An Investigation of the Effect of Pervious Surfaces Distribution on Flood Hydrograph Peak in Urban Regions


A runoff can have devastating casualties and destructionsin a densely populated city. In a more plausible situation, the cost of runoff collection and disposal riseup as the maximum flow rate of runoff increases.Urban areas are combinations of permeable and impermeable lands. The runoff and maximum flow rate are increased by impermeable areas in cities. Recently, the runoff control techniques become more popular because of their low cost and high efficiency. One of the control techniques is to manipulate the distribution of landscapes in order to reduce the runoff maximum flow rate. In this research, the effect of different landscape distributions on runoff maximum flow rate is studied. The runoff is modelled for different landscape distributions based on URBS-UH models. The study results show that the distribution of landscapes can affect the maximum runoff flow rate up to 23%.

International Bulletin of Water Resources and Development, Volume:4 Issue: 1, 2016
237 to 245