The West's Position towards the Islamic Awakening in Arab Countries (Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria)
The Middle East is of utmost importance to the West particularly to the United States. U.S. double standards and lack of neutrality towards the Middle East is pretty evident. Western powers intervention in and position towards the Islamist movements in the Arab countries has become extremely troublesome as they seek to ignite anarchy there and suppress those who wish to raise the flag of Islam. The theory of Islamic Awakening concerns the revolutions in the Middle East which is in contrast to the Western outlooks. The West wants these revolutions to meet Western demands and interests and even it does not shun military intervention, if needed. The formation of other governments like that of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region is unacceptable to the West as they have made every security, defensive and aggressive efforts within the past three decades to prevent such governments to be forge d. However the Iranian Revolutionary patterns have expanded. This writing seeks to investigate the Wests positon towards the revolutions and awakening that have taken place in Tunisia, Yemen, Bahrain and Syria.