statistically noteworthy association between breast cancer and the variant genotypes (CC and CG).Conclusions
Seemingly, there has been no statistically association between -31G/C polymorphism with BC and clinicopathological characteristics in the population being investigated in this paper. Keywords:
Zahedan Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, Volume:17 Issue: 12, Dec 2015