Metrics in Hamedani folk poetries
Based on the study of Lazard (1985,2007) and Tabibzadeh (2013, 2003) about the Persian folk poetries, we study Hamedani folk poetries. We want to look for the answers of these hypothesis. First, the ictic syllable is a heavy syllable. Second, if this is not a heavy syllable, it is the final syllable of the word and therefore takes lexical stress. In the third hypothesis we assume that in Hamedani folk poetries, the pause takes place in the middle of the word as well as at the end of the word. To analyse these hypothesis, we investigated syllables, feet and lines of one hundred Hamedani folk poetry and saw the three hypothesis were true. 84.6% of the syllables which took the ictus place were heavy syllables and the rest (15.4%) were light syllable at the end of the words. Also, 35% of the pauses locate in the middle of the words.
Journal of Comparative Linguistic Researches, Volume:6 Issue: 11, 2016
177 to 186