Evaluation of topographic potentials in the optimal compiling of the passive defense strategies for the border cities (Case study: Zavin city at the border strip of Iran and Turkmenistan, Khorasan Razavi Province)
Khorasan Razavi province with neighboring Afghanistan and Turkmenistan in addition to cultural and economic consequences in border towns, particularly in the strengthening of the security challenges facing the citys passive defense. The most important factors related to the security challenges in these border towns, the lack of full identification of specific geographical factors and geomorphologic characteristics of the topography of the principles and strategies for urban passive defense. Identifying and environmental constraints can be a more effective role to play in these cities design principles and passive defense. Zavyn city in North Khorasan province is considered one of the towns close to the border with special topographic features. The goal of this study was to examine the topographic and geomorphologic approach of passive defense and security challenges and problems topographic analysis of the study area is the use of GIS. The results indicate that the formation geomorphologic powers topography and urban form
of the current fragmented and decentralized Zavyn city, in such a way that the core triple Zavyn in terms of defense, by strengthening and empowering tissue and converting linear paths access to the network graph in the status quo is acceptable.
of the current fragmented and decentralized Zavyn city, in such a way that the core triple Zavyn in terms of defense, by strengthening and empowering tissue and converting linear paths access to the network graph in the status quo is acceptable.
Journal of of Geographical Data (SEPEHR), Volume:25 Issue: 97, 2016
81 to 96
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