A Leaf of the History of Astan Quds Razavi on a Dūstkāmī

Some documents contain unique information that have not been added to the leaves of history of their own time. Study of these documents provides the students with the possibility of a better analysis of the events. Astan Quds Razavi has in its disposal many valuable paper documents about the Holy Shrine establishments from the Safavid period up to the present era. Meanwhile, the existence of some historical inscriptions on some antique works of the Holy Shrine preserved in the museum and treasury are considerable as an evidence to supplement the historical and archeological studies. Studying the inscriptions recorded on these works would help researchers to undertake a historical comparison of the events, as well.
Documentation of a tool-worked copper dūstkāmī (a kind of water drinking container) in the Astan Quds Museum, which has significant inscriptions and very beautiful images, provides a day-by-day account of the history of Astan Quds on this work. This article, which is carried out through performing field and library studies and by implication of the inscriptions and searching and completing the information inscribed on them in written and document sources, shows the importance of documentation and its application in historical studies. It also reinforces the hypothesis of the impressive role that the historical works play on explaining important incidents in a certain period. The findings of this research show how the information recorded on this work helps the researchers notice its function on one hand and the importance of the work and the incident recorded on it on the other.
سامانه نویسندگان
  • Kafili، Heshmat
    Author (2)
    Kafili, Heshmat
    MSc Graduated Archealogy, Central Office, Islamic Azad University, تهران, Iran
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