Evaluation of erodibility of Sefidroud Delta deposits based on engineering geological factors

In the present study, erodibility of various deposits of Sefidrud Delta was evaluated based on effective engineering geological factors. First of all, the study area was studied geology and sedimentology point of view and various deposits were identified in this area. Then the engineering geological characteristics of deposits were determined based on existing geotechnical data, field investigation and performance of 32 dynamic cone penetrometer test (DCP). Finally, by development a simple and precise method, the erodibility of various deposits was evaluated based on texture and shear strength factors. The results show that the erodibility of deposits has a close relationship to the sedimentological characteristics and erodibility could be analyzed regarding the geological history of deposits. According to the results of this research, natural levee deposits have highest erodibility and in other hand old deltaic deposits have lowest erodibility in Sefidrud Delta area. Such researches have a main role in sustainable development of the study area.
Geosciences Scientific Quarterly Journal, Volume:25 Issue: 100, 2016
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