Petrology, geochemistry and tectonic setting of Kohe Gor Gor subvolcanic intrusions in the NW of Zarshouran gold deposit (NE Takab, West Azerbaijan)

The Kohe GorGor sub volcanic units in the GorGor dome is located in the south of Arabshah village between Zarshouran and Agh dare gold mines. These units are part of Kohe Gor Gor volcano-plutonic complex and composed high-level sub volcanic micro dioritic and micro monzonitic plutons. This area is part of volcanic center between Takab and Qara Aghaj cities which refereed as Takab-Qara Aghaj volcanic belt within the northern part of Urmia-Dokhtar magmatic arc. The Kohe GorGor subvolcanic units have metaluminous and calc-alkaline affinity and represent most similarity to I -type granites. The various petrogenesis diagrams indicate a subduction-metasomatized lithospheric mantle source for parent magma of Kohe Gor Gor which during its ascending to upper level and led to produces more evolved rock types that are emplaced at shallow depths. The Kohe Gor Gor subvolcanic units belong to post collision arc setting which emplaced in Takab-Qara Aghaj volcanic belt during late Miocene-early Pliocene coincide with extensive Mio-Pliocene magmatism in NW Iran and SE Turkey. The evolution processes of Takab-Qara Aghaj volcanic belt in the late Miocene-early Pliocene is dominated by Takab core complex exhumation that accompanied with Decompressional melting of metasomatized lithospheric mantle and subsequently production of primary magma and its Ascending to upper level reservoirs and its modification by crustal melting ,assimilation and fractionation processes which finally produce more evolved felsic magmas which outcropped in the form of high-K calcalkaline I-type sub volcanic intrusions in the some part of this belt.
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