Investigate the relationship between perceived organizational justice and job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior of the police force
the aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between perceived organizational justice and individual characteristics, job satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behavior of the police force is the province. Method
The research is descriptive and correlational. Using multi-stage sampling sample of 608 people of all law enforcement personnel in Bushehr province were selected. The data from the questionnaire civil behavior (Padsakf, MacKenzie, Moorman and Fetter, 1991), organizational justice questionnaire (Niehoff and Moorman, 1993), and job satisfaction questionnaire (Andrews and Whitty, 1976) was used. Results
The results showed a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behavior and its dimensions are equal. Multivariate regression analysis showed that out of a total of predictive variables in order of importance, perceived distributive justice, procedural justice perception, and the economic situation of police staff are the best predictors of job satisfaction variable. Among the total of predictive variables in order of importance, satisfaction, perceived procedural justice, economic status (negatively), educational status, and duration of service in the police Rftarmdny police staff are the best predictor variable. Discussion
The study showed that 16 percent of the variance in job satisfaction by variables perceived distributive justice, procedural justice, perceived economic situation and 10 percent of the variance explained by the variables of organizational Rftarmdny job satisfaction, perceived procedural justice, economic status, educational status, and duration of service in the police explained.Language:
Journal of Military Psychology, Volume:6 Issue: 23, 2015
27 to 40
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