How to Develop Pedagogical Content Knowledge for Teaching Mathematics at University

Facultymembers are engaging with three important rolesat university includingteaching, research and services. However, themain focus of higher education on researchhas caused the neglectof teaching among faculty members.This isresulted in lack of information about what and how to develop teaching knowledge in different higher education disciplines.As well, teaching knowledge is practical in nature and that,contributed to the complexity of its study. Among different models,pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) model was chosen to study the nature ofmathematicsinstructors’teaching knowledgeat higher education level.The data were collected through semi-structured interviews,with a number of university mathematicsinstructors. The data were analyzed using phenomenology. The analysis revealed that university mathematics teachers develop their pedagogical content knowledge,through some resourcesincluding model making, repeating courses, mathematics textbooks, students, colleagues, and theirprior experiencesas student, educational resourcesand mentoring. Moreover, the direction of PCK development is from content to learner and considering these resourcestowards the developmentof PCK,yet needs another factor as reflection on action, is influencial.
Journal of Higher Education Curriculum Stufies, Volume:6 Issue: 12, 2016
71 to 98  
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