The qualitative analysis of the content of secondary school textbooks in terms of discourse-making for the theory of Guardianship of the Jurist (Wilayat-e Faqih) based on the doctrine of the Islamic revolution in Iran
This study has investigated the amount of using the discourse-making approach in the school textbooks to communicate the theory of Guardianship of the Jurist (Wilayat al Faqih) as emphasized in the lectures of the supreme leader of the the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei regarding the necessity of discourse-making using domestic theoretical frameworks originated from Islamic teachings. The research method used is "Discourse analysis" which is a qualitative approach to content analysis. We find that the school books follow a news-like and historical approach in communicating the concept of Guardianship of the Jurist (Wilayat al Faqih) and the discourse-making approach has been neglected. Of the main evidence of news-like approach is organizing the content of the books based on the chronological order of the events, categorizing based on subject and logical order and ignoring the inherent relations between the concepts. In communicating the concept of Guardianship of the Jurist, shortcomings identified other than the direct statement, include neglecting the audience and their misgivings, shallowness, concentration on memorizing and ignoring the depth of the subject, and neglecting the spiritual and emotional dimensions of the audience. We suggest using the discourse-making approach in designing school books for religious education
Biquarterly Journal of Islamic Education, Volume:11 Issue: 23, 2016