Robust Mathematical Model for Project's Portfolio Selection and Solving with Non Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II (Case Study: Gas Company, Kerman Province)
Considering that the active companies in the field of oil, gas, petrochemical and other energies are project-based and also the increase of gas applicants who have taken policy of replacing the gas instead of other fossil fuels, have imposed certain condition on organizations and project managers in the gas company. One of the most important problem in the issue of project management is project portfolio selection which is defined one of the most important activities in many organization such as gas organization. In this study at first the effective indicators on projects are extracted by using the literature and interviews with the experts of gas industry then the mathematical robust multi objective Model is Provided by considering the uncertainty and unreliability in some parameters of model. This model is solved by using non-dominate sorting genetic algorithm for 20 degree of risk-taking decision gama (I C t / IB t ).At the end for helping in decision making the TOPSIS technique is used for providing a specific answer in pareto front .
Journal of Industrial Management Studies, Volume:14 Issue: 40, 2016
53 to 74
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