Analysis of Bernard William's idealist interpretation of Wittgenstein's later philosophy

Among various readings of late Wittgenstein, Bernard William's interpretation has been noteworthy and a matter of controversy among commentators. Based on William's point of view, moving from Tractatus to Philosophical Investigation, Wittgenstein passes from "my language limits equal my world limits" and in other words from transcendental solipsism to transcendental idealism or "our language limits equal our world limits". His main goal is to explain that in transition from "I" to "We", one cant get rid of transcendental idealism concerns. It should be noted that Williams regards Wittgenstein as a transcendental idealist in a special meaning. This article first of all tries to present an accurate explanation of William's interpretation. Regarding this, some great Wittgenstein commentators who pay attention to this interpretation, i.e. Ilham Dilam, Dereck Bolton and Norman Malcolm, are appealed for help. Following this, the interpretation is going to be analyzed and criticized.
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